
Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jul 19, 2019
    The Age of Immunology is an idealistic, impressionistic rebuke to Brexit and the other xenophobic movements of the late 2010s. ... On The Age of Immunology, they set this message to beguiling, fantastical soundscapes that are as welcoming as they are unusual.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jul 2, 2019
    Magician's Success and the Can-does-The-Normal bleep of Backstroke could be missing soundtracks to some experimental Cold War animation. [Aug 2019, p.116]
  3. Jun 26, 2019
    The Age of Immunology honors a potentially fading ideal. Should it all come crashing down, it's hard to think of a more fitting, colorful, and ambitious tribute than the one Vanishing Twin have given us here.
  4. 90
    The Age of Immunology is, simply, a masterpiece.
  5. Jun 17, 2019
    The Age of Immunology finds the group tightening some bolts and adding depth to their mythology, and it’s really quite a treat.
  6. Uncut
    Jun 17, 2019
    A slight problem is that the London quintet are third-generation mimics: "You Are Not An Island" could be Broadcast, and "Magician's Success," complete with cartoon effects, occupies Stereolab's former territory. [Jul 2019, p.36]
  7. Jun 17, 2019
    The Age of Immunology better highlights the individual personalities and nationalities that inform the group’s unique alchemy.
  8. Jun 17, 2019
    The Age of Immunology is the rare album that arrives full of what might topple over under the weight of its (potentially pretentious) baggage, but which instead delivers a new world of experience beyond any category, musical or otherwise. Music like this may not change your life, but it would be most surprising if it did not seriously alter your perspective.

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