• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Apr 25, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16

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  1. JDWilliams
    May 20, 2006
    Amazing Headphone Album! Good Stoner Music! Amazing band i love The Secret Machines. Sound like no one.
  2. san
    Jun 14, 2006
    This is MUSIC
  3. Joris
    Apr 27, 2006
    This blows me way! Listen to alot of cd's except I hate pretending all the songs are outstanding.. ALone Jealous and Stoned and 1000 Seconds are one of the most beautiful songs I heard in a long time, Lighhtning Blue Eyes contains an irresisitible and original melody -vocalline - other favourite is Faded Lines which contains such a great riff. And then there's still the awesome This blows me way! Listen to alot of cd's except I hate pretending all the songs are outstanding.. ALone Jealous and Stoned and 1000 Seconds are one of the most beautiful songs I heard in a long time, Lighhtning Blue Eyes contains an irresisitible and original melody -vocalline - other favourite is Faded Lines which contains such a great riff. And then there's still the awesome Pink Floyd trip - Daddy 's in the droldrums. Better than Now Here Is Nowhere, this album is quickly rising to become one of my favourite epic cd's -Ever, not kidding -go buy this album- I heard David Bowie is a fan, well now I'm one too... Cd of the year so far, and i'm like most readers here probably someone who continually listens to many manynew releases and new bands... Expand
  4. AG
    May 17, 2006
    I give the guys credit for not doing the album everyone expected them to do- they proved they could trump all other heavy/psychedelic bands out there when their debut was breaking people's speaker cabinets in 2004, now they pull back a bit and give us a CD with some human emotion rather than hammering out the same thing with different names (ala the strokes). If you want an I give the guys credit for not doing the album everyone expected them to do- they proved they could trump all other heavy/psychedelic bands out there when their debut was breaking people's speaker cabinets in 2004, now they pull back a bit and give us a CD with some human emotion rather than hammering out the same thing with different names (ala the strokes). If you want an interesting parallel that helps understand this bands direction, listen to Led Zeppelin's debut side by side with Now Here is Nowhere, then listen to Led Zeppelin II along with Ten Silver Drops. This is a band that refuses to labelled as the next U2 or Flaming Lips and strives for the balance of classic rock face-melt and futuristic song structures and instrumentation. Oh yeah, I may be biased, because I've seen them live a few times, including the performance at Bonnaroo that noone who witnessed it will ever stop talking about. Expand
  5. ByronB
    Apr 28, 2006
    Very solid, definitely an improvement on an already excellent sound. The focus on melody is surprising and rewarding for the listener. "Daddy's In The Doldrums" and "Lightning Blue Eyes" are the pick of the litter.
  6. Jack
    Jul 12, 2006
    Another great album, just as good as the first. Gets better with every listen
  7. NickR
    Apr 25, 2006
    Although I must admit I have only listened through the album a couple of times today, I feel I can comfortably say that this is a superior album to "Nowhere is No Where." While none of the songs have the same sense of urgency that their burning debut did, the album as a whole keeps together much better while maintaining the energy that made me buy this album the day it came out. Their Although I must admit I have only listened through the album a couple of times today, I feel I can comfortably say that this is a superior album to "Nowhere is No Where." While none of the songs have the same sense of urgency that their burning debut did, the album as a whole keeps together much better while maintaining the energy that made me buy this album the day it came out. Their lyrics could almost sound on the side of gushy, but the cool yet manical singer does an excellent job of giving the songs resonance. I think their next album will be of "OK Computer" quality, but until then, we'll have to enjoy the Secret Machines' version of "Pablo Honey." Expand
  8. JamesR
    May 31, 2006
    One of the best albums of the year so far.
  9. JimD
    Jul 7, 2006
    Listen to this when drunk and down. Too many reviewers are clearly living happy lives, as they fail to see the point of this album. The "My Bloody Valentine" influences are pretty cool.
  10. KG
    Apr 30, 2006
    More cohesive than Here is Nowhere but "i want to know if it's still possible" is a disappointment (especially considering the garth hudson cameo) and "faded lines" is not as effective due to the same-y-ness of the sound. first five tracks are five star, lil dip in momentum, but "1000 seconds" ends things perfectly. stronger as a whole than than Nowhere, i eagerly await what comes next.
  11. Cables
    Apr 25, 2006
    It's definately not as enlightened as Now Here Is Nowhere, but it has it's high points. Songs like Alone, Jealous and Stoned are melodic and sweeping where songs like Daddy in the Doldrums are.. well.. just boring.
  12. rb
    Apr 28, 2006
    Not what I expected. The first album had a nice mix of heavy "one louder" type songs with mellower pieces. The new album stays more even keel. When listening to the first album, I could think of Black Sabbath influence. The new album is more Mercury Rev with long quiet intros. Overall, an enjoyable headphones album with too much production.
  13. RichardH
    Apr 27, 2007
    What a letdown. I loved Now Here is Nowhere and thought that the Secret Machines were poised for big things, but this album left me scratching my head. The best parts of the original album were the throbbing rhythms. Sadly, this new disk is mixed so that the drums are almost an afterthought. The only song that captured the sound that I dug in the past album was "Daddy's in the What a letdown. I loved Now Here is Nowhere and thought that the Secret Machines were poised for big things, but this album left me scratching my head. The best parts of the original album were the throbbing rhythms. Sadly, this new disk is mixed so that the drums are almost an afterthought. The only song that captured the sound that I dug in the past album was "Daddy's in the Doldrums" which was a pretty good listen, but none of the other songs jumped out at me. I'm going to give this CD some time to change my mind, but so far I'm disappointed at the step back that this band has apparently taken. Expand
  14. MarcH
    Jul 20, 2006
    This album is terrible compared to their last. They went from hard hitting, spacey rock to BORING in one album. Such a disappointment.
  15. dan
    May 16, 2006
    Quickly, then: NHIN married melody, oblique emotion and sheer sonic power more successfully than anything since OK Computer. Ten Silver Drops is badly produced and sequenced to a remarkable extent, and demonstrates what happens when you leave out everything except the songwriting. Maybe it's a practical joke.
  16. LeylaH
    Sep 26, 2006
    I heard these guys at the Austin City Limits Festival and they ROCKED! I went and bought this album and it SUCKED! Either they are only good live or maybe like Mark H said, they were playing thier old stuff at that show I saw. I was truly dissapointed with 10 drops. It was alot lot of "guy whineing" in my opinion.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Uncut
    If there's any justice, the stadiums of tomorrow await them. [Apr 2006, p.105]
  2. The result is a spiritual sibling to such previous great, emotionally raw ruminations on shattered personal lives as Phil Collins' Face Value and Beck's Sea Change.
  3. Under The Radar
    A surprisingly strong and confident record. [#13, p.88]