• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 416 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 68 out of 416

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  1. Feb 21, 2023
    It means the teenager days of that cute year called 2007. It’s easy to dream along Avril and all her cool vibe when you listen to her masterpieces.
  2. Aug 21, 2022
    Amazing album, never heard anything else like it before! Shows great artistic growth.
  3. Feb 26, 2022
    her best albun. best artist off all-time, best artist off all-time, best artist off all-time
  4. Feb 25, 2022
    I Love Avril Lavigne so much
  5. Feb 25, 2022
    A change for her previous works, but it is very good anyways, I kove this album
  6. Feb 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is my favorite and one of the best since it surprised us with the successful Girlfriend ❤️ Expand
  7. Feb 4, 2022
    I like some tracks from this album such as "When i'm Gone" and "Girlfriend" but I miss the old vibes she had on her first two albums.. still a good album overall
  8. Jul 31, 2021
    A Queen with an attitude, big d energy
  9. Jun 30, 2021
    “Girlfriend” is a classic and was a massive worldwide hit, the album was great and a success for 2007 she owned.
  10. Dec 15, 2020
    This is a masterpiece from Avril. Amazing songs and lyrics. I'm in love with these songs.
  11. Nov 5, 2020
    I'll never understand why people denigrate this album. Yeah maybe it's not her best, but GOD this album's fun!
  12. Aug 28, 2020
    Deserves all the hype. Girlfriend is a smash hit and still a bop over a decade later.
  13. Jul 24, 2020
    This is one of the best albums I've ever listened to. The lyrics are soo good. I love this.
  14. Jul 24, 2020
    She really ended men in this album. Girlfriend is a smash hit. I love it. Legendary.
  15. May 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 1.- GIRLFRIEND.- Super pegajosa, divertida, perfecto primer single, mezcla perfecta de Pop y Rock como solo Avril lo sabe hacer. TOP
    2..- I CAN DO BETTER.- En la misma linea de el anterior track, divertida, pegajosa, un poco mas rock que pop. TOP
    3.- RUNAWAY.- Un pop rock bajandole el cambio un poco a la linea de las anteriores dos. Excelente coro. Sigue siendo fresco y divertido. TOP
    4.- THE BEST DAMN THING.- Bastante más atrevida en letra, vuelve a la linea un poco más rock, TOP
    5.-WHEN YOU'RE GONE.- Lindo instrumental, del tipo de baladas que Avril sabe hacer para tocarte en lo profundo. Perfecta como single aunque yo lo habría mandado como 3er single. TOP
    6.- EVERYTHING BACK BUT YOU.- Sube la linea punk. Divertido y fresco. El break del coro suena bastante refrescante.Sin embargo va sonando bastante similar entre las anteriores 5 canciones.
    7.- HOT.- Nos da una Avril muy sensual, lo cual es un giro perfecto para el disco. Bastante pegajosa, innovadora pero sin salirse de la línea del disco. TOP
    8.- INNOCENCE.- Lindo comienzo tanto en el piano como la melodía vocal. Perfecta balada para refrescar un poco la línea del disco. Muy a lo Under My Skin, Me trae al presente las mejores baladas de Avril. TOP
    9.-I DON'T HAVE TO TRY.- Lo más alto de la línea punk rock del album hasta ahora. Un poco menos divertida y mas agresiva. No la paso pero tampoco la volvería a escuchar. La guitarra me suena un poco a Blink 182
    10.- ONE OF THOSE GIRLS.- Suena un poco como un lado B de Girlfriend, bastante divertida y fresca siguiendo con el punk rock. Me gusta pero no me parece muy recordable.
    11.- CONTAGIOUS.- Igual que la anterior, no pienso que sea de las mejores del disco, no es mala pero suena a más de lo mismo.
    12.- KEEP HOLDING ON.- Linda balada, buena producción musical en general pero no llega a llenarme como las demás baladas de Avril. Bastante recordable sin embargo no es muy de mi agrado.
    13.- ALONE.- Más de lo mismo, no es mala pero no es recordable.
    14.- I WILL BE.- Linda balada. Debió ser incluida en la versión original del disco. De mis baladas favoritas de Avril. TOP

    EN GENERAL: El disco más punk - rock de Avril. En general un buen disco, fresco, divertido, COHESIVO en todas sus canciones. No me decepcionó para nada, tal ves en el arte y las visuales. De esos discos que disfrutas escucharlos enteros y te suben el ánimo. Buen trabajo Avril
  16. May 13, 2020
    Lavigne demuestra que pasó de ser la anti-Britney ha poder comportarse como ella.
