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Universal acclaim- based on 112 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 97 out of 112
  2. Negative: 3 out of 112

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  1. Dec 7, 2022
    a spectacular debut album but I feel that there are songs that are very similar to each other and can become repetitive but other than that this album makes me nostalgic in a dark environment but somehow emits chivalry
  2. Oct 13, 2016
    The best indie rock album i've ever heard in my life, those sharp guitars in contrast with tom smith loud voice
    are delightfull, those double time hi hats/drums keep it going, awesome album!
  3. Dec 6, 2011
    A great debut album from English Indie rockers. Every 2nd track is an anthem here and there is only one or two filler tracks here and even at that, these aren't that bad. It's very much influenced by Joy Division but the band do a good job of giving their own take on that dark/robotic rock here. Rifftastic - a great live band too.
  4. May 31, 2011
    What a fantastic way to introduce yourself into the music world. This album has a great anthem feeling, with absolutely fantastic tracks such as "Munich", "All Sparks" and "Blood", all of which could easily be repeated over and over. And really loud, too.
  5. DavidH.
    Nov 17, 2007
    class music! only song not too fussed on is camera and maybe distance, they r by no means bad songs, just not as good as the rest, which are all excellent. It is a solid album, that is exceptionally well-made, wat an exciting debut! best songs- lights, munich, blood, all sparks, fingers in the factories, someone says and open your arms, which is pretty much all of them!
  6. GarryK
    Oct 19, 2007
    Brilliant album. All the songs are catchy, modern and unforgettable. They remind me of a 21st century version of joy division.
  7. Drake
    Aug 5, 2007
    Beautiful music!
  8. BLJay
    Jun 11, 2007
    The best British album since the Stone Roses brilliant debut.
  9. Smith
    May 23, 2007
    Probably the best debut by anyone since Arcade Fire's The Funeral.
  10. ThompsonT
    May 8, 2007
    Electrifying. Poetic. Terrific. A must buy!
  11. pl
    May 3, 2007
    interpol is crap. while editors are a very promising band despite the fact that they are truly not too original. let's just wait and see how their upcoming album goes.
  12. Edgar
    Apr 30, 2007
    Truly spectacular!
  13. ShayG
    Apr 27, 2007
    Definitely a modern masterpiece. Beautiful grandeur's songs throughout. I don't how this only has a 76 with critics, it deserves alot higher. But besides that this one of those albums that can change your life.
  14. DEE
    Apr 23, 2007
    A brillaint debut.
  15. Roco
    Apr 20, 2007
    Solid album by this british band. This album is powerful, epic, and very uplifting. I highly recommend.
  16. Frank
    Apr 20, 2007
    The Best album of 02 and the best album in the last 10 years.
  17. DJ
    Apr 8, 2007
    Truly beautiful record by this band. They dp everything right and the end product is truly mesmerizing and uplifting. One of the best albums in the last 10 years, which is saying alot.
  18. TrekD
    Feb 27, 2007
    Love this album! Clearly, one of the best debuts ever.
  19. HeyPeople
    Feb 14, 2007
    6.5 in fact. I think the Billboard review says it all: the counterfeit is so good that it sounds like the original. They are great, they just aren't quite original. I like it because the sound is pure, i hate electronic post-punk. And I love the guitars as well. They seem to hurt, don´t they?
  20. AC
    Jan 26, 2007
    A terrific debut from these Birmingham boys. So, many excellent tracks to choose from (Blood, Bullet, Colors, Lights, Munich, & Release) but my favorite is All Sparks, Wow! just amazing to listen to. Really looking forward to there follow-up.
  21. MikeL
    Sep 28, 2006
    One of the best albums I've heard in quite a while. I really enjoy it.
  22. AlC
    Aug 4, 2006
    Because the path of least resistance to the new is often through the familiar, people will, generally compare Editors to Interpol, Joy Division, etc. While this might be a helpful categorization, it is simply a point of reference. This is truly a ground breaking album that after a few listens emerges as unique and groundbreaking in its own right.
