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Universal acclaim- based on 241 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 6 out of 241
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  1. Sep 25, 2015
    Despite their best intentions, this album is deeply unimagnitive and gets old incredibly fast. The lead singer's vocals are good, but after a while, her girly and nasal delivery is annoying and almost painful to listen to towards the end. Production wise, it is decent, but, in all honesty, this album is nothing the world hasen't heard before. I would say that it is "safe" but for themDespite their best intentions, this album is deeply unimagnitive and gets old incredibly fast. The lead singer's vocals are good, but after a while, her girly and nasal delivery is annoying and almost painful to listen to towards the end. Production wise, it is decent, but, in all honesty, this album is nothing the world hasen't heard before. I would say that it is "safe" but for them to really grab my attention, they need to push the boundries more to make everything on this album more interesting. Expand
  2. Jul 4, 2014
    A bit late to the party with this review but **** it.

    I've listened to the 'like a version' cover of "Do i wanna know" by the Artic Monkeys. AMAZING, she can sing and this band can make some absolutely amazing music BUT this album just outright sucks ass. Nobody in this band can write lyrics if their life depended on it. Some examples; We Sink - [Chorus x2] I'll be a thorn in your
    A bit late to the party with this review but **** it.

    I've listened to the 'like a version' cover of "Do i wanna know" by the Artic Monkeys. AMAZING, she can sing and this band can make some absolutely amazing music BUT this album just outright sucks ass. Nobody in this band can write lyrics if their life depended on it.

    Some examples;
    We Sink - [Chorus x2]
    I'll be a thorn in your side till you die
    I'll be a thorn in your side for always
    If we sink, we lift our love

    **** doesn't rhyme and I don't believe there is an artist on the planet that could make these lyrics work. Reading the lyrics of Night Sky is just as bad

    I can hear you in the overtones
    Just an echo of the promise we made
    Change the future, we can travel time
    Or make us blind so we can never look back

    NOTHING ****ING RHYMES. It's not like la dispute where the lyrics may not rhyme but the execution and story telling don't just make up for it, they make you feel what the artist feels.

    I think chvrches can make some amazing music and i'm definately looking forward for future releases but this release was just an outright disappointment.
  3. Sep 25, 2013
    This is shiny, it's fun, and it's an okay album. Yet, there are a myriad of flaws. The songwriting, though often interesting, is lacking. Chvrches seems to be focusing on the sound, but the mood never varies much, and there is quite a bit of sameness. The lyrics here are passable, but suffer from being juvenile and overly simplistic. There are some gorgeous arrangements, and the productionThis is shiny, it's fun, and it's an okay album. Yet, there are a myriad of flaws. The songwriting, though often interesting, is lacking. Chvrches seems to be focusing on the sound, but the mood never varies much, and there is quite a bit of sameness. The lyrics here are passable, but suffer from being juvenile and overly simplistic. There are some gorgeous arrangements, and the production here is very lush and tactful. A lot of these songs would work very well on their own, but this, as an album, is a little less than the sum of the parts.

    A solid debut, but far from perfect.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. Dec 17, 2013
    The Bones of What You Believe loses steam quickly, leaving nothing new that approaches the promise of the group’s early releases.
  2. Nov 21, 2013
    The Scottish trio aren't trying to subvert anything on debut long-player The Bones of What You Believe, churning out hard-driving and utterly undeniable electro-pop, and the hooks arrive absolutely relentless.
  3. Q Magazine
    Oct 11, 2013
    All told it's a captivating listen that's proudly individualistic, heart-warmingly intelligent and beautifully intonated. [Nov 2013, p.102]