• Record Label: Downtown
  • Release Date: May 9, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 111
  2. Negative: 7 out of 111

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  1. Feb 2, 2022
    After almost 16 years, Gnarls Barkley's debut "St. Elsewhere" still puts a big smile on your face. And even if nothing comes close to the hype and legacy of "Crazy", it is still funky, mesmerizing and just really good neo soul.

    It is also remarkable that both artists stepped out of their regular roles for this often silly, ridiculous ride. And even if it sometimes gets confusing and all
    After almost 16 years, Gnarls Barkley's debut "St. Elsewhere" still puts a big smile on your face. And even if nothing comes close to the hype and legacy of "Crazy", it is still funky, mesmerizing and just really good neo soul.

    It is also remarkable that both artists stepped out of their regular roles for this often silly, ridiculous ride. And even if it sometimes gets confusing and all over the place, the mass of disparate sounds are perfectly bond together. CeeLo Green and Danger Mouse simply harmonize brilliantly.

    My favorites:
    "Smiley Faces"
    "Just a Thought"
    "Who Cares?"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    February 2, 2022
  2. Aug 3, 2020
    To work together is one of the best ideas CeeLo Green and Danger Mouse had. In 'St. Elsewhere' we don't stop passing from a music style to another. And every time they reach the top of music. Production of Danger Mouse is a true blessing for CeeLo, who is able to return the favor with his amazing voice and flow. From rap to soul he achieves to be powerful, measured, silent and explosive.To work together is one of the best ideas CeeLo Green and Danger Mouse had. In 'St. Elsewhere' we don't stop passing from a music style to another. And every time they reach the top of music. Production of Danger Mouse is a true blessing for CeeLo, who is able to return the favor with his amazing voice and flow. From rap to soul he achieves to be powerful, measured, silent and explosive. With this first project together they obtain to create unforgettable classics. If you are able to override their huge succes with 'Crazy' you could benefits a lot from their partnership. Even in 2006 Gnarls Barkley can teach a lot to all pop artists we are used to hear in the radio here in 2020. 'St. Elsewhere' is according to me the definition of sadly unknown and underrated work that people should be inspired from. Because listening to this album is accepting to be surprised at the beginning of each music track but the feeling of surprise does not diminish until the very end of the project. if you haven't done so already, stop wasting more time and go listen to 'St. Elsewhere'. You will thank me later. Expand
  3. Nov 20, 2011
    I've come back across this album after a few years and it just seems to have gotten better with age. Danger Mouse did a brilliant job with the production and meshes Cee-Lo's voice with some great inventive samples. Funk on an acid trip, is what best describes this.
  4. Nov 14, 2011
    The only reason I listened to the album "St. Elsewhere" is because of "Crazy".
  5. EddieW
    Jul 30, 2007
    A versatile album with great singers. The only thing I thought was lacking is "substance", this CD is more fun than serious and that of course it's not bad. Entertaining, that's for sure!
  6. KenanD
    May 16, 2007
    Sound from the another planet. Great album !
  7. montysano
    Jan 14, 2007
    A fine, somewhat crazed, piece of work. I love the music. But "St. Elsewhere" is a prime example of the overuse of compression in digital music. At higher volumes, it just sounds awful, and for somone who likes to listen loud, that's a drag.
  8. !?
    Jan 10, 2007
    Great album, just short.
  9. ReubenF
    Dec 19, 2006
    A slick polished album from duo Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo. 'Crazy' is the highlight, sounding like an instant classic, though it wears a little thin after a few plays. Interesting to find a cover of a Violent Femmes song on the album, who happen to be the first band I ever saw live, back when I was just 13. The album does not really live up to the standard of the lead single, A slick polished album from duo Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo. 'Crazy' is the highlight, sounding like an instant classic, though it wears a little thin after a few plays. Interesting to find a cover of a Violent Femmes song on the album, who happen to be the first band I ever saw live, back when I was just 13. The album does not really live up to the standard of the lead single, which is a pity. I love the artwork though. Expand
  10. VickyM
    Dec 7, 2006
    I love this cd and it flows and I go far away with it... as a fan of Joni Mitchell who experimented a lot with different syles of music, but stayed true to herself I can really appreciate this sound, the music and lyrics really make me feel a lot of things I have not felt in a long time, a strange and wonderful awakening to my spirit!!!
  11. NicoleD
    Dec 7, 2006
    Great, simply genius album. The high energy only adds to its overall appeal. One of the year's best by far, with songs like "Smiley Face's" that make you wanna get out your seat and jam. Loved it loved it! Keep Rocking, Rapping, Popping Gnarles Barkley because this album breaks into all music genre's with ingenious ease!
  12. AndersH
    Oct 11, 2006
    A 9 just for the reviving new sound the two bring to the muddled pop industry.
  13. LarryS
    Sep 17, 2006
    All of the songs on this album were great, albiet short piece of total music paradise.
  14. BarbaraG
    Sep 16, 2006
    I love this album since the first time I heard it.
  15. RickS
    Sep 9, 2006
    This ablum blew me away.
  16. timm
    Aug 9, 2006
    would be a 10 if track 1 was better, if boogey man didnt suck (beat is good but vocal melody is ridiculously uninventive), and if feng shui were more than an interlude. besides that, its still the best out right now
  17. Rusty
    Aug 7, 2006
    I've enjoyed DJ Dangermouse and Cee-lo's work, but both of them together is clever, between Cee-los unique voice and Dangermouse's different and sometime "weird" beats, its perfect. It gets a little getting used, but I was actually satisfied with the album.
  18. rggggrg
    Aug 1, 2006
    Gnalrs Rules
  19. JimmyP
    Jul 31, 2006
    Danger mouse is a dangerous man....he's one of the only producers whose stuff sounds different most of the time...and his production goes great with Cee-Lo's voice...
  20. Ian
    Jul 28, 2006
    **Shhluunk!** That's the sound of a punch right to the baby makers. Which is exactly what this album did to me. I appreciate this album for giving me a good reason to break out of my Neil Young and Bob Dylanesque musical shell. Not that I don't like any current music. I loved Arcade Fire's debut. It's just that nothing recently can compare to what those artists did for **Shhluunk!** That's the sound of a punch right to the baby makers. Which is exactly what this album did to me. I appreciate this album for giving me a good reason to break out of my Neil Young and Bob Dylanesque musical shell. Not that I don't like any current music. I loved Arcade Fire's debut. It's just that nothing recently can compare to what those artists did for their musical generations. Now that we have Gnarly Barkles we can sit back and enjoy the scene, knowing that the future of sound is in good hands. Expand
  21. Gate
    Jul 17, 2006
    St. Elsewhere and Stadium Arcadium of Red Hot Chili Peppers are the best albums of the year.
  22. othostice
    Jul 13, 2006
    Danger Mouse is the first hip-hop producer that I have considered a musician. In his hands, a mixing board becomes an instrument.
    Jun 25, 2006
    new millenium soul. the music that marvin gaye would make if he was alive or james brown and prince would make if they were on their prime
  24. NZFan
    Jun 6, 2006
    The only downfall of this album is that all of the songs are the type that will get played over and over and over for a short time until i get bored of them
  25. RIsinSon
    Jun 2, 2006
    Cee-Lo and DJ Danger Mouse are a fearless pair that takes music to another level. Soulful, funky, fun, and meaningful equals a big ball of engery. In other words if you don't have it get it !!!!
  26. TheHams
    Jun 2, 2006
    Dude! Were the three reviewers below me born with ears? Maybe they need to check their skulls for any earical-like orifices, because they suck. Ass. Kill them. This is also a great album.
  27. GreatBadrAlbum
    Jun 2, 2006
    GREAT album, great music, etc... One of the best albums this year.
  28. kirkg
    Jun 1, 2006
    This album is like sexual intercourse with just inuff lubrication for the ears lol
  29. willh
    Jun 1, 2006
    This album is deffinately a classic and will prove that as the summer continues on as we will see that no other album for the summer will compile such diversity and metaphoric translation.
