• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Jul 11, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 219 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 219

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  1. javierM
    Aug 30, 2006
    Pretty similar to KID A, not bad but a guy like u should move forward...Experimentation is not the word in this case. Its ´just cut and paste from KID A. Next time be more original THOM!
  2. DavidA
    Jul 12, 2006
    It's no radiohead, but it's not bad.
  3. jonnyr
    Jul 12, 2006
    Good...but a bit over-hyped. To me it lacks the depth and energy of a true Radiohead album. I don't think we will be talking much about this album in 10 years, yet this is a nice filler until the next Radiohead record comes.
  4. BobbyH
    Jul 24, 2006
    There are some good songs here, and Thom's voice is stronger than ever, but the initial feeling that this album is impenetrable never really goes away. There is a lack of substance behind a number of the songs, many of which just seem to repeat an electronic riff until it's time to fade. I also heard a number of moments throughout the album that sound a lot like songs There are some good songs here, and Thom's voice is stronger than ever, but the initial feeling that this album is impenetrable never really goes away. There is a lack of substance behind a number of the songs, many of which just seem to repeat an electronic riff until it's time to fade. I also heard a number of moments throughout the album that sound a lot like songs regurgitated from Kid A and Hail to the Thief. Another problem is the relentless negative tone of the album. This would really have been better balnaced with some songs offering a glimmer of hope or meaning. Overall this is well worth a listen. However, there is nothing new or startling on here. This album has already been made much better- Digital Ash... by Bright Eyes. I think anybody comparing these albums now would find the earlier effort a better balanced and more rewarding listen. Expand
  5. AkseliK
    Jul 24, 2006
    kid b
  6. ErikH
    Sep 9, 2007
    This album really isn't that good. Thom Yorke is not strong enough to carry an album without his bandmates. CMG nailed it when they wrote simply "The Eraser is not Radiohead good."
  7. MattD.
    Jul 11, 2006
    To me, The Eraser has neither the wondrous experimentation of Kid A or as strong a song structures as found on OK Computer. That said, it would be hard for a Radiohead fan to dislike this CD. I just think he can do better with the band.
  8. PhilipL
    Jul 16, 2006
    I don't understand why people are comparing this album to Kid A. They sound nothing alike, and Kid A is on a completely different level. As difficult as it is to do, The Eraser should be analyzed and appreciated separately from Radiohead albums. That being said, the album has it's moments, but ultimately sounds like it was made very hastily. Basically, it's alright.
  9. TchsatoriS
    Jul 23, 2006
    This sounds like thom trying to do a lo-fi radiohead cover, someone put a quote in here about the band saying they carry the 'soul' of radiohead's music and I must agree this album lacks soul, and depth...
  10. porkskateborde
    Jan 25, 2007
    a pretty good record and nothing more. i expected it to be better. but we still get "the clock," "and it rained...," "atoms for peace," "the eraser" - all very good songs. it's certainly not kid a 2, though, so let's go ahead and stop with that.
  11. Dec 15, 2010
    One word, Black Swan. This one song is a gleaming triumph in a field of techno experimental electronic beats. I am a huge Radiohead fan but Thom Yorke's latest effort only produces one great song, but its so good it brings the whole album up to a six where it would have been a five without it. In fact, don't buy the album, just go on YouTube and listen to Black Swan, but unless you are aOne word, Black Swan. This one song is a gleaming triumph in a field of techno experimental electronic beats. I am a huge Radiohead fan but Thom Yorke's latest effort only produces one great song, but its so good it brings the whole album up to a six where it would have been a five without it. In fact, don't buy the album, just go on YouTube and listen to Black Swan, but unless you are a fan of techno, steer clear of this album. Expand
  12. DrewK
    Jul 12, 2006
    The worst thing Yorke has done since Pablo Honey. It really sounds like b-sides from the Backdrifts and The Gloaming recording sessions. While not terrible, it really doesn't have any memorable moments. It's background music for Sunday morning reading.
