
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Sep 24, 2015
    Sun Coming Down is succinct without being rushed.
  2. Sep 15, 2015
    There’s a marked step forward in the deceptive depth of Sun Coming Down, and Ought perhaps traded in some of their debut longplayer’s immediacy in getting it, but their wit and emotional complexity remain stronger than ever.
  3. Mojo
    Oct 1, 2015
    Ought's sound is stamped with enough original invention for them to stand tall amongst the art-schooled crowd. [Nov 2015, p.90]
  4. Sep 21, 2015
    It’s a very special second album that will resonate deeply both with early adopters and the wider audience that Ought will surely capture.
  5. Sep 21, 2015
    Sun Coming Down constantly engages and enthralls with an odd sense of humor, cementing Ought as one of the few contemporary post-punk acts that seamlessly merge frantic irreverence with feral intelligence.
  6. Sep 16, 2015
    The way Ought confront modern bleakness is understandably disaffected but ultimately moving and celebratory, in the idealistic tradition of punk.
  7. Sep 17, 2015
    [The] more chaotic and caustic Sun Coming Down, but the album’s relentless drive and uncompromising attitude constitute their own special kind of thrill.
  8. Sep 25, 2015
    Sun Coming Down gives us just enough new ideas while highlighting everything that makes this band great. The future seems very bright, despite the setting sun.
  9. Sep 22, 2015
    These Montreal post-punks write harsh songs for harsh times on their excellent second album, building on last year's debut More Than Any Other Day.
  10. Sep 15, 2015
    Sun Coming Down is Robin Hood-rich with pithy one-liners punctuated by Keen’s hi-hats, crashing through Darcy’s free-associating swarm of noise like that one person in every New York-based rom-com or sitcom wending his way through an avenue packed with people.
  11. Sep 15, 2015
    Sun Coming Down already feels like a cult classic and an institution that embraces a thousand sides of the punk rock coin while retaining a steadfast originality.
  12. Oct 2, 2015
    You can hear the staples of alternative music--Wire, Mission of Burma, the Fall--running through every note of their second album. But it’s performed with a kind of relaxed intensity that’s utterly engrossing.
  13. 80
    There are no tricks on show here, the sound is refreshingly clean, the ethos is admirably simple, embracing the DIY punk spirit and spitting out a beautiful record that will also fill that Sonic Youth-shaped hole in your life.
  14. Sep 18, 2015
    All in all, Sun Coming Down is a valuable step forward from its already very good predecessor. Despite all the past influences and references, the band succeed in not making the album sound derivative or shallow, rather adding an acquainted contemporary feel to the likely retromaniac taste of their music.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Sep 28, 2015
    Ought's debut record, More Than Any Other Day, was one of my favorite releases of 2014, and a definite highlight for rock music this decade. IOught's debut record, More Than Any Other Day, was one of my favorite releases of 2014, and a definite highlight for rock music this decade. I am happy to report that their sophomore release, only one year after the first, is another fantastic installment of erratic, spontaneous post-punk. I don't believe it is as strong as the debut: the songwriting is not as memorable, and there is not as much instrumental diversity, but if you enjoyed the first record, I have no doubts that this one will scratch your post-punk itch. Full Review »