• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 24, 2010
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1730 Ratings

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  1. Aug 29, 2010
    Katy Perry lacks the polish that most pop acts have today, but what made her stand out than the rest was her ability to crank up insanely catchy tunes without much fuss. Believe me, when she's good, she's damn good (with the addictive 'Peacock', let me hear you sing 'Peacock-cock-cock' cause you can't resist it), when she tries too hard though... it ended up disastrously (seriously, yourKaty Perry lacks the polish that most pop acts have today, but what made her stand out than the rest was her ability to crank up insanely catchy tunes without much fuss. Believe me, when she's good, she's damn good (with the addictive 'Peacock', let me hear you sing 'Peacock-cock-cock' cause you can't resist it), when she tries too hard though... it ended up disastrously (seriously, your homage to our beloved extra terrestrial is that shallow). Still, one cannot deny that this album is filled with jam packed pop songs (at least half of it) that can instantly appeal to most, the lack of auto-tune surprises me (shame on you Ke$ha) and that alone is worth checking the album it, it's solid and too be honest, isn't it way better than 'One Of The Boys'. Expand
  2. Aug 26, 2010
    I sincerely believe that this album is worst than One Of The Boys, and no surprise me, an album full of simple melodies, a basic teen pop, not found in the album originality, creativity and if Katy had something different to the current pop singers on this album is proven to be a more... Teenage Dream is the perfect album for "teens" not for everyone ...i'm really expecting more ofI sincerely believe that this album is worst than One Of The Boys, and no surprise me, an album full of simple melodies, a basic teen pop, not found in the album originality, creativity and if Katy had something different to the current pop singers on this album is proven to be a more... Teenage Dream is the perfect album for "teens" not for everyone ...i'm really expecting more of her...this is pure garbage Expand
  3. Aug 26, 2010
    Apparently on a mission to exemplify how deep the inanity pool goes, Katy Perry provides us with a collection of dumb that can't even be saved by calling it comedy. Reaching out to the "OMG-she-made-a-penis-reference" preteen crowd, Katy wants to see your "Peacock-cock-cock-cock" ... which is about all you need to know about this album. If you're into boorish puerility on steroids, goApparently on a mission to exemplify how deep the inanity pool goes, Katy Perry provides us with a collection of dumb that can't even be saved by calling it comedy. Reaching out to the "OMG-she-made-a-penis-reference" preteen crowd, Katy wants to see your "Peacock-cock-cock-cock" ... which is about all you need to know about this album. If you're into boorish puerility on steroids, go buy "Teenage Dream" and enjoy the tingling sensation of your IQ plummeting. Collapse
  4. Aug 25, 2010
    This is THE BEST album i've heard in a very long time. And a great improvement from "One of the Boys" Katy perry has really out done herself. Each song has a different tone to it but they all have the same amazing voice from Katy. Each track tells a different story has a different emotion. As you listen to the album, you'll notice a lot of the songs catching on and replaying in your mindThis is THE BEST album i've heard in a very long time. And a great improvement from "One of the Boys" Katy perry has really out done herself. Each song has a different tone to it but they all have the same amazing voice from Katy. Each track tells a different story has a different emotion. As you listen to the album, you'll notice a lot of the songs catching on and replaying in your mind but in the best way possible, so in smaller words, each song is very memorable. I feel like over half of that album should all be hit singles. Expand
  5. Aug 25, 2010
    This album is awesome! One of the boys was eh! But teen age dream is so awesome! There are a lot of singles that can come from this album! The are a lot of hit singles in this album! Like firework or peacock! There are some good love ballads like *not like the movies* or *humming heartbeat*! There are songs u want to dance to like *California Gurls*, *Last Friday Night(t.g.i.f)*, andThis album is awesome! One of the boys was eh! But teen age dream is so awesome! There are a lot of singles that can come from this album! The are a lot of hit singles in this album! Like firework or peacock! There are some good love ballads like *not like the movies* or *humming heartbeat*! There are songs u want to dance to like *California Gurls*, *Last Friday Night(t.g.i.f)*, and sexually charged *peacock* ! *Circle the drain* is an awesome song talking about her ex, awesome rock song!There are a lot of awesome songs on this album! Definitely 1 of the most great pop records!!!! Katy Perry Rocks!
    AMAZING ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I THINK FIREWORK WILL BE A HIT SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Aug 25, 2010
    This album is a masterpiece. Every songs are great, but it's together, in a whole CD, that they take life to make probably my favorite 2010 pop album after Christina Aguilera's Bionic. Teenage Dream is an album that has a lot of different sounds and that a wide range of people will enjoy. I think that this album is for a younger public and has a #1 potential at The Billboard 200. A greatThis album is a masterpiece. Every songs are great, but it's together, in a whole CD, that they take life to make probably my favorite 2010 pop album after Christina Aguilera's Bionic. Teenage Dream is an album that has a lot of different sounds and that a wide range of people will enjoy. I think that this album is for a younger public and has a #1 potential at The Billboard 200. A great team behind a great album. Good work Katy Perry! Expand
  7. Aug 25, 2010
    Teenage dream is really really great.
    Every song is awesome.Every song tells you different story.
    Can't wait to see Firework music video.
    This is Katy's year.
  8. Aug 25, 2010
    this is AMAZING! California gurls, Teenage Dream, Last friday night, peacock, fireworks = potential hits.
  9. Aug 24, 2010
    WOW i am shocked, this album is amazing, i have never seen an album with such wide range of music and beat, this album is way bigger then any other i ve heard from this year, literally every song on the album is hotttt, this is a definite triple diamond album at works here, Katy Perry is the leading lady on top as of now.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. After some severe front-loading, the album is filled out by songs that are too dark or lifeless to work alongside the Candyland motif of the cover and sunbeamy splash of California Gurls.
  2. Teenage Dream is the kind of pool-party-pop gem that Gwen Stefani used to crank out on the regular, full of SoCal ambience and disco beats.
  3. There's none of the ABBA or Cardigans influence she claimed, nor any of the fun she seems to have in real life. For now she just sounds like another of pop's Stepford Wives.