  17. Feb 5, 2020
    I really enjoyed this album, but it's not my favourite. The style Avril opted for this record is totally different from Let Go and WAY more different than Under My Skin. She went from a sensible girl to a pop chick, and that change was a bit abrupt.

    This album is not bad, and it can make you dance and feel the beat, but you won't feel the same as if you listen to LG or UMS. It contains
    I really enjoyed this album, but it's not my favourite. The style Avril opted for this record is totally different from Let Go and WAY more different than Under My Skin. She went from a sensible girl to a pop chick, and that change was a bit abrupt.

    This album is not bad, and it can make you dance and feel the beat, but you won't feel the same as if you listen to LG or UMS.

    It contains emotional ballads such as Keep Holding On, When You're Gone (my personal favourite), I Will Be or Innocence, but those tracks being joined to pop-punk tracks like Girlfriend, Everything Back But You, I Don't Have To Try or Hot doesn't do a great mix.

    In conclusion, it's a good album, but if you've listened to Avril's old albums you won't feel really satisfied with this record.
  18. Feb 15, 2019
    I like Girlfriend Remix with Lil Mama better than the original. Hot and The Best Damn Thing are so cool! Innocence, When You're Gone and Keep Holding On makes me cry sometimes. Avril Lavigne only has perfect albums.
  19. Jul 10, 2018
    The great controversy of the poppy Avril Lavigne in 2007. Even with her genre change, she managed to create a really great pop album. Catchy, fun, provocative, active but also with her sensitive side of a pink poppy girl, that's how I can define this album!
  20. Jun 5, 2017
    This is Avril Lavigne at her best. This album produced her most influential track, Girlfriend, as well as other great songs. This album is fun, pop and empowering. This album is a great improvement from the disappointing Under My Skin.
  21. Sep 8, 2016
    Completamente bem produzido. Baladas tocantes e musicas chicletes
    Melhores: I will be, Girlfriend, Innocence, When You're Gone, I do't have to try, TBDT e Hot.
  22. May 25, 2016
    For me this album is a miracle, maybe not so much after time, but who can say any different? Avril plays with her punky image and create my wet dream, as she said, for a fans that waiting for. This album mix greatly her style of rock with "neo-punk" sound and pace, and lyrics are maybe little bla bla bla stuff, but there are still some memorable moments, that I never heard from anyoneFor me this album is a miracle, maybe not so much after time, but who can say any different? Avril plays with her punky image and create my wet dream, as she said, for a fans that waiting for. This album mix greatly her style of rock with "neo-punk" sound and pace, and lyrics are maybe little bla bla bla stuff, but there are still some memorable moments, that I never heard from anyone else. And this together create a absolutely special kind, that was just in my dream that I cannot explain before. Expand
  23. Apr 22, 2016
    Really nice album with good beats and vocals. The best pop/rock album of the year! and think this record it's awesome and a powerful expression of a great singer
  24. Feb 27, 2016
    9/10 - "True, this is far from deep but Under the Skin proved that a deep Avril is a dull Avril. The Best Damn Thing, in contrast, builds on every one of her bratty strengths which makes for ridiculously catchy pop - the kind of music that provides a soundtrack for teens and guilty pleasures for everyone else" - AllMusic
  25. Sep 30, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Best Damn Thing é um bom álbum. Avril diz que este é o melhor álbum de sua carreira. Bom,eu não concordo que seja o melhor, mas é um dos melhores sim. Expand
  26. Aug 23, 2014
    Even though Avril proves she has made a rollercoaster of her own image with a glittery, cheerleader-y, girly album that contradicted her past concept, she's still earned the ultimate punkette crown.
  27. Mar 11, 2014
    While this is probably Avril Lavigne's worst album, it's decent. The album sounds beautiful at times (Innocence and When You're Gone) but at other times its just carefree guilty pleasures (Girlfriend and I Can Do Better) The two piano ballads on the album sound complete, which for some odd reason she couldn't accomplish on her next album, and they're very beautiful. However, they get lostWhile this is probably Avril Lavigne's worst album, it's decent. The album sounds beautiful at times (Innocence and When You're Gone) but at other times its just carefree guilty pleasures (Girlfriend and I Can Do Better) The two piano ballads on the album sound complete, which for some odd reason she couldn't accomplish on her next album, and they're very beautiful. However, they get lost in the other more numerous tracks that for the most part are only mediocre. Girlfriend, while catchy, gets annoying and the writing is lazy (and she admitted to being drunk while writing it and taking only a couple hours to do so) and half the tracks sound no different and for the most part aren't any better. And other tracks like I Don't Have To Try sound like its trying to be 3 different songs at once. Despite the album's mediocrity, it at least helps add to Avril Lavigne's bratty image. However, the real highlights from this album were the songs that didn't make it onto the album. Alone and I Will Be would have been the best two tracks had they been included. Alone was likely scrapped because it sounded like someone threw Girlfriend, I Can Do Better and Runaway into one song and they decided it sounded too similar. However, that was a regretful decision because, as one critic author wrote for sputnikmusic, "it’s far more engaging than either of those lethargic rockers." And on the other side of the album's spectrum, the beautiful ballad I Will Be did not make it on for unknown reasons. However, Leona Lewis did record it for her 2008 album and it honestly does not compare to Avril Lavigne's version. In essence, the album is a mixed bag. If you like Avril Lavigne, you'll most likely enjoy this. If you don't, I would go for: Runaway (which should account for half the album), When You're Gone, Innocence, Contagious and Keep Holding On. And of course Alone and I Will Be if you feel like going to search them up. Expand
  28. Dec 3, 2013
    Avril Lavigne has never sounded so sincere, The Best Damn Thing comes as a fun, energetic and catchy album, the album opens with ''Girlfriend'' a fun pop-punk song, undergoes respectable ballads like ''When You're Gone'' and ''Innocence'', takes influences from punk Green Day and Blink-182 in ''Everything Back But You'' and ''Contagious'', Avril don't need to put a mask of maturity toAvril Lavigne has never sounded so sincere, The Best Damn Thing comes as a fun, energetic and catchy album, the album opens with ''Girlfriend'' a fun pop-punk song, undergoes respectable ballads like ''When You're Gone'' and ''Innocence'', takes influences from punk Green Day and Blink-182 in ''Everything Back But You'' and ''Contagious'', Avril don't need to put a mask of maturity to sound ''mature''. The Best Damn Thing may not be the best album in the world, but it sure is one of the most infectious and fun albums of recent years. Expand
  29. Oct 29, 2013
    Definitely the best album of 2007
    Avril is very aggressive and tough in this album, with great instrumentals and great productions
    I miss this Avril closed for love, but it's always good to change the lyrical themes.
  30. Mar 24, 2013
    I don't think anybody saw it coming when Avril changed her appearance from a tomboy to a badass woman who showed she could take anyone down that got in her way. Most of the tracks on this record were very good, "Girlfriend," "Runaway, "The Best Damn Thing," and "Everything Back but You" being stand out songs.
  31. Feb 16, 2013
    With a great energy, unpretentious lyrics, catchy choruses and a beautiful blonde half a meter, 'The Best Damn Thing' is an inexhaustible well of fun.
  32. Dec 16, 2012
    This album is a lot more fluffy than the other two previous ones, still, it has a bunch of great songs, the ballads here are the most amazing ballads Avril's ever done, When You're Gone is so emotional and so beautiful, lyrically speaking, and her voice is just sweet. Innocence is a top song with strings and top vocals too, Avril's done a great job on that one, and the other songs are justThis album is a lot more fluffy than the other two previous ones, still, it has a bunch of great songs, the ballads here are the most amazing ballads Avril's ever done, When You're Gone is so emotional and so beautiful, lyrically speaking, and her voice is just sweet. Innocence is a top song with strings and top vocals too, Avril's done a great job on that one, and the other songs are just fine, the best are Hot, Girlfriend, Runaway, I Can Do Better and the title track, and apart from these and Everything Back But You, the other tracks are useless. Expand
  33. Nov 1, 2011
    I always wonder why fans hate this album so much, in my opinion he is simple a pink resumption of his first album and consequently so amazing as the first.
  34. Jul 23, 2011
    The Best Damn Thing is the best punk album ever hear.Girlfriend it's the hit single with When Ur Gone and Hot.Another cool song:Runaway,I Can Do Better,I Don't Heve To Try,One Of Those Girls.Every song are special.
  35. Mar 6, 2011
    Another great hit from Avril, but it contains too many foul words, i would prefer the clean version, Girlfriend and When You're Gone is the 2 best track from this album!! Over all is a gd album!!
  36. Feb 21, 2011
    This is the one step that she's evolution but not suit for her old fanbase. This album is more pop and funny. she do its great but not great for old fans
  37. Jan 6, 2011
    (10.0) Um álbum com músicas animadas e baladas emocionantes.
    A Avril ao contrário da maioria não apareceu mais madura no seu terceiro trabalho, porém aparecem mais animada, confiante e com uma nova cara.
    Não agradou a todos, porém não pode-se dizer que é apenas um
    (10.0) Um álbum com músicas animadas e baladas emocionantes.
    A Avril ao contrário da maioria não apareceu mais madura no seu terceiro trabalho, porém aparecem mais animada, confiante e com uma nova cara.
    Não agradou a todos, porém não pode-se dizer que é apenas um álbum cor-de-rosa com músicas dançantes, também é um álbum de pop/rock e de influências punk com batidas muito fortes!
    Novamente a Avril arraso!!
  38. Nov 29, 2010
    Amazing! This is THE pop-punk album. I totally love it. This album rocks my body. Now i know why i came to this world. To be her fan. If you don't like it, **** you!
  39. Oct 27, 2010
    I love this album. It truly lives up to its name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Best songs are Innocence, When your Gone, Hot and Keep Holding on
  40. Curdsy
    Feb 15, 2008
    This album is so HOT! I'm loving every single song!!!!!
  41. AshleyM.
    Jan 16, 2008
    I love this album!!! It shows that she can really sing. She is a happy person being herself and grown up. She wanted to release a fun album so people could dance to and enjoy it. My top 5 favorite songs are: Girlfriend, I can do better, when you're gone, hot, & I don't have to try.
  42. NormanG.
    Oct 26, 2007
    Its not her best album but it has some prety cool songs such as runaway and innocence but still theres other songs such as contagious and the best damn thing which sound like cheerleaders songs.
  43. AndrewW.
    Oct 11, 2007
    This is a phenomenal album! Every single song has hooks and the lead single, Girlfriend, is mindblowing!
  44. RobbP.
    Oct 10, 2007
    fantastic maturity in lead and backup vocals throughout the album. A little "cheerleady" on a couple tracks. Great guitar riffs throughout. Overall, something to enjoy on every track.
  45. draked.
    Aug 11, 2007
    of course, the hooks pull you in easily, and have you singing along in about the first time you hear the album... i honestly do not like alot of pop but this is my favorite cd in my collection.
  46. emmah
    Aug 9, 2007
    wicked album i'd say her best yet. love track 7. not too keen on girlfriend now, got a bit annoying.
  47. abcabc
    Jul 25, 2007
  48. johndoe
    Jul 21, 2007
  49. YavB.
    Jul 11, 2007
    this album is the best of all !
  50. henryg.
    Jul 11, 2007
    It's good. Fun, poppy laughs. All the tracks are good, and are only let down by some bad rap style parts, but that's it. I still prefer Under My Skin though.
  51. DrewN.
    Jul 7, 2007
  52. AllyS.
    Jul 4, 2007
    It's great! I love Avril!
  53. TiagoR.
    Jul 4, 2007
    This is the one!
  54. diegoS
    Jun 28, 2007
    this record is very good! perfect!
  55. TulioL.s
    Jun 20, 2007
    This is the best album of the year!
  56. Blackr.
    Jun 6, 2007
    Its THE best greatest thing ever!!!!!!! Those who don't like it, fuck off asses!
  57. BrunoT
    Jun 1, 2007
    her best album so far and its is appealing to a wider audience than the previous one. Excellent music.
  58. ArnoldH.
    May 18, 2007
    Her album rocks! Every single song is so great!
  59. vineett
    May 14, 2007
    This is her best album so far, I love her "Girlfriend" song....she rocks!!!
  60. SandyC
    May 12, 2007
    Like alot of people say "She ain't no punk". Nope this is pure power-pop. Her antecedants stretch back to Suzy Quatro and the Go-Go's. Not as smart as Cheap Trick, but every bit as nasty as The Knack. Lyricaly the whole thing seems to take place in the girls bathroom. Well so what I suppose if one were a 17 year old upper-middle class mall rat this would be Tolstoy. Don't Like alot of people say "She ain't no punk". Nope this is pure power-pop. Her antecedants stretch back to Suzy Quatro and the Go-Go's. Not as smart as Cheap Trick, but every bit as nasty as The Knack. Lyricaly the whole thing seems to take place in the girls bathroom. Well so what I suppose if one were a 17 year old upper-middle class mall rat this would be Tolstoy. Don't think about it is probably the safest bet. Expand
  61. mikes.
