• Record Label: Koch
  • Release Date: Apr 20, 2010

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 60
    The goofier aspects of his earlier work are missed here, as are his usual naturalistic beats, which have been replaced by squelching, ominously snaky G-funk.
  2. Suite 420, beyond some sweet spots early in the disc, becomes wickedly boring.
  3. Nobody expects maturity from Devin, even though he jarringly mentions that he has a 17-year-old son, but he usually makes eternal adolescence sound a lot more fun than this.
  4. Houston MC Devin offers the same batch of punch lines, extremely crude come-ons, and panegyrics to getting high and getting freaky as fans have come to expect, all to the echo-chamber beat of an array of synthesized blips and bleeps. And yet, something about Devin--his lackadaisical assurance, his Lil Wayne-esque gift of gab, his shamelessly un-progressive attitude toward women--is perversely charming.
  5. Devin’s single-mindedness makes for a highly unified style, and the album’s relaxed, hazy production is the aural equivalent of comfort food. But the repetition is kinda tedious for an hour of straight listening.
  6. It's good to hear him still recording, even if he's deeply entrenched himself in his own wheelhouse and barely has a single surprising moment in the album's whole hour. But if the album never existed, nobody's life would be much poorer for it-- possibly even Devin's.

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