  23. epixsavior
    Jun 25, 2006
    actually a 8.7 is my rating. i am SICK TO DEATH of hipster-centric music. all those endless number of bands that have joy division guitars, cure-esque accessiblity, psuedo-elctro beat drums and wash after wash after wash of moodiness. and all the ones that are vaguely pop-punkish, pixie-esque and anything you'd normally hear marketed by HOT TOPIC. i hear that ALL the time from t.v., actually a 8.7 is my rating. i am SICK TO DEATH of hipster-centric music. all those endless number of bands that have joy division guitars, cure-esque accessiblity, psuedo-elctro beat drums and wash after wash after wash of moodiness. and all the ones that are vaguely pop-punkish, pixie-esque and anything you'd normally hear marketed by HOT TOPIC. i hear that ALL the time from t.v., radio, internet and friends. it also seems most fo the critics think that this album too is just another generic, paint by numbers, follow other non-formula formulas,made-just-for-I-tunes marketed music. wow, i think they so wrong on this one. i admit, the best way to describe this band tto someone who has not heard thier music would be to say they sound like interpol mixed with the bravery. but a) they only take the ONE good thing the bravery has going for them : thier drumming styles and uptempos. and b) they do remind me of intepol (who i like), but they sound less like they are playing in a underground sewer (like interpol always does) and more like they are playing in a large-ass, epic country side, or cathedral or hollow room with marlbe floors. and another thing: the difference between this and most of the music in the genre it's being compared to (current indie) is the fact that it's not really just following a formula like other band sound like they do, if you actually are indulgent and dramatic about the music, like the editors do. bands that just follow formulas don't care about the music enough to over indulge in the sonics for emotive power, and they often hold back on what their capable of, both sonically and creativly. i'm sorry, but you can't fake sounding like you're really believing what you're saying. and the production is nicely menacing and powerful. parts of it remind me of elbow and snow patrols more agressive stuff (especially since snow patrol's current producer produced the track "bullets" for this album.). the last track was surprising in how restrained and mature it sounded in an album of dominated by wailing and over excess. although i have to admit: the expert production and chord moods and heavily melodic vocal melodies make a lot of this album feel like it washes over me like digital tidal waves. shame a couple of the songs needed way more drums, or i would've gave this album a 9. the album starts of with 3 A-singles in a row, but once you hear track 6, you realize this album won't be as perfect as you thought. final thought: if your going to make a hipster-music album, do one of three things: over-indulge (it shows that you mean it and that you care), be consisent in the songs overall entertianment value (cause what's a hipster album if it's not entertaining?) and most importantly, don't be too cheesy, whiny or jittery. this album does all three. Expand
  24. GaboS
    May 31, 2006
    INTERPOL INTERPOL INTERPOL! I'm tired of hearing the comparisons, Editors have a sound of their own and I hate those who say that Editors stole interpol's sound. Suddenly interpol created an already existing genre and sound? Every time a band comes out, it's likely that they will sound similar to someone else, what's original now anyway? When you compare more than INTERPOL INTERPOL INTERPOL! I'm tired of hearing the comparisons, Editors have a sound of their own and I hate those who say that Editors stole interpol's sound. Suddenly interpol created an already existing genre and sound? Every time a band comes out, it's likely that they will sound similar to someone else, what's original now anyway? When you compare more than simply listening to an artist, you can't appreciate the passion behind the artist's songwriting, lyrics and sound found in "The Back Room" in this case. "The Back Room" flows very well, almost every song in the album is succesful from start to finish. One of those albums you listen the whole way through...amazing. Only complaint is the ending track which seemed a "filler," other than that, great debut. Expand
  25. Glitch
    May 28, 2006
    Their strong song-writing capabilities and excellent vocals are what made me buy the album. I started listening to editors after Hideo Kojima (MGS, anyone? ) recommended them on his blog and I must say the man has a great taste ;) Though Back Room has some monotonous songs (Camera, Open your Arms) the rest of the bunch more than make up for the two! My favorites are Bullets , Blood and Their strong song-writing capabilities and excellent vocals are what made me buy the album. I started listening to editors after Hideo Kojima (MGS, anyone? ) recommended them on his blog and I must say the man has a great taste ;) Though Back Room has some monotonous songs (Camera, Open your Arms) the rest of the bunch more than make up for the two! My favorites are Bullets , Blood and Munich but almost every song is a potential hit just waiting to be discovered. Now quickly,go out and buy the album ! :) Expand
  26. kayt
    May 17, 2006
    editors are brilliant musicians & lyricists. the sensual & dark tracks are much more complex & haunting than many of the current 'new retro' groups. the constant comparison of editors to joy division are uninspired &, frankly, far too simple. in terms of rhythm, excitement, & emotion, the editors are consistently passionate track after track. what's more, the singer's editors are brilliant musicians & lyricists. the sensual & dark tracks are much more complex & haunting than many of the current 'new retro' groups. the constant comparison of editors to joy division are uninspired &, frankly, far too simple. in terms of rhythm, excitement, & emotion, the editors are consistently passionate track after track. what's more, the singer's voice is rich & haunting (think peter murphy, dead can dance, depeche mode). truly a bloody amazing group well-worth the listen & the accolades. Expand
  27. [Anonymous]
    May 17, 2006
    for an original new waver & alternative rocker (back when it was actually ALTERNATIVE), i love the editors. their music is rich & layered; their lyrics are heart-felt prose. overall, brilliant. the joy division comparison is far too overplayed. consider depeche mode instead. for the younger fans of panic! at the disco, franz ferdinand, the killers, the bravery, et. all., you owe it to for an original new waver & alternative rocker (back when it was actually ALTERNATIVE), i love the editors. their music is rich & layered; their lyrics are heart-felt prose. overall, brilliant. the joy division comparison is far too overplayed. consider depeche mode instead. for the younger fans of panic! at the disco, franz ferdinand, the killers, the bravery, et. all., you owe it to yourself to have a go at editors. it'll be 'love at first track,' i'm sure. the lead singer's voice is emotionally husky & dark; reminds me of the guy in dead can dance. as for the musical structure, consider bel canto. certainly hope they'll passby close enough for me to see them in concert. i believe they'll be as good live as they are in the studio. Expand
  28. BertD
    Apr 30, 2006
    It's just one of the best alternative rock albums atm! Really good variation of songs that just does the trick for me !
  29. JamesL
    Apr 4, 2006
    Its good i realy only like the songs munich and Fingers in the Factiories.
  30. WWalinski
    Mar 30, 2006
    Interpol comparisons are a bit unfounded. Only in mood (which does remain consistent over the course of the record) is there a logical resemblence; otherwise Editors have far stronger song-writing capabilities providing some of the most lush and beautiful tunes to come out of any band in the past couple years. Excellent live too, they have a great energy.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Q Magazine
    As much as The Back Room is a victory for style, it also strikes a blow for substance. [Aug 2005, p.135]
  2. "The Back Room" is, principally, a triumph.
  3. It’s how Interpol would sound like if they dealt with universal themes and reflection rather than singing about fellatio fantasies with Stella, or their length of loves.