  30. BryantE
    Jun 1, 2006
    It was on sale so I listened to it. Never heard them before... and I loved it. My teenage kids think it's cool too and I have gained some creds by bringing it home! Sounds like 70's motown mixed with hip hop. Smokey Robinson meets Outcast. Lyrically, I found it kinda weak, or maybe it's just beyond me, but it sounds like a bunch of drug induced yammerings. And I've It was on sale so I listened to it. Never heard them before... and I loved it. My teenage kids think it's cool too and I have gained some creds by bringing it home! Sounds like 70's motown mixed with hip hop. Smokey Robinson meets Outcast. Lyrically, I found it kinda weak, or maybe it's just beyond me, but it sounds like a bunch of drug induced yammerings. And I've been there... 3/4's of the release is just excelent. Expand
  31. MikeK
    Jun 1, 2006
    I agree, if you think this is a "0" or a "1" type of album, you ARE crazy. This feels like a breakthrough in r&b - yeah, it's supposedly hip hop, but the best cuts sound like a new kind of soul record, where the r&b vocals (not rapping) are married to a cool atmospheric production - DJ Danger Mouse sounds like the Brian Eno of r&b here. I don't think this is a start-to-finish I agree, if you think this is a "0" or a "1" type of album, you ARE crazy. This feels like a breakthrough in r&b - yeah, it's supposedly hip hop, but the best cuts sound like a new kind of soul record, where the r&b vocals (not rapping) are married to a cool atmospheric production - DJ Danger Mouse sounds like the Brian Eno of r&b here. I don't think this is a start-to-finish engaging record, but the best tracks are amazing ("Summer" sounds like neo-NEO-soul rather than straight up dance). Expand
  32. [Anonymous]
    May 28, 2006
    this album absolutely floored me.
  33. GreatDane
    May 26, 2006
    By far the best album of the year....!!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. MattM
    May 25, 2006
    There's absolutely nothing wrong with this album, I wouldn't remove a note of it. One of the best albums of the Hip-Hop era.
  35. eric
    May 21, 2006
    I can't believe the pans of Transformer in the reviews. It's easily my favorite song on the album. The album is easily one of the best of '06 so far.
  36. KingofThecosmos
    May 17, 2006
    If you question your sanity from time to time. This Album understands. Its my Best from 2006...so far.
  37. ErikS
    May 15, 2006
    this album rules. cee-lo does a good job with lyrics and danger mouse is quickly becoming one of my favorite producers. everything he touches turns to awesome. standout tracks- crazy, transformer, who cares,
  38. spongeee
    May 11, 2006
    For all those saying the rest of the album is not as good as Crazy, get real. If you like Cee-lo or Danger Mouse, you will like this album. I say this is better than Cee-lo's 2 previous solo albumbs...he has never been more free...but I miss those Goodie Mobb days...Who's that creepin in my window...POW! Nobody now.
  39. MF
    May 10, 2006
    One of the best albums of the year so far. Excellent all around! Do yourself a favor and get this album now!!!
  40. dl
    May 10, 2006
    If you are a person whose musical tastes are eclectic, this is the album for you. I can't even count the number of varying musical styles and influences I hear. With each new track I found myself surprised at what I was hearing. For me it boils down to this. Every album I buy I want to fall in love with, and literally, the only music I have listened to for the past 5 days is St. If you are a person whose musical tastes are eclectic, this is the album for you. I can't even count the number of varying musical styles and influences I hear. With each new track I found myself surprised at what I was hearing. For me it boils down to this. Every album I buy I want to fall in love with, and literally, the only music I have listened to for the past 5 days is St. Elsewhere. There is no truer test of an albums quality than that. Expand
  41. cables
    May 8, 2006
    umm. yeah.. this is pretty much excellent and genre bending.
