• Record Label: Nettwerk
  • Release Date: Sep 19, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Filter
    This is the musical equivalent of a Volvo wagon. [#22, p.102]
  2. Super Extra Gravity is too deft to be too dark, though-- there's joy in its catharsis.
  3. A modest rebirth of sorts, Super Extra Gravity achieves a comfortable balance between the swagger of their late ‘90s work with the more melancholy sound of recent years.
  4. The Cardigans probably still won't shake the one-hit-wonder reputation... but Super Extra Gravity proves that the group deserves more respect than that.
  5. Super Extra Gravity... sounds like the product of a young, fresh quintet that's got a whole lot of rock left in 'em.
  6. Under The Radar
    Rough and refined, and nearly fourteen years into their career, The Cardigans have produced one of the finest albums of the year. [#15]
  7. Urb
    It does all go a bit Sheryl Crow occasionally... but the darker clouds remain. [Oct 2006, p.117]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Jan 1, 2013
    This is a 9.5 album to me. It's pretty obvious to understand which direction the band picked since the first track. The album features reallyThis is a 9.5 album to me. It's pretty obvious to understand which direction the band picked since the first track. The album features really consistent songs and it's really pleasantful to listen to, especially in its entirety. Full Review »
  2. DSBac
    Dec 14, 2006
    Not as good as Life or LGBD, but certainly far better than just about anything else around these days.
  3. NathanL
    Dec 5, 2006
    A stunning return to form. I'd given up after LGBD, even though it was a fine record, it just found the band moving in a direction that A stunning return to form. I'd given up after LGBD, even though it was a fine record, it just found the band moving in a direction that I didn't want to follow, not after the string of classics that preceded it. It was an easy LP to admire, but a hard one to actually listen to. What's so amazing about SEG is how much they've retained the spirit of LGBD, but they've remembered to let Torr Johnson in on the fun this time. Once again, the Cardigans are freaking out in the studio, after the one note mopefest that was LGBD, it's really really nice to hear those bouncy swedish basslines married to staccato drumming all drenched in reverbed guitar. No one records pop music quite like the Cardigans. Sure, the caridigans are the only bad I can think of that have stripped down and simplified thier sound as they mature, and this record, however strong, is simply no match for Life or FBOTM. it seems the band is shaking off the cobwebs and finding a way to stay relevant. I'll miss the sabbath covers, sure, but, if this LP is any indication, they just again became essential. Full Review »