  13. dan
    Jul 17, 2006
    "I'm sure Thom would make amazing music on his own," said Ed O'Brien once. "But we give him the soul." He's been proved right three times over now: just like Kid A and Amnesiac, Yorke's first two solo albums, The Eraser is frequently brilliant, but, for anyone who remembers the overwhelming singalong glory of The Bends and OK Computer, it looks like a waste of maybe "I'm sure Thom would make amazing music on his own," said Ed O'Brien once. "But we give him the soul." He's been proved right three times over now: just like Kid A and Amnesiac, Yorke's first two solo albums, The Eraser is frequently brilliant, but, for anyone who remembers the overwhelming singalong glory of The Bends and OK Computer, it looks like a waste of maybe the most talented individual rock music has ever produced. Remember: being interesting doesn't mean being emotionless. Expand
  14. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    This solo debut by Thom Yorke is a collection of songs that are bits and pieces mostly dating back a number of years. Radiohead is arguably the greatest band of the late twentieth century, so any album by it's lead singer is likely to gain critical interest and sales from fans. I imagine any good songs Thom Yorke has written will end up on the next Radiohead LP, rather than on this This solo debut by Thom Yorke is a collection of songs that are bits and pieces mostly dating back a number of years. Radiohead is arguably the greatest band of the late twentieth century, so any album by it's lead singer is likely to gain critical interest and sales from fans. I imagine any good songs Thom Yorke has written will end up on the next Radiohead LP, rather than on this solo adventure, which stikes me as more an experiment for Yorke. Good for him. Expand
  15. Oct 5, 2010
    The album harkens back to some of the mediocre songs on Radiohead's "Hail to the Thief", like "The Gloaming". What this album does is take melodies and lyrics that are quite beautiful and buries them underneath layers of digital synthesizers, which don't serve the songs well. I heard songs like "The Eraser", "Black Swan", and especially "Atoms for Peace" live, and they were absolutelyThe album harkens back to some of the mediocre songs on Radiohead's "Hail to the Thief", like "The Gloaming". What this album does is take melodies and lyrics that are quite beautiful and buries them underneath layers of digital synthesizers, which don't serve the songs well. I heard songs like "The Eraser", "Black Swan", and especially "Atoms for Peace" live, and they were absolutely gorgeous. They also sounded nothing like the album versions (being driven more acoustically). Harrowdown Hill stands out as a song that mostly made it through the digital obfuscation, but this would have been a much better album if the songs had been left alone, without adding all the extra loops. I loved Kid A, but Yorke has distanced the music so far from its heart on this album that everything is too abstract for me to love. Expand
  16. jjp
    Sep 8, 2006
    i loved kid a, etc... this album is boring. it did nothing to me.
  17. JeffW
    Jul 12, 2006
    Why are people comparing this to Kid A? Radiohead has been my favorite band since OK, but this is self-indulgent audio Nyquil. If you are having problems sleeping, buy this album! The title track and Harrowdownhill seem cool on the first listen, but this CD is just boring. I can
  18. davea
    Jul 11, 2006
    if you thought kid a and amnesiac were a bit too weird, don't bother. this is more of the same strange sounds and noises lacking actual songs. please thom, focus on radiohead, cause this is not really working for you...
  19. flameme
    Jul 11, 2006
    nine tunes that sound like bastard children of "the gloaming" and "backdrifts" (contrary to opinions in several professional reviews i have read, nothing comes close to the manic energy of "idioteque"). the truth is that most rabid radiohead fans will adore it while berating the rest of us for not understanding thom's "beautiful artistic vision", blah blah blah... i've tried to nine tunes that sound like bastard children of "the gloaming" and "backdrifts" (contrary to opinions in several professional reviews i have read, nothing comes close to the manic energy of "idioteque"). the truth is that most rabid radiohead fans will adore it while berating the rest of us for not understanding thom's "beautiful artistic vision", blah blah blah... i've tried to absorb "the eraser" about six or seven times, but the record's really rather painful to sit through. Expand
  20. shane
    Jul 25, 2006
    I never would have given this nearly as many listens as I did if it wasn't by Thom Yorke. Give this album to anyone else and it's considered junk.
  21. MikeJ
    Jul 23, 2006
    It's very boring, and not very good.
  22. TheMan
    Aug 5, 2006
    my bro likes him and radiohead but they suck so dont buy this cd it sucks like crap
  23. bimb
    Sep 10, 2006
    worst album ever...

Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. What makes it breathe, what allows it to flourish above its glitchy techno, its processed wizardry... what untangles it from a mess of circuitry and power strips and anti-virus pop-up warnings, is Yorke's incredible, distinctive voice.
  2. The Eraser is a triumph.
  3. Nigel's production and arrangements leave very little room for the songs to breathe... However, the emphasis on Thom's lyrics illuminates The Eraser's strongest asset: its content.