    May 8, 2007
    An excellent album and by far avril lavigne's best yet. She has matured as a pop artist and has grown out of her teenage angst driven phase. Now older and married she seems focus on just having fun and cares more about entertaining an audience than her previous self centered efforts. One of the year's best pop albums, period.
  62. Hamoodsnake
    May 6, 2007
    i really love most of the songs are great accept for maybe 2 or 3 buy it
  63. punkstar202
    May 4, 2007
    This is the best album ever. She really made a comeback!!! She is absoultly awesome!
  64. cjm
    May 2, 2007
    i listen to quite an odd collection of music, but this happened to snap me out of my death metal phase...which i had been in for a few months...i'll give it an 8 for the catchy beats and fun songs, but there are some songs that have no place on this album...
  65. tonib
    Apr 29, 2007
    i love the song it is her best 1 yet
  66. [Anonymous]
    Apr 28, 2007
    Now that Avril feels like having fun, she put out her best disc yet, and not a single dud in the 12 tracks. However, it seems Sony has pulled a dirty trick. To get the uncut explicit version, you have to cough up extra for the deluxe edition with the DVD, while all the regular editions are, though seemlessly done, edited editions!! This is biased against fans who can't afford the Now that Avril feels like having fun, she put out her best disc yet, and not a single dud in the 12 tracks. However, it seems Sony has pulled a dirty trick. To get the uncut explicit version, you have to cough up extra for the deluxe edition with the DVD, while all the regular editions are, though seemlessly done, edited editions!! This is biased against fans who can't afford the deluxe. By trying to keep profanity down, Sony have sent a worse message; that it's OK to charge fans extra for freedom of speech. Avril, you might want talk to Sony about that issue, cause this is your best album yet, and I wanna hear it in its genuine, uncut explicit form, the way it was meant to be. Expand
  67. Noctiluca
    Apr 27, 2007
    This is a technically solid album, full of nice production and radio-friendly hits. I enjoy it enough, and I like Avril; she has an allure working for her that's missing in many others. However, I was hoping this album would take it up a notch. I am 21 now and she's 22 these days. In many ways, we grew up together. Yet while I have moved on to many new places in my life, she This is a technically solid album, full of nice production and radio-friendly hits. I enjoy it enough, and I like Avril; she has an allure working for her that's missing in many others. However, I was hoping this album would take it up a notch. I am 21 now and she's 22 these days. In many ways, we grew up together. Yet while I have moved on to many new places in my life, she still comes off like she's writing these songs during lunch hour in Freshman year of high school. She doesn't sound like an adult that was recently married, and her lyrics are still incredibly plain. Many of the songs are like a teenager out to prove she can stay up late at night and rebel against her parents. This is generally the same message of the last two albums to a new beat. I find this an above-average pop/rock album still, but I don't think she can afford to make the same album again. If she does, I may have officially outgrown her for good. Expand
  68. DrunkenMaster
    Apr 26, 2007
    Total Brilliance! If you are troubled and confused by complicated "indie" bands like Liars, Deerhunter or Low then this CD is for you. There is no subtlety, nuance or depth here, just sheer, brilliant banality! Enjoy, America!
  69. Christina
    Apr 25, 2007
    Great album! Avril did it again!
  70. ReyesG
    Apr 25, 2007
    I think that Avril had a lot of fun making this album, she even said she wanted to try something different and that's why i love avril, she won't change for anyone
  71. MattH
    Apr 25, 2007
    This album rocks! Avrils best yet!!!!
  72. AshleyV
    Apr 24, 2007
    Honestly some of the best work Avril has ever done. This album remews her pop/punk style in a fun way.
  73. BrentS
    Apr 23, 2007
    This is Avrils best yet! Its not dark, but its high octane fun! Best damn thing ever!!!
  74. DavidG
    Apr 23, 2007
    havn't got time right now to give a full review, but be sure to buy the album it's amazing. I liked Let Go and at the time didn't think her second album could top that. I think UMS was fucking awesome a lot more mature and you could really see Avril was going through a hard time and discovering who she was as oppesed to the kind of immature debut album. Her 2nd album got me havn't got time right now to give a full review, but be sure to buy the album it's amazing. I liked Let Go and at the time didn't think her second album could top that. I think UMS was fucking awesome a lot more mature and you could really see Avril was going through a hard time and discovering who she was as oppesed to the kind of immature debut album. Her 2nd album got me through some hard times too, now her 3rd album is very upbeat, you can tell she's happy and content with married life and just having fun writting some kick ass songs with catchy beats. Go out and buy it now, listen for yourself, you may be a little shocked at first at the slightly different style but i'm sure you'll love it. It certainly grows on you very fast, it the best damn fucking thing ever. Expand
  75. ChrisWojo
    Apr 22, 2007
    So sexy and so fun! A Great summer CD!
  76. Hunter
    Apr 22, 2007
    This album kicks ass.
  77. AustinM
    Apr 21, 2007
    This is by far avrils best album yet! Fans of avril who say this isnt as good as her first two should be ashamed. She is finally happy and it shows in her songs. It may be a little childish but who cares its freaking awsome! This is the best damn thing ever!!!!!!!
  78. VanessaA
    Apr 21, 2007
    I think this record it's awesome and a powerful expression of a great singer
  79. MariV
    Apr 21, 2007
    I Love It!! People may call it immature, I cann it fun. So what if it's not all emo,slit your wrists type of songs. They're spunky and fun. I'd reccomend it to anyone. 'I can do better' is my favorite track.
  80. ScarlettL
    Apr 20, 2007
    While some of the lyrics are trash, this CD is very catchy and very fun, which was the point. The fact that I want to listen to this three times in a row and still not be sick of it is a testament to how well executed it is.
  81. RandyB
    Apr 20, 2007
    "Hell, yeah! I'm the motherf**king princess!" Avril Lavigne sings on The Best Damn Thing's catchy, high-energy first single "Girlfriend". That opening song sets the mood for most of this album, which is like a pixie stick sugar rush. Except for ballads "When You're Gone", "Innocence", and "Keep Holding On" (which are all pretty fantastic), The Best Damn Thing is bratty, "Hell, yeah! I'm the motherf**king princess!" Avril Lavigne sings on The Best Damn Thing's catchy, high-energy first single "Girlfriend". That opening song sets the mood for most of this album, which is like a pixie stick sugar rush. Except for ballads "When You're Gone", "Innocence", and "Keep Holding On" (which are all pretty fantastic), The Best Damn Thing is bratty, confident, and insanely effervescent. There are some lyrical moments on the album (especially the grating "I Don't Have to Try") where you want to look at Avril and ask her exactly how drunk she was when she wrote them, but then again the intention for this was to wipe away the angst of Under My Skin and have a party. Keeping that in mind it's easy to overlook those missteps considering the huge hooks and roaring guitars. Some will say Avril's been a poser since day one, but even some of those "real" punks don't have songs this effective in their arsenal. I hope that one day she will be able to produce an album that melds the two extremes of her personality, but until then she gets props for following through on her ambitions. Expand
  82. AndrewM.
    Apr 20, 2007
    A mixture of Kelly Clarkson "Breakaway", Gwen Stefani, and Blink-182 and you have Avril Lavigne's "The Best Damn Thing." This has to be one of the best pop-punk albums I've heard in awhile. You can easily listen from the start to the end without skipping any song. The beats, melody, hooks, chorus are all on point its CRAZY!!!!! You can tell she perfectly executed the album she A mixture of Kelly Clarkson "Breakaway", Gwen Stefani, and Blink-182 and you have Avril Lavigne's "The Best Damn Thing." This has to be one of the best pop-punk albums I've heard in awhile. You can easily listen from the start to the end without skipping any song. The beats, melody, hooks, chorus are all on point its CRAZY!!!!! You can tell she perfectly executed the album she was aiming for. You can easily pick any song from the album and it would easily be a top hit, thats how good this album is. People who love this type of music going to love this album and people who don't like Avril will end up being a guilty pleasure of Avril. Go get the album, guarantee you will love it. Expand
  83. JoseD
    Apr 20, 2007
    i think this is an amazing album!!! i love all the music that avril have done, but this album has a great energy!! and i this is just great that she is trying new thing!!
  84. EboniF
    Apr 20, 2007
    Avril is great
  85. TannerC.
    Apr 20, 2007
    To condemn this record (and Avril) for not being "serious music," is a complete load of shit. He music, to be blunt, has always been a poptastic excuse to pump your fist and sing along. Pop sensibility aside, her music is pure shit... questionably dumb lyrics, simplistic 3-4 chord progressions with little change in structure. Just because you didn't know that before isn't any To condemn this record (and Avril) for not being "serious music," is a complete load of shit. He music, to be blunt, has always been a poptastic excuse to pump your fist and sing along. Pop sensibility aside, her music is pure shit... questionably dumb lyrics, simplistic 3-4 chord progressions with little change in structure. Just because you didn't know that before isn't any excuse for disliking this record for its lack of "serious," material. The fact of the matter is, it's her best record. The energy is sustained so well, it's almost an exhilarating experience from start to finish. The ballads are well-placed to break up the sections of pure power pop, cleansing the pallat a little. It's basically a sugar rush that leaves you wanting more, rather than with a sick feeling. This record is a celebration of the way some great sounding pop can make you feel. It's music to listen to when you want to leave your brain behind, roll the windows down and scream along to the insanely long choruses. If you can't allow yourself to let go long enough to just enjoy some sugary pop that will make you feel slightly happier than you did before, I feel bad for. Expand
  86. EdwardH
    Apr 20, 2007
    It is tha dopezt album by Avril. It is soooo god dman phunky and cool y'all be hataz 2 say dat it sux. Best Album of hers 2 date. Go Avril u rule girl. Rock On!
  87. mickc
    Apr 19, 2007
    this is the best damn thing ever! im lovin it!!!!!
  88. IvicaA
    Apr 18, 2007
    Very catchy songs, like Girlfriend, The Best Damn Thing and my favourite I Can Do Better are supported with other good pop-rock crazy ones and three ballads (Innocence really shines).
  89. NateR
    Apr 18, 2007
    I think this is by far her best album, perhaps it doesn't have the great hits of Let Go, it does have it's charm, the only con I can find is the fact that Avril sounds like she's 15 y.o, but the album works well and it's really catchy. Here's my rating by sing 1. Girlfriend 10/10 It's just fun!!! Love the "So Whatever" 2. I Can Do Better 9/10 This song just I think this is by far her best album, perhaps it doesn't have the great hits of Let Go, it does have it's charm, the only con I can find is the fact that Avril sounds like she's 15 y.o, but the album works well and it's really catchy. Here's my rating by sing 1. Girlfriend 10/10 It's just fun!!! Love the "So Whatever" 2. I Can Do Better 9/10 This song just rocks 3. Runaway 10/10 Definitely my favorite...reminds me old times, this one should be a single 4. The Best Damn Thing 10/10 Just catchy!!! 5. When You're Gone 10/10 Damn this girl really knows how to make awsome ballads 6. Everything Back But You 9/10 When I first hear this one it sound like Blink-182 if Avril were main vocalist 7. Hot 7/10 This isn't quiet good, bun neither bad 8. Innocence 9/10 This is actually another nice ballad, but not as good as the last.. 9. I Don't Have To Try 9/10 Sounds kinda hip-hop 10. One Of Those Girls 10/10 Put the volume up!!! 11. Contagios 9/10 Really contagious!!!! 12. Keep Holding On 10/10 Definitely one of her best songs ever Expand
  90. CliveH
    Apr 18, 2007
    Really nice album with good beats and vocals. The best pop album of the year!
  91. JasonL
    Apr 17, 2007
    Take it for what it is, a good pop album! This is not punk, and doesn't pretend to be. Sounds like what Good Charlotte should sound like right now.
  92. WillyD.
    Apr 17, 2007
    Better than OK Computer, Loveless, Areoplane and YHFT combined!!!!
  93. HeronC
    Apr 17, 2007
    Very Good The Best
  94. MattD.
    Apr 17, 2007
    Not as trailblazing as Let Go was, but for one album, hearing Avril really let loose is thrilling. TBDT will give you one great sugar rush.
  95. HaroldS
    Apr 17, 2007
    Amazing album. Best album of the year so far!!!!
  96. ColinP
    Apr 17, 2007
    Great record. I can't believe people think this is lightweight.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. The dumb, girly, giddy Best Damn Thing reembraces the 15-year-old pom-pom punkette within, with multitracked hand claps, Toni Basil-gone-bad cheers, and pep-rally-rattling guitars.
  2. The Best Damn Thing is a big step back for an artist who was just starting to grow up.
  3. It's a consciously lightweight pop-punk romp that appears to have been inspired by "Since U Been Gone," Kelly Clarkson's massive hit.