• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2014

Mixed or average reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
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  1. He’s crafted a tender and often forlorn eco-treatise.
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 13, 2014
    Storytone presents the same 10 songs twice: compellingly naked save for a guitar or ukulele, then dressed to kill in Hollywood strings and big band brass. [Dec 2014, p.119]
  3. 70
    The songs on Storytone glide between those highs and lows with very few false moves, making this one stylistic detour that takes Neil Young very close to his artistic home.
  4. Nov 4, 2014
    Certainly, the most innovative thing about Storytone is its presentation, with each of the album’s 10 songs recorded in acoustic and fully orchestrated versions.
  5. 80
    The vocals hold just enough honest rough spots to celebrate, everywhere else, the purity and committed fragility of Mr. Young’s voice, which is high and clear, even though he’ll be 69 on Nov. 12.
  6. Uncut
    Oct 31, 2014
    The choral refrain of the title hook, meanwhile, imposes collectivity on the query--just about the only time on the whole of Storytone that the horizon stretches further than Neil's emotional backyard. [Dec 2014, p.79]
  7. Oct 31, 2014
    When he calls the 92-piece orchestra in, the results are mixed.
  8. The orchestrations also let us focus on Young as a pure singer, rather than as a holistic musician. And he’s a remarkably effective one. In his aged, spindly whine lies a world of emotion.
  9. Oct 31, 2014
    Many of these songs convey a querulous romance, but while the orchestra a chocolatey smoothness to the sound that renders emotional complexity glossy and neat.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 27
  2. Negative: 8 out of 27
  1. Nov 12, 2014
    Does the world really need one more mediocre later day album from once legendary musician? His 90's comeback albums were great but I just wishDoes the world really need one more mediocre later day album from once legendary musician? His 90's comeback albums were great but I just wish he stop recorded then. Full Review »
  2. Nov 8, 2014
    As a long time Neil Young fan and being quite used to his "experimental" side, I went into this album being fully prepared to hate it.As a long time Neil Young fan and being quite used to his "experimental" side, I went into this album being fully prepared to hate it. Instead, I was grabbed from the first song and wasn't disappointed with the rest of the album. His vocals work surprisingly well with the orchestration and choir, probably due to the fact that all he had to do was sit there and sing. It won't go down as his best but it is very worthwhile hearing. Full Review »