
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Feb 5, 2019
    Stuffed & Ready is more of Cherry Glazerr’s successes: the album is raw, desolate, and affecting.
  2. Jan 30, 2019
    Creevy’s vocals are a controlled force, and it’s hard to image a woman who writes so incisively about her feelings ever recorded a song about grilled cheese. The potential was there from the beginning. It’s nice to see that they’ve realised it.
  3. 80
    It’s their most mature and measured album, both lyrically and musically.
  4. Feb 5, 2019
    Glum and abrasive, Creevy’s guitars have graduated from sludge-pop hooks. On Stuffed & Ready, she uses them to shape turbulent atmospheres, pushing recklessly against the melodies.
  5. Feb 1, 2019
    Stuffed & Ready is their finest accomplishment yet of such a daunting endeavor. And with its personal perspectives on the effects of the current cultural zeitgeist, it is not simply a great rock record, but an important document in the early days of 2019.
  6. Q Magazine
    Feb 4, 2019
    Their sound has never been fuller. [Mar 2019, p.112]
  7. Jan 30, 2019
    Cherry Glazerr’s most mature and complex album to date.
  8. Feb 1, 2019
    This is a slick, polished rock album with a clear lineage from bands such as L7, Sleater-Kinney and Celebrity Skin-era Hole to more contemporary acts such as Du Blonde, Dream Wife and Pip Blom.
  9. 80
    hile Stuffed & Ready shares the glossy sheen (thanks to Carlos de la Garza, who returns for a second go-round as producer) and excellent songwriting of its predecessor, 2017’s Apocalipstick, the former is darker and more insular both musically and lyrically.
  10. Jan 30, 2019
    [Clementine Creevy] sounds less guarded and more direct than ever, owning up to confusion and insecurity even as her guitar riffs counterattack. ... Creevy’s voice is high and thin but determined, and bolstered by the studio; her melodies take unexpected, angular leaps, while her guitar parts underline her solitude or blast it away.
  11. Uncut
    Jan 30, 2019
    It's Creevy's charismatically odd lyrics and playful, St. Vincent-style subversion of angsty feminine stereotypes on provocative curios such as "Daddi" that keeps us transfixed. [Mar 2019, p.26]
  12. Feb 1, 2019
    Without any doubt, the Cherry Glazerr gang has never been stronger. But while that ten-ton force can bring you to your knees (especially the hair-metal-heavy "Stupid Fish"), the weight often crushes out the devil-may-care humor that made Apocalipstick such a blast.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Aug 18, 2019
    Solid rock album. Don’t be dissuaded by critics who claim musical genius in Drake and Kanye, but criticize “samey” sound in Cherry Glazerr.Solid rock album. Don’t be dissuaded by critics who claim musical genius in Drake and Kanye, but criticize “samey” sound in Cherry Glazerr. This album is and Clem are needed in these dark times. Full Review »
  2. Jul 16, 2019
    ( #86/100 )
    El lado malo de ser "nuevo" en esto de publicar reseñas es que descubro estrenos tan buenos de artistas que ya tienen
    ( #86/100 )

    El lado malo de ser "nuevo" en esto de publicar reseñas es que descubro estrenos tan buenos de artistas que ya tienen una carrera comenzada en la industria musical, y me causa cierta tristeza no haber estado presente en su trayectoria desde un principio. La banda está encabezada por #ClementineCreevy y creció en #LosAngeles #California en donde toca desde poco antes del 2013. Ya con 3 álbumes, en Febrero presentan su cuarto titulado "Stuffed & Ready" en donde la vocalista revela que es un #album en donde explora la duda existencial que tiene de sí misma con mucha confusión, incertidumbre y enojo. Las canciones están escritas y producidas para que cada una pueda dar una identidad diferente de Creevy. Las canciones están llenas de "I want..." y "I don't want..." que confirma esa postura en temas como el romance, la vida en general y su interacción interpersonal e intrapersonal. La música es genial. El álbum comienza con esa explosión de #GarageRock y #NoiseRock que distingue mucho a la banda y mientras el álbum avanza se sensibiliza consigo un poco más sin perder esa explosión de impulsos que se expresan con los instrumentos y bellos gritos porque, sí, Creevy, grite, cante o gima, su voz es preciosa. La música es solida en conjunto y track por track que determina a una banda igualmente bien entendida entre ella que promete un futuro sólido, creativo e interesante de escuchar. Amo al álbum, y aunque espero que no sea de los mejores que escuche este año, mantendrá mi atención en la banda indefinidamente. "Stuffed & Ready" es para aquellos con la energía de gritar, el valor de bailar y sin miedo al volumen de las emociones intensas. Una banda que sin duda ha de revivir a la gente en sus conciertos y espero poder asistir a uno de ellos. El #Rock en uno de sus versiones más disfrutables.
    The bad side of being "new" in publishing reviews is that I get to discover amazing new releases from artists that already have started a musical career and it's kind of sad for me to not have joined them since the beginning. The leading head of the band is Clementine Creevy; the band grew up in Los Angeles, California where they play since a little before 2013. With already 3 albums, they presented their fourth in February called "Stuffed & Ready" in which Creevy, the lead singer and lyrist, reveals this one to be an album where she explores the existential doubt of who she is with a lot of confusion, uncertainty, and anger. The songs were written and produced for them to give away different identities of Creevy. The songs are full of "I want..." and "I don't want..." that confirms that posture in topics like romance, life in general and her interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. The music is great. The album starts with that Garage and Noise Rock that distinguish the band; and while it goes ahead, it sensitizes a little bit more with itself without losing that explosion of impulses expressed with the instruments and the beautiful screams because, yes, it doesn't matter if Creevy's shouting, singing or moaning, her voice is precious. The music is solid all together and track by track that states a well-organized band that promises an equally solid, creative and interesting future to hear. I love the album, and even though I hope is not one of the best from this year, it will keep my attention in the band indefinitely. "Stuffed & Ready" is for those with enough energy to shout, brave enough to dance and fearless to the volume of the intense emotions. A band that undoubtedly could bring back to life the people in their concerts and I'm really looking forward to be in one. Rock in one of their most enjoyable versions.
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 25, 2019
    This is the perfect album for when your backyard is on fire but you're too drunk to do anything about it, and screaming is the only option.