• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Feb 19, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 1 out of 4
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  1. Feb 19, 2016
    There's no pretense here: this album is pure, no-frills, feel-good fun, a start-to-finish crowd-pleaser for fans of that classic pop-punk sound.
  2. Feb 19, 2016
    It’s hard to fault them for sticking to that template since it was what helped turn the band into superstars around the world. But as Simple Plan moves outside of their musical comfort zone, it would be great to hear them mess with the formula a little more.
  3. Kerrang!
    Feb 19, 2016
    Lyrically, [frontman Pierre Bouvier] and his bandmates have barely matured from the whimpering youngsters they were when they made it big 14 years ago.... However, if you accept Taking One For The Team for what it is, which is just another Simple Plan album, then there's lots to enjoy. [20 Feb 2016, p.50]
  4. Feb 19, 2016
    When their punches land, you want to bless these guys for sticking to their guns and not growing up. But the misses are real and painful, and they make Taking One For the Team a far more embarrassing listen than it needed to be.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 29
  2. Negative: 9 out of 29
  1. Mar 16, 2022
    I’ve been going back through their discography since they have announced their new album and I have to say this is the weakest one of their 5I’ve been going back through their discography since they have announced their new album and I have to say this is the weakest one of their 5 official releases. Best songs are Nostalgic, Farewell, and Boom. The rest of these songs are very bland and are just ones you put on if it happens to play in your playlist or something like that. The worst song on this record has to be either Sad or I Dream About You. These songs were hard to listen to because of how bad they actually are. Other then that this album wasn’t good but it wasn’t completely horrible it’s just very meh. Full Review »
  2. Feb 17, 2017
    A punk band playing that high school bubblegum pop. Something some punk-heads from your school might play at your prom or whatever. ThatA punk band playing that high school bubblegum pop. Something some punk-heads from your school might play at your prom or whatever. That doesn't mean that it's bad music. There are some nice upbeat tracks on here that won't give you a headache, and that will make a grown man smile. Anyways, as much there are good records there are bad records and they're bad because they're pretty much trying to recycle the same sound, the same concept, the same harmony etc. to make a whole album. The problem is there are only so much variations of the same thing, and those end up sounding good, the others - not so good. Full Review »
  3. Jun 13, 2016
    it's quite sometimes since i last heard an album which has a quite number of nice songs worth to keep listening. catchy rhythms and easilyit's quite sometimes since i last heard an album which has a quite number of nice songs worth to keep listening. catchy rhythms and easily remember lyrics. Full Review »