  42. GasparL
    May 7, 2006
    Definitely an amazing piece of work from two artists more than capable of crafting it. What I don't understand is all the down-talk on the busier songs; "Transformer" seemed to get panned by every major review it came up in, and "Go Go Gadget Gospel" got its share of guff, but I think they're album highlights. Maybe I just have a weird thing for songs that make my brain have to Definitely an amazing piece of work from two artists more than capable of crafting it. What I don't understand is all the down-talk on the busier songs; "Transformer" seemed to get panned by every major review it came up in, and "Go Go Gadget Gospel" got its share of guff, but I think they're album highlights. Maybe I just have a weird thing for songs that make my brain have to work; that skittery, see-if-you-can-keep-up-with-this feel, trying to fit all the pieces in your mind and tracing along. And wasn't the whole dead metaphor on "Necromancing" a comparison to being drugged up? On the downside, the album is short; very short. So short I feel somewhat cheated, knowing that amazing songs like this could have been honed and built on into an opus. At 37 minutes, be sure you're paying for 37 minutes, no matter how high the quality. Whatever the case, I can tell this will be making year-end Top 50 lists by early May.There may be a few skip-worthy lows, but when it all comes together, every gripe I had simply went out the window. "St. Elsewhere" burns slow into a foggy wisp and etheral howls, "Smiley Face" bounces around while bearing its soul, "Feng Shui" sits as a keen little interlude of Cee-Lo in Rap Mode (always a treat), and "Who Cares" floats along its merry, warped way. If the fat were cut and the good stuff were given the time it deserved, this would be an instant ten and a classic for decades to come. But, as it is, it's a staggeringly fresh and vibrant debut, with promises of gleaming perfection if the two ever clear up their collaboration schedules for a sophomore stint. Expand
  43. TWright
    May 6, 2006
    An absolutely brilliant album that grabs you on the first listen and gets better every time it's played. An instant hit and a slow burner at the same time.
  44. KristianF
    May 5, 2006
    Well, I think you're craaazy...!
  45. DevinB
    May 4, 2006
    This is a truly amazing record that's somehow managed to break semi-mainstream in places. As is always the case with such albums, there are a good number of people who were roped in by the single and simply don't know what to make of the rest of the album. It's heavily nuanced, dynamic, and substanitive, which means that people with merely a superficial interest in music This is a truly amazing record that's somehow managed to break semi-mainstream in places. As is always the case with such albums, there are a good number of people who were roped in by the single and simply don't know what to make of the rest of the album. It's heavily nuanced, dynamic, and substanitive, which means that people with merely a superficial interest in music that "flows" or "rocks" or "bumps" or is "pretty" will of course be put off. The sonics and sentiments here are simply too complex for those not willing to analyze closely. Expand
  46. JTSodergren
    May 3, 2006
    In my humble opinion Cee-lo can do no wrong and Dangermouse has the best sounding drums as anyone producing in hip-hop... that being said, this is a flawless album, purposely messy, and, contrary to gabriel I.'s thoughts, something that anyone with good taste will be studying until these two geniuses put out more... and for the record, he is right about the Ghostface album - In my humble opinion Cee-lo can do no wrong and Dangermouse has the best sounding drums as anyone producing in hip-hop... that being said, this is a flawless album, purposely messy, and, contrary to gabriel I.'s thoughts, something that anyone with good taste will be studying until these two geniuses put out more... and for the record, he is right about the Ghostface album - it's the best thing you're going to hear all year... but Gnarls isn't far behind. ps: see GB live!!! I saw a secret show this past Friday in L.A. and saw them at Coachella... words can't describe. Expand
  47. PaulC
    May 3, 2006
    Been waiting a while for this one. It's a masterpiece of chaos and melody. very adventurous. don't know if everyone will understand it though. in my opinion- Album of the Year.
  48. nutzinyermouth
    May 3, 2006
    amazing piece of work. nothing sounds like this right now.
  49. JeremyG
    May 2, 2006
    Great Album... from beginning to end.
  50. samb
    May 1, 2006
    despite some weak tracks, st. elsewhere still manages to awe. danger mouse is truly in his element on 'just a thought,' and the duo reaches a creative height that one rarely sees on 'crazy,' which is undoubtedly the best single so far this year, and wont be forgotten for quite a while.
  51. R.Skells
    May 1, 2006
    i like this album alot. its innovative and cee-lo sounds great. danger mouse, a frustratingly inconsistent musician, has one of his better outings here. the song writing is surprisingly good and highly personal.
  52. ClayS
    May 1, 2006
    Amazing, best record i've heard in years!!!!
  53. DerekE
    May 1, 2006
    One of the best albums this year, for sure.
  54. Kristian
    May 1, 2006
    Cee-Lo is a quarky fantasic match to Danger, they album is posed to be a great summer album with only a few tracks to skip over...

Universal acclaim - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Both artists have stepped outside their regular roles to make what feels like a genuinely instinctive, love-fuelled record that zings with an enthusiasm for all spectrums of music.
  2. Although this isn't a flawless album, it will undoubtedly be a huge hit and keep many people company through the long hot summer months ahead.
  3. You certainly won't hear much else at the moment as inventive as this.