
Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
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  1. 80
    Considering Take Care is an affecting masterpiece easily on par with his debut, there could be no greater accolade for the genius of this man.
  2. Dec 12, 2011
    Take Care is equal parts dick-waving egoism, emotional wreckage, and mature understanding.
  3. Nov 29, 2011
    This is all I really want an album to be: an immense, five-star production fronted by a compelling, three-dimensional character with an unrivaled faculty for craft.
  4. Nov 22, 2011
    Take Care is dense and takes a while to digest, but once you're in Drake's world there's no escaping.
  5. 80
    For a while on this overlong album, he brings something new to the usual hip-hop parade of brandy and bitches, lasciviousness and loyalty.
  6. Nov 17, 2011
    It's an idiosyncratic, aggressively self-conscious and occasionally sentimental album, one that falls somewhere between languid, finger-snapping R&B and hip-hop braggadocio.
  7. Nov 17, 2011
    We're still a long way from a classic, but Take Care once again proves that he's just too good to disappear anytime soon.
  8. Nov 17, 2011
    If Drake had it his way, one imagines he would deliver this album via fan newsletter. He made this record for them-which is why his aesthetic so thoroughly encases this record like a cocoon made of syrup-and he'd rather any stone-throwers politely evaporate.
  9. Nov 16, 2011
    It's actually on the brighter, bolder, faster numbers that Take Care comes alive.
  10. Nov 16, 2011
    That Take Care is an almost complete success is no small feat, especially given that it's an accomplishment of form more than of content, content having been handled assuredly on the last two Drake releases
  11. Nov 16, 2011
    His second full-length, out today, is a mighty thing, every bit as turbulent and achingly defensive as Kanye West's "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."
  12. Nov 16, 2011
    Take Care is a carefully crafted bundle of contradictory sentiments from a conflicted rapper who explores his own neuroses in as compelling a manner as anyone not named Kanye West.
  13. Nov 16, 2011
    Overall, Take Care's sum is greater than its parts.
  14. Nov 15, 2011
    Take Care is a record unsure of itself, certainly more focused and interesting than its predecessor, but still far from the classic Drake had hinted at.
  15. Take Care does a beautiful job of giving Drake the best group of features that complement his style while rarely outshining him.
  16. Nov 15, 2011
    While Take Care's charms may be a little more hidden, with a couple exceptions, than Thank Me Later's were, repeated plays reveal a record that is just as strong and more powerful emotionally.
  17. Nov 15, 2011
    Drake shares [Kanye] West's love for mood and never-ending existential analysis.
  18. Nov 15, 2011
    As a series of a mood pieces detailing the luxury lifestyle of hip-hop's one-percenters, Take Care is fairly captivating. As a portrait of the artist at the top of the mountain, however, it's pretty frustrating.
  19. Nov 15, 2011
    His follow-up album is plenty downbeat, but it's also gorgeous, an immersive headphone masterwork that's tender and intimate like little else in contemporary rap and R&B.
  20. Nov 14, 2011
    Over the course of some 18 months, Drake has become quite a novice in the genre, well on his way to mastering new and exciting ground.
  21. Nov 14, 2011
    While Take Care could be much better in some theoretical ways, it isn't bad in any objective way either.
  22. Nov 14, 2011
    The best of it affirms that Drake is shaping a pop persona with staying power.
  23. Nov 14, 2011
    Either way you bend it, his confessional accounts on how men view the female gender is all too relatable under any context.
  24. Nov 14, 2011
    Just as his thematic concerns have become richer, so has the music backing them up.
  25. Nov 14, 2011
    It's one slightly embarrassing Nicki Minaj verse and one awkward Lil' Wayne feature (the "HYFR" one) away from being by far the smoothest hip-hop and/or pop listen you're likely to come across this year.
  26. Nov 11, 2011
    On Take Care, Drake finally shows he's got the talent to match the hype.
  27. Nov 11, 2011
    It's what Drake does best, collapsing many moods--arrogance, sadness, tenderness and self-pity--into one vast, squish-souled emotion.
  28. Nov 10, 2011
    He's clearly fought his corner admirably, because he's achieved it--it's an album that creates a particular mood, and vehemently sticks to it, even bending the will of the traditional rap joints in the process.
  29. Nov 10, 2011
    The only time the almost 80-minute Take Care doesn't work is when it indulges something resembling conventional hip-hop.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 538 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 48 out of 538
  1. Nov 15, 2011
    This album will be a classic, Drake created his own style of rap/hiphop. On his first album, the influence of 'Cash Money' producers was clearThis album will be a classic, Drake created his own style of rap/hiphop. On his first album, the influence of 'Cash Money' producers was clear in some songs (Miss Me, Fancy). Even though that was a good album, it wasn't a great one. This album on the other hand, is great. The influence of James Blake is very clear in this album, leading to some revolutionary songs with revolutionary beats (to give an example, Crew Love). The Jamie xx produced Take Care has a beautiful build-up, and reminds me of "Weak become heroes" by The Streets (aka Mike Skinner). Instead of chosing for industry-leading guest stars, he has chosen guest artists whose voice/rap skills fit the song perfectly (except for Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj, but they need to be on it for obvious reasons). Just like he gives Rihanna a surprising vocal role in Take Care; not the powerful Rihanna you'd expect, but an almost timid Rihanna. It's very obvious that he was left with creative control this time. I'm willing to bet he's going to receive a grammy for this one.

    "Take Care", "Marvin's Room", "Crew Love", "Lord Knows" are instant classics.
    Full Review »
  2. Nov 16, 2011
    Im not a Drake stan in anway, but to deny this album is nothing but brilliant would be idiotic. When was this album ever labelled as purelyIm not a Drake stan in anway, but to deny this album is nothing but brilliant would be idiotic. When was this album ever labelled as purely rap, anyone hating on the RnB elements has never heard Drake before is just looking for an excuse to hate. Why are you listening to his second album if you feel so negatively towards him? Just admit you like him already, this album is incredible. Full Review »
  3. Nov 17, 2011
    Drake has had his auspicious begins with the omnipresent mixtape, So far Gone. The success that catapulted him into stardom. He was initiallyDrake has had his auspicious begins with the omnipresent mixtape, So far Gone. The success that catapulted him into stardom. He was initially known for the popular teen show , Degrassi but it wasn't in till his mixtape success and subsequent signing with Young Money, Cash Money that he found his calling. His greatly anticipated debut album Thank Me later was meet with commercial success but some what mixed feelings critically. A little over a year later Drake has released his second full length album, Take Care. He has finally found his niche. It is not as a heavy rapper or a trey songz r&b singer. Its a mix of both, the songs on Take Care are sometimes slow but always crisp, almost palpable. its a mastery of music and has to be one of the best album in awhile, not the best rap album but one of the best musical albums in a long, long time. Full Review »