• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Jan 24, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Magnet
    Like [Bright Eyes'] Conor Oberst, Sennett teeters between precious and wild. [#70, p.94]
  2. Billboard
    There is an easy-listening elegance to his songs, but the album plays out like a soundtrack to sipping coffee. [28 Jan 2006]
  3. At its best, The Elected offers moments of quirky intrigue – a brassy horn here, a hidden banjo there – reminiscent of the Long Winters' chamber-pop, but in general it's a bit too safe.
  4. Spin
    It's weird how this spiral of genial melodic plaints can sound so weak and self-pitying when it's sung by a pushy dude and not a smart, empathetic woman with a voice. [Feb 2006, p.87]
  5. The songs are all melodic, and somewhat alluring in how they build sunshine from twinkling pianos, tambourines, and campfire guitars. But they tend to wash away together, under one big, bright sunbeam.
  6. While Sennett is often compared to Elliott Smith, at least vocally, there’s far more Badly Drawn Boy in his persona; his voice warbles meekly about waking up with the sun, eating butter, and smiling oceans, even while the egotism lingers.
  7. Schmaltziness is the only real pitfall here.
  8. Takes Rilo's bright romance to a dreamy L.A.-rock extreme.
  9. Alternative Press
    Contains three best-of-year-brilliant songs. [Mar 2006, p.124]
  10. Sun, Sun, Sun is a likeable enough album, sure, but it leaves only the most faint of impressions.
  11. Sennett's lilting accusations resemble buddy Conor Oberst minus the anti-Bush venom, but the homogeneous honesty, resplendent on "Not Going Home," ultimately grows tedious.
  12. Blender
    These amply melodic songs offer a style manual of orchestral pop and twinkly genre touches. [Mar 2006, p.112]
  13. Q Magazine
    Full of blissful harmonies that glide by one after another. [Mar 2006, p.107]
  14. Uncut
    Some of it sounds like coffee-shop background fodder. [Apr 2006, p.96]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Mar 15, 2011
    Sun, Sun, Sun is a really good album. Every track sounds wonderful. Very heartfelt album. Blake Sennet's vocals are really smooth and amazing.Sun, Sun, Sun is a really good album. Every track sounds wonderful. Very heartfelt album. Blake Sennet's vocals are really smooth and amazing. I highly enjoyed this album for what it was. B+ Full Review »
  2. drewc
    Apr 19, 2007
    completely different direction than "me first" but just as lovely - if not more! biggest star is simply put, the best elected song ever completely different direction than "me first" but just as lovely - if not more! biggest star is simply put, the best elected song ever recorded. this album is terrific! Full Review »
  3. DimitrisC
    Jan 9, 2007
    One of the best feel good albums of 2006. Highly recommended and highly addictive!!!