• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2011
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
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  1. Oct 22, 2011
    Where are the very positive reviews from USA Today, NME, MOJO, All Music Guide and Billboard? