• Record Label: Elektra
  • Release Date: Jun 10, 2003
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  1. Feb 20, 2023
    It's not perfect, of course, but it showed that the band needed change in their music. Few songs are ear-piercing, but most are simply good and heavy songs. I believe that Hetfield's vocals on the album are very powerful and guitar work even if not so demanding, still makes a good job.
  2. JonyeA
    Jun 29, 2003
    when i heard about this CD i expected something like master of puppets. What i got was not Metallica at all. no solos, sounds like it was recorded in a day. just download the video and hope they dont sue you
  3. MichaelC
    Dec 20, 2006
    Where are the solos? Ps. Anybody who pays attention to Rolling Stones top 100 guitarist dosn't know anything about the instrument. There are so many names left off that list, most notably, Steve Vai, Frank Zappa, John Petucci and Joe Satriani. Those guys arn't top 100, but Kurt Cobain and Jack White are top 30, is just garbage.
  4. PatC
    Feb 28, 2007
    Drum sounds awful not even in the shadow of the Black album
  5. garys
    Sep 17, 2004
    Anger. Agression. Madness. Distain. These are all Metallica, always have been and always will be. Unfortunately this time the boys have misdirected all that is good about them. Understanding that bands change and change is good still makes it hard to take this as Metallica. This album is alot like getting boiling mad then running around naked yelling at people at the beach. It kind of Anger. Agression. Madness. Distain. These are all Metallica, always have been and always will be. Unfortunately this time the boys have misdirected all that is good about them. Understanding that bands change and change is good still makes it hard to take this as Metallica. This album is alot like getting boiling mad then running around naked yelling at people at the beach. It kind of sucks and is kind of pointless. Collapse
  6. Landon
    Feb 24, 2008
    This shit ROCKS my socks, and that is what Metallica is supposed to do.
  7. Kenshiro
    Dec 9, 2003
    Being the big Metallica fan that I am, I was one of the first to buy this album. If you go in expecting the old Metallica sound, you will be very disappointed. If you are a newer fan, you will probably enjoy this. I went in there expecting the old sound. And no, I'm not going to start talking about that whole suing business. I'm supposed to be talking about the music. Being the big Metallica fan that I am, I was one of the first to buy this album. If you go in expecting the old Metallica sound, you will be very disappointed. If you are a newer fan, you will probably enjoy this. I went in there expecting the old sound. And no, I'm not going to start talking about that whole suing business. I'm supposed to be talking about the music. That's what counts. I will admit that the boys have a renewed sense of energy that is refreshing to see after Load and Reload. However, all this energy is not being channeled properly, and comes out sounding like a mess. All this aggression, but nowhere to place it - - and so it is all over the place, with no aim or direction. At least Load (which I liked better) had more sense of melody than this. Despite a few good tracks (Frantic, St. Anger, All Within My Hands), this album goes nowhere with its new sound. A somewhat decent album, if it wasn't Metallica. It sounds more like Metallica doing Nu-Metal, which they shouldn't be trying at all. To see the boys at their finest, go and buy all their albums up to the Black Album, or see them live. This CD certainly does not do their reputation any justice. Expand
  8. Sep 22, 2010
    When i first herd this i knew that this wasn't the metallica everyone was used to. Something was wrong. I found that this was the album were james (singer) just got out of that huge rehab deal that he was going though and was returning to the band. I guess the just wanted to get back in slowly with just riffs and no solos. Ill let u off this time metallica but now start getting to the goodWhen i first herd this i knew that this wasn't the metallica everyone was used to. Something was wrong. I found that this was the album were james (singer) just got out of that huge rehab deal that he was going though and was returning to the band. I guess the just wanted to get back in slowly with just riffs and no solos. Ill let u off this time metallica but now start getting to the good stuff. I mean mind blowing solos. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT UR SOLOS! Expand
  9. May 26, 2012
    This album could have been so much better had the band not opted to use drums that sound like trash can lids. They sound cheap and coarse, which I can understand was due to the band trying to go back to the "raw" feel of an album like Kill 'Em All, but it simply doesn't work on this record. While the songs are not ruined by the drum sound, a lot come close. The vocals are good, but some ofThis album could have been so much better had the band not opted to use drums that sound like trash can lids. They sound cheap and coarse, which I can understand was due to the band trying to go back to the "raw" feel of an album like Kill 'Em All, but it simply doesn't work on this record. While the songs are not ruined by the drum sound, a lot come close. The vocals are good, but some of the lyrics are extremely weak coming from a band like Metallica. Not an awful album, but poor for Metallica. Expand
  10. Nov 25, 2011
    St. Anger. Well, well, well... Certainly Metallica's most slated album (though oddly not on this site) - and perhaps with some reason. The songs are generally rather bland, with simplistic riffs and less than enthusiastic drumming from the usually impressive Ulrich. Considering the troubles the band was going through at the time - with each other, and with producer Bob Rock, perhaps it'sSt. Anger. Well, well, well... Certainly Metallica's most slated album (though oddly not on this site) - and perhaps with some reason. The songs are generally rather bland, with simplistic riffs and less than enthusiastic drumming from the usually impressive Ulrich. Considering the troubles the band was going through at the time - with each other, and with producer Bob Rock, perhaps it's not surprising this effort is their least popular. However, there are some high points - 'Some Kind of Monster' is sufficiently choleric without being dull, and were it not for Hetfield's repetitive screaming of 'Kill, Kill, Kill' at the end of 'All Within my Hands', that wouldn't be bad either. 'Invisible Kid', it must be said, I am a closet fan of. Overall, due to the lack of solos, a poor production effort by Rock and overall mediocre lyrical content, this is certainly Metallica's worst album to date - but is nevertheless nowhere near as bad as is often made out. Expand
  11. May 14, 2012
    This album is notorious for being complete **** It was released in 2003 and the band was having a lot of problems like their bassist of about 15 years Jason Newsted quit the band. Now the album itself I have mixed feelings about. Number one it's kind of long. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't feel so long. Number two the drums sound horrible. Number three the songs tend to beThis album is notorious for being complete **** It was released in 2003 and the band was having a lot of problems like their bassist of about 15 years Jason Newsted quit the band. Now the album itself I have mixed feelings about. Number one it's kind of long. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't feel so long. Number two the drums sound horrible. Number three the songs tend to be repetitive and boring. Number four there isn't a single guitar solo on the entire album. I don't care if there isn't one on a couple of songs but in this case it probably would have helped. There are several good things to this album. One the style improved a lot since Load/ Reload. They dropped the makeup, which back in the early days would ridicule bands that wore any makeup at all. Two the band was falling apart at this time so the release of the album helped prevent the band from disbanding. All in all, this album is okay. Expand
  12. Feb 12, 2016
    St. Anger is the album Metallica 'needed' to make at this point in time. Work on St. Anger began in 2001 at a decommissioned Army Hangar known as the Presidio. However, with the departure of Jason Newsted, James Hetfield's drug addiction spiraling out of control and both James and Lars undergoing a midlife crisis complete with a therapist and in-depth discussion about their feelings,St. Anger is the album Metallica 'needed' to make at this point in time. Work on St. Anger began in 2001 at a decommissioned Army Hangar known as the Presidio. However, with the departure of Jason Newsted, James Hetfield's drug addiction spiraling out of control and both James and Lars undergoing a midlife crisis complete with a therapist and in-depth discussion about their feelings, Metallica was for the first time (or maybe second, if you count the death of Cliff Burton in 1986) ever in genuine danger of splitting up with Kirk and Lars uncomfortably and uncertainly warming the bench. When James returned however, work on St. Anger continued and for the first time, all three members of Metallica held an equal role in writing the songs, rather than the previous combo of James and Lars on the songs, James on the lyrics. The results? Uneven, messy songwriting with often horrendous lyrics that do little to make the songs seem like less of a joke. For the recording of St. Anger, Metallica tuned their guitars down to C in a misguided attempt to become 'heavy' again while for the mixing they opted for a very raw, unprocessed sound. In addition, James Hetfield could only commit a few hours a day to the album due to his family commitments, which meant that rushed, rough vocal takes were used that weren't up to Metallicas usual level of polish. Worse yet, Lars opted to play the ENTIRE ALBUM with an unclipped snare resulting in the now infamous 'garbage can' drum sound St. Anger is known for. Despite that however, the raw vocals retain much of the punch and power in James' voice and the guitars sound thick and powerful, even if the overall mix is poor. Even more interestingly, St. Anger isn't full of abortion-tier songs. With the exception of Invisible Kid (which genuinely is abortion tier), most of the songs on St. Anger are generally somewhere between good and great, even if they're incredibly uneven efforts that frequently vary in quality as each track goes on. The majority of St. Anger is in fact very listenable and a few songs like The Unnamed Feeling, Sweet Amber and All Within My Hands are genuinely excellent songs brought down by the overall reception to the album they belong to (even if the latter two have comparable lyrics to dogsh*t). All in all? St. Anger is one for the fans. Chances are, if you don't care much for Metallica, St. Anger won't ring your bell. But for Metallica lifers, St. Anger is an interesting effort that certainly isn't without it's merits. Despite being reviled by the majority of listeners, most people just need to be honest with themselves: "It's no Master of Puppets, but it really isn't THAT bad" Expand
  13. Feb 28, 2016
    In my (and I'm not the only one) opinion, it's the worst Metallica album. Maybe two or three songs are listenable. The rest isn't thrash anymore, it's trash. However, if you are a nu-metal fan you might like it. If you love the classic sound of Metallica, don't even listen to it. You'll just waste your time.
  14. Nov 7, 2016
    St. Anger is not as bad, as its notorious reputation would suggest. This album is a mess of mediocre song writing, and poor production, however there are genuine moments where the album shines. There is no doubt that the album has trouble competing with Metallica’s legendary discography, but there is a unique, one-off experiment, created by a series of circumstances, has its own nicheSt. Anger is not as bad, as its notorious reputation would suggest. This album is a mess of mediocre song writing, and poor production, however there are genuine moments where the album shines. There is no doubt that the album has trouble competing with Metallica’s legendary discography, but there is a unique, one-off experiment, created by a series of circumstances, has its own niche charm.

    For me a clearly terrible album is not as bad as the dull and boring album, and the better songs on St. Anger are not the ones with better production (in my opinion) rather the most interesting songs.

    Frantic- The album opens with a fast paced song about substance abuce. This is a common theme in the album and I find it to be redundant and boring. There riff in this song however is not too bad, certainly catchy. The one thing anybody notices when listening for the first time is the drumming. The drum is a loud snare drum, and is very noisy. The production is very low-fi reselling some industrial or nu-metal.

    I think the drums are weak not because of its sound, but by the quality of the beats produced. They aren’t great, and a good drummer could make good sounding drumming on a poor drum kit (this is not to say Lars is a bad drummer, and simply listening to AJFA would prove his unique skill).

    The song is too long; it makes its point in 2 minutes and then just drags on, like most of the songs on the album. I think the slow melodic part of the song is terrific however, and is one of the better moments on the album.

    St. Anger- this song is good. The drumming is still relatively crappy, but the tone is perfect. It’s a depressing song about suicide, (again, a redundant topic), but instrumentally, I find the riffs to be very thrash-y. The slower melodic segment shines once again, and I find that the emotional climax in this song is not too shabby. Definitely a standout Metallica track.

    Still no solos though, making it sound very nu-metal-ish, in the sense that the sound has been significantly dumbed-down.

    The next few tracks fail in the worst way possible- they are boring, which makes them very difficult to listen to, which is a shame, because this album really could have used some more catchy or addictive moments, to soften the blow of the poor production. Although, I do like the intro/ build-up in Dirty Windows.

    They we reach Sweet Amber, which is a terrific song with a really soft sound, and really the lyrics again are redundant, but surprisingly well written, simply reading them will give an impression of the honesty of the words, and for this its one of the better tracks on the album.

    Then the Unnamed Feeling rolls along, and delivers perhaps the technically best song on the entire album. No loud snare drum, and a fairly memorable chorus. Again, the lyrics are EXTREMELY redundant, but never-the-less this track succeeds in being quite competent. In fact it sounds like something straight off Re-Load, and for that I think its great.

    Personally, the last 2 tracks are weak, again, and the album ends on a sort of disappointing note.

    Lyrically, the album is very poor. The same theme is repeated throughout ever song, until; the redundant point is hammer down to a pile of cliché dust. Instrumentally, the album is competent. The guitars, although lacking solos, have a very distinctive Nu-Metal vibe, and although the drumming is poorly executed, the concept of a snare drum in itself could have potentially worked.

    For me this album is bad in the best way possible. Its not boring, so that you would never have a reason to listen to it, rather its excitingly bad, not so bad its good, rather an interesting case of missed potential, and a snapshot of Metallica’s lifespan, which captures the band in its darkest time.
  15. Aug 7, 2021
    This is just average. Nothing special. It's my least favorite Metallica album.
    Best songs: Frantic, St. Anger, Some Kind of Monster
    Worst songs: My World, Purify
  16. tomg
    Nov 20, 2008
    While this isn't the worst Metallica CD, it is not good. The omission of guitar solos, the steely sounding drums, and Hetfield's woman-like cracking voice on Frantic, make this an un-stellar CD. Though some songs sound rather good, the CD needed way more work on it.
  17. JeffL
    Jun 11, 2003
    This album is rhythmically interesting in some sections. James singing is awful - lots of intonation problems. I'm not too thrilled with Lars' set on this album. Hammet's solos are non-existent. Very disappointing. St.Anger could lead Metallica to a new type of song writing, but this attempt is upsetting. The album just doesn't work.
  18. LuisA.
    Sep 15, 2008
    This is Metallica's effort to show ewat they were feeling and the tension that was between them. That would be a good idea if it was released on an EP, or an internal disc not showed to anyones. But if you want to show that to a multitude of hungry fans who want good ol' Thrash Metal, that's not the way. Lars' Can Drums, James Hurting voice, Kirk's monotone This is Metallica's effort to show ewat they were feeling and the tension that was between them. That would be a good idea if it was released on an EP, or an internal disc not showed to anyones. But if you want to show that to a multitude of hungry fans who want good ol' Thrash Metal, that's not the way. Lars' Can Drums, James Hurting voice, Kirk's monotone solo-less songs. You see, RtL's "The Call of the Ktulu" lasts 8 minutes andit keeps you close to the music. St Anger's title track lasts 5, and on the 4th minute the song is so repetitive that you want to stop. But let's see it as an experimental an therapeutical album, at least, they did an effort. Expand
  19. Oct 27, 2012
    This is a Mixed bag for me. I thought some songs were ok and others terrible.. To be honest the whole album is really nothing special. St.Anger and Frantic are the 2 Best Songs on the Album. Not an improvement of Load. Reload or any album prior. Hands Down the Worst Metallica Album Ever.
  20. AdrianL.
    Jan 5, 2008
    Painful to listen to, this album just could have been so much more.
  21. someguy
    Sep 8, 2004
    this is a piece of fucking shit with only 2 good songs: Frantic and Purify, don't waste your money on this, just download it if you REALLY want it. Oh, by the way, Lars has a receeding hairline and is going bald
  22. KevinM.
    Jun 14, 2003
    I knew from watching the vid clip on metallica's website that I would not like this album,but since a lot of their music has to grow on you(and the fact that I'm a die hard fan) I bought it any way>This album is by far their worst offering,usually at least one song grabs you from the start,but not the case this time!I believe Justice was their finest piece of work,the music was I knew from watching the vid clip on metallica's website that I would not like this album,but since a lot of their music has to grow on you(and the fact that I'm a die hard fan) I bought it any way>This album is by far their worst offering,usually at least one song grabs you from the start,but not the case this time!I believe Justice was their finest piece of work,the music was in your face the lyrics had meaning and the sructure of every song was so tight that you would almost believe they were connected as ONE.no pun intended!I know the black album brought them to a godlike status in heavy metal but I think Bob Rock is the worst thing to happen to this band.Their collaborations have diminished with each new offering until you are left with St.Anger!Maybe it's not Rock's fault,maybe it's older and richer vs. younger and angrier.Who Knows?Maybe musicians should be like athlete's(quit while you still look good to the fans)what ever the case,I hope they won't leave this as their final mark on the greatest heavy metal legacy a band has ever had!I can't help but feel this album was a result of "we need to put a new album out,let's just slap something together".Does anyone else ever get the feeling that these guys are just sitting back laughing and saying "Hey!These people will buy anything we put out wether it's good or not!My message to the band would be "Come on guys!Put a little effort into it,we all knowyou are capable of so much more!who cares if rock-rap is the hot ticket today,give us something like what brought you to the show to start with.Loud,angry,perfectly timedmusic with lyrics that make you think!Justice was all of these things and more,who gives a !@#$ if it won a grammy or sold 50 million copies.At the end of the day you could sit back and be proud of the music you created!In a nutshell St. Anger is not back to roots Metallica,it's more like a raw jam session of half finished concept songs Expand
  23. billh
    Jun 17, 2003
    Bizzarre drum sounds, hollow, annoying. no lead GUITARS or melody
  24. stephenyo
    Jul 25, 2003
    To address all those people who say that Metallica has changed and evolved...you are only half right. Metallica has certainly changed...but in the wrong way! They have devolved!! If you guys want to hear a real metal band, then check out Iced Earth. They have a much better chance of saving metal than these grumpy old men who are just shadows of their former selves.
  25. kwt
    Aug 4, 2003
    Better than most of the 90s albums. Nothing like the real Metallica albums of the 80s -- no haunting riffs and melodies. Maybe Bob Rock should listen to "Master of Puppets" at least once before screwing up another album. What the hell is Lars doing playing a steel drum??
  26. JoshA
    Sep 14, 2006
    This album may have had a few plusses but overall it well...sucked. They were obviously trying to recreate the past with this album yet they failed. First of all, if they wanted to recreate the past, then Kirk needs to stop playing rhythm guitar and become that lead man that made him 11th best all time in Rolling Stones top 100 guitarists. Second, Lar's drumset is a problem. It This album may have had a few plusses but overall it well...sucked. They were obviously trying to recreate the past with this album yet they failed. First of all, if they wanted to recreate the past, then Kirk needs to stop playing rhythm guitar and become that lead man that made him 11th best all time in Rolling Stones top 100 guitarists. Second, Lar's drumset is a problem. It literally sounded like he was building a shed. Either that or his neighbor woke up one morning to discover his trash can lids missing. I mean really! The last glitch to an ok album is James' voice. If he wasnt angry it sounded god awful. Sorry but it did. This album had a few good songs such as Sweet Amber and The Unnamed Feeling but I mean they could've done a better job and on future albums I hope they do. Expand
  27. JoaoM.
    Jun 14, 2007
    Well, it's pretty poor.
  28. ElpoA.O
    Jul 9, 2007
    I love metallica, but this CD is really bad in comparison with EVERYTHING they've done before, even Load and Re-Load.
  29. BrettS.
    Jun 25, 2007
    Metallica still remain my favorite band, but this album sucks. The drums sound like trash cans which is just fuckin annoying. Why did they even release this album? Didnt they realize all the flaws in this album before they released it? the only reason why they made this album was for the money. hope the next album doesnt suck like this one. Do yourself a favor, stick to the first 5 albums.
  30. JackS.
    Sep 13, 2008
    Just noise.
  31. Jun 5, 2019
    St. Anger was a nonsense that even today continues to torment the fans of this legendary band.

    A horrible battery, some horrible lyrics (and even a bad voice in some songs), a nonexistent bass and a guitar in an ethyl coma make this record the worst slop Metallica threw until 2003.
  32. CharlieP
    Jun 19, 2003
    Regardless of what the diehards want you to believe - this Met Diehard speaks the truth - this album is NOT good - not by anyone's standards. I just cashed mine in today at CD Exchnage - so save some money and go there first if you really want this load of garbage.
  33. stevey
    Jul 5, 2003
    Metallica has truly lost it. I have no idea what in the world they are trying to do, but they're certainly not rocking. Fifteen years ago, they were the greatest band on earth; now, they just make a lot of noise without any catchy or memorable rhythms at all. I never thought that a Metallica cd could ever be so...boring. Rest in peace, heavy metal. When someone finally resurrects Metallica has truly lost it. I have no idea what in the world they are trying to do, but they're certainly not rocking. Fifteen years ago, they were the greatest band on earth; now, they just make a lot of noise without any catchy or memorable rhythms at all. I never thought that a Metallica cd could ever be so...boring. Rest in peace, heavy metal. When someone finally resurrects you, it sure won't be these guys. Expand
  34. miezo
    Nov 9, 2004
    Use this CD when you're out of toilet paper. It's also a good frisbee. If the CD is for sale, don't buy it. If you can download the CD, don't do it. It will be the worst experience of your life.
  35. Steven-o
    Nov 9, 2004
    This ain't METALLICA. This is crap. Retire or get back making real music!!!!
  36. KeithA
    May 4, 2005
    One of my favourite bands (I've been a fan since 1985) - but this is soooo bad. Lars sounds like he's hitting a tin can with a twig. And the "songs" are dire. Very little to redeem this album. Even the live shows were poor - I ended up walking out in despair. Still, the kids liked it.
  37. Mike
    Oct 17, 2006
  38. YoYo
    Jan 30, 2008
    Hated it.
  39. LarsAll-rich
    Aug 22, 2003
    Pure Shit !!! Sounds like bad Pantera!! The drum and guitars are TERRIBLE!!! Where did Metallica put the fuckin' money they made!??? Certainly not in the CD production! I've been following Metallica FOR YEARS, and now, believe me, this is definitely OVER! These assholes pissed me off during the Napstergate, and are not f***ing able to make a godamn good song! DIE METALLICA DIE!!!
  40. CharlieP
    Jun 19, 2003
    Regardless of what the diehards want you to believe - this Met Diehard speaks the truth - this album is NOT good - not by anyone's standards. I just cashed mine in today at CD Exchnage - so save some money and go there first if you really want this load of garbage.
  41. davec
    Jun 23, 2003
    WEAK. Metal is already simple enough, basic cord structure, easy to solo on...and now metallica just turns out garbage like this that is akin to nu-metal...and what's added? Wow, it's faster and there's more aggressive drumming...great...there's tons of better bands out there, this is hardly a 6+ album.
  42. NiceIceDude
    Aug 15, 2003
    I know that it's important for bands to evolve because we don't need to hear the same thing over and over again. The problem with Metallica is that they're not evolving...they're DEvolving! No, Lars, playing an out-of-tune drum does not make any sort of artistic statement; it just shows that you must be losing your hearing. There's nothing wrong with growing old I know that it's important for bands to evolve because we don't need to hear the same thing over and over again. The problem with Metallica is that they're not evolving...they're DEvolving! No, Lars, playing an out-of-tune drum does not make any sort of artistic statement; it just shows that you must be losing your hearing. There's nothing wrong with growing old as long as you know your place. This album shows that the only rocking that the guys in Metallica need to be doing is rocking in some rocking chairs. Expand
  43. Eli
    Jul 15, 2006
    I was shocked when I came to this page to see this album has a positive rating. This album has the effect/feeling of being raped in the ears repeatedly if there is such a feeling possible. Don't worry about people illegally downloading tunes from this one metallica. There might be some decent parts in a few songs but about 95$ of the album is quite honestly laugh out loud awful. I was shocked when I came to this page to see this album has a positive rating. This album has the effect/feeling of being raped in the ears repeatedly if there is such a feeling possible. Don't worry about people illegally downloading tunes from this one metallica. There might be some decent parts in a few songs but about 95$ of the album is quite honestly laugh out loud awful. Dreadful lyrics and painful vocals combined with mostly terrible instrumental sound makes for the worst Metallica album ever! To put it simply Metallica tried to create a straight up head banging album and failed miserably. Metallica had another album coming soon and I hope and pray they have learned from the shitstain of an album called Saint Anger. Expand
  44. Mar 8, 2013
    I can't believe it. I can't even listen to this album without a break. Are we sure that it is by Metallica? Drums sounds like spoons hitting a pot. And it's difficult to find one good song. Horrible.
  45. Jun 15, 2016
    There are a lot of reasons this doesn't work, and most of them can be grouped under the umbrella of "This sound here and that sound there don't sound like they even belong in the same song." But mostly, it's Lars' terrible, terrible Frankendrum. This is the Will Ferrell SNL cowbell sketch extended to album length.
  46. May 15, 2019
    I think they made the songs this bad on purpose so no one would want to illegally download them. They get a 2 just for that hahaha.
  47. RobA
    Sep 6, 2004
    Those of you who think that this is metal... You're only kidding yourselves. The snare drum is so irritating on this album, I just want to smash it. James' voice is going downhill fast, and I can seriously see Metallica apologizing for this album in a couple of years, well, if they are still a band by then that is. The only person who I can see liking this album is Dave Those of you who think that this is metal... You're only kidding yourselves. The snare drum is so irritating on this album, I just want to smash it. James' voice is going downhill fast, and I can seriously see Metallica apologizing for this album in a couple of years, well, if they are still a band by then that is. The only person who I can see liking this album is Dave Mustaine, because all the Metallica fans will exchange it at the retail store for Megadeth's new CD. Expand
  48. Rickyc
    Jun 12, 2003
    they need to go back to the old metallica sound like in the black album, they sound like they are tryin to be some hard core CRAP band like slip knot , most of the cd just sounds like a bunch of mumbling, with hard bangin on trash cans....the lyrics are the weakest i have ever heard from a metallica cd..''invisable kid, never see what he did'''...what the hell is they need to go back to the old metallica sound like in the black album, they sound like they are tryin to be some hard core CRAP band like slip knot , most of the cd just sounds like a bunch of mumbling, with hard bangin on trash cans....the lyrics are the weakest i have ever heard from a metallica cd..''invisable kid, never see what he did'''...what the hell is that crap i personally think they should have ended the band when jason quit...they suck fatt nuts now i have lost all respect and dont care for metallica anymore Expand
  49. seano
    Jun 17, 2003
    good god this album sucks something fierce!
  50. AxlRose
    Jun 19, 2003
    This is absolutely the worst Metallica album ever. I don't get the good reviews.
  51. "Morbid"Angel
    Jul 23, 2003
    Well... I don't know what the hell happened with Metallica after the Black Album. They lost the path. Bad change for me. Made me sick.
  52. SamiString
    Aug 10, 2004
    Sounds terrible, and feels uninspired.
  53. JessicaK
    Mar 28, 2005
    I was rooting for them. But this album sounds like a band trying to sound like Metallica. The singing is too emotional and the music is muddy and splattered. It was therapy for our boys and I am willing to forget this ever happened so long as they get it together and do better next time.
  54. DaleK.
    Jun 17, 2008
    A one because that's how much percent of integrity Lack-of-Metal-lica, has left. HAHAHA It's funny how SPIN magazine gave this garbled garbage 91/100, yet Mudvayne a 0. Sad that people would ever buy according to their reviews. probably the same critics who gave the so called movie "The Village" good ratings. Stupid religious garbage.
  55. BryanH
    Apr 8, 2009
    This is by far the worst peice of crap metalliica ever produced. It's so bad I can't even believe it's a studio allbum. The recording quality? There isn't any. Distorted, choppy, and painful to listen to. Lars is so off beat on the drums, and for the love of god, loosen up the snair! It sounds like a tin can! James stop trying to sing so much dude, you don't have This is by far the worst peice of crap metalliica ever produced. It's so bad I can't even believe it's a studio allbum. The recording quality? There isn't any. Distorted, choppy, and painful to listen to. Lars is so off beat on the drums, and for the love of god, loosen up the snair! It sounds like a tin can! James stop trying to sing so much dude, you don't have good range. Not to mention you're way off key buddy. Lost your voice after the black album and sadly have never sounded like the hetfield of the old "badass". Hammett!!!! WTF are you doing here?!!! No leads, just riff after riff, with no "awe" in the middle. Tick, Tick, shut the hell up. What I don't understand is how people can hear this and go, this kicks ass! I don't think it is a matter of this pleasing their ears, it can't be. It's just simply that it is Metallica. So I guess it's "cool" to like whatever they produce. As an old school metallica fan I have to say it's embarassing to listen to. Because this used to be my favorite band in the world. Metallica was so lost on this album when newstead left that bob rock actually played bass in the studio. It's a joke, it's actually quite sad considering what metallica used to be. To those that favor this I say you are all musically impaired. Your like the people that like the C rate movies on the Sci Fi channel. St. Anger=St. We are so angry that we forgot how to make music. Expand
  56. WillL
    Jul 23, 2006
    Please Metallica. Spare us all, and leave while you still... kind of rock. Your juvenile attempt at creating another Kill Em All turned out to be worse than Kill Em All. Metallica, unless you want to go back to the 80's, and pull out your best efforts, DON'T RELEASE ANOTHER ALBUM.
  57. Mar 10, 2018
    Honestly, this album is impossible for me to listen to in its entirety. The best tracks are probably the first two, but that might be because by the time I get to the third track, I already have a massive headache that every other track makes me want to die.
  58. Feb 25, 2019
    This album is so horrendous that Lars Ulrich could conceivably be charged with crimes against humanity.
  59. BenJ
    Jun 6, 2006
    St Shite!!!!!
  60. Sconf2
    Mar 3, 2007
    Metallica is dead T.T
  61. AndresM
    Aug 7, 2003
    Horrible, a let down for metallica fans, and bob rock fans, a far cry from coherent, swimming in a sea of twisted noise and chaos. THEY DON"T EVEN USE "THEIR" E and F chords that they SUED TO PROTECT. TERRIBLE, NOT EVEN WORTH DOWNLADING
  62. philb
    Jul 31, 2006
    St. Rubbish
  63. KevinH.
    Feb 6, 2007
    Possibly the worst album ever made, how a band who made albums like Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, and Kill Em' All made this garbage is beyond me.
  64. JamesB
    Jul 20, 2009
    About as bad as music gets, all things considered.
  65. TonyC
    Aug 3, 2003
    Jesus H. Christ, this album should have ben called "St. Roe v. Wade" because it is an abortion! What a trivial piece of friggin garbage by bunch of washed up, self-indulgent, trite old men who are ripping off awful nu-metal bands. "But we inspired them so it's like they ripped us of first!" Shut up. Awful production and speedy riffs does not make the musc raw, it makes the music Jesus H. Christ, this album should have ben called "St. Roe v. Wade" because it is an abortion! What a trivial piece of friggin garbage by bunch of washed up, self-indulgent, trite old men who are ripping off awful nu-metal bands. "But we inspired them so it's like they ripped us of first!" Shut up. Awful production and speedy riffs does not make the musc raw, it makes the music desperate and histrionic. I don't mind that there are no solos but the reason aggrivates me. Kirk doesn't have to "prove himself anymore". That arrogant douche. There are dozens of musicians better than him who push themselves hard on every album and you just gave up! Do Dimebag from Pantera or Kerry King from Slayer give up on pushing themselves for every album? Everyone knows they're great and they still solo. Everone in the vicinity of the Milky Way Galaxy understands Tool have nothing to prove but they don't release an inaudible blank album after 5 years. They could easily release a blank CD, slap their name on it and sell it for $16 and it would be more intricate, soulful and powerful than St. Ass. St. Anger makes Enya look like Black Sabbath circa 1973. Lar$' must be taking lessons from homeless people because he's pounding on a friggin dumpster throughout the album. For all the sheep who bought this album (I prefer not to waste red cents on crap and enjoy divulging time on illegal dowload websites, thanks to Lar$) you got what you wanted and Metallica got what they wanted. You get to call yourself a "hardcore Metallica fan, man!" and they get their 16 bucks. St. AIDS is more like it. Expand
  66. BigD
    Sep 9, 2003
    Unfortunately, I tried to return this pitiful excuse for a metal album to the store I bought it at, and the kid claimed it was scratched...I didn't think they could give more "load" than "reload", but apparently they had an even better wad of spooge on deck than I could have imagined. Sorry, hard to sue me for downloading your "music". Lars, I'm not much into S&M.
  67. AsasJ
    Dec 31, 2005
    Shit album
  68. JamesD
    May 5, 2005
    the flight of icarus describes this album so well!
  69. redf
    Feb 16, 2007
    complete and utter crap from a band that used to be ok
  70. MichelleK
    Apr 13, 2007
    Tripe, absolute...tripe. Its a shame Metallica have fallen from their former grace
  71. JohnS.
    May 20, 2007
    Absolutely terrible. Metallica is dead.
  72. Tic-tic-toc
    Jun 27, 2007
    fukin crap. if u like this album u r a wanker
  73. Stormwatch
    Apr 3, 2008
    I think Metallica got confused with the meanings of the word "drum", because the drums in St. Anger sound like metal barrels. The sound is insanely compressed, there are no dynamics, no music -- just a wall of noise. This is not only Metallica's worst album, but also one of the worst metal album ever.
  74. RobertO
    Jun 16, 2003
    This album is utter crap. Avoid at all costs.
  75. Dave
    Dec 22, 2005
    Complete and utter tripe. Used to love Metallica, but this album should never have been made.
  76. oneilg
    Apr 14, 2005
    Rolling Stone Magazine gave this 4 out of 5 stars. Are their heads wedged up their asses or what?! The mix sounds grotesque, like hacking a loogee in slow, slow motion. Absolutely unmusical. Unlistenable. The lyrics are hideous: "I'm madly in anger with you" "My lifestyle determines my death style." And watching the documentary "some kind of monster" made this abomination seem even Rolling Stone Magazine gave this 4 out of 5 stars. Are their heads wedged up their asses or what?! The mix sounds grotesque, like hacking a loogee in slow, slow motion. Absolutely unmusical. Unlistenable. The lyrics are hideous: "I'm madly in anger with you" "My lifestyle determines my death style." And watching the documentary "some kind of monster" made this abomination seem even more deplorable. These self absorbed multi millionares have little to complain about, but that's all you hear on this cd and throughout that tiresome documentary. I can't remember hearing a worse cd than this. Expand
  77. fudgey
    Aug 25, 2005
    this album sux. the drums sound like tin cans. i'm very disappointed in this effort
  78. ErichV.
    Dec 21, 2008
    Album is terrible and reminiscent of the Titanic sinking.
  79. Dec 22, 2012
    Wow. This is incredibly awful. I can't believe it took them 7 years to release this. It's as if they were a bunch of 14 years olds sitting around in a garage with a guitar, getting incredibly drunk, when they decided to record this. Realising they had no drums they must have grabbed some garbage cans from the side of the road, brought them inside and started making music. Later on the sameWow. This is incredibly awful. I can't believe it took them 7 years to release this. It's as if they were a bunch of 14 years olds sitting around in a garage with a guitar, getting incredibly drunk, when they decided to record this. Realising they had no drums they must have grabbed some garbage cans from the side of the road, brought them inside and started making music. Later on the same day they must have gotten some recording equipment brought around for them and 2 hours later, after making pretty much the same noise, released this. There was absolutely none of their classic masterful craftsmanship put into this album. Expand
  80. Feb 8, 2014
    Drum sounds really AWFUL!! Repetitive, simple and boring riffs; no SOLOS and terrible vocal. Forget thrash, it's not even metal. That's all I can say about this failure. DO NOT LISTEN IT!!!
  81. Jul 18, 2018
    Utterly shocked to see the good reviews for this album. Obviously, thi is NOT Metallica. Everything sounds awful, especially the drums. Production is **** composition is **** This is barely listenable. Even Merzbow seems more melodic than this.
  82. Jun 6, 2023
    What a mess. While there is some guilty pleasure to be had, it's a disgrace to their discography.
  83. May 30, 2023
    This album sucks. It doesn’t even feel like Metallica, it feels like I’m listening to a bunch of toddlers banging on tin cans with some lyrics written by a cliche highschooler who thinks that “live laugh love” is deep. It’s a joke. I choose to avoid this album for good reason, you should too.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 5 out of 20
  1. Mojo
    This is miffed and exemplary metal. [Jul 2003, p.108]
  2. Uncut
    Against all odds, St. Anger constitutes the cutting edge of commercial yet aggressive heavy rock in 2003. [Aug 2003, p.106]
  3. The production on St. Anger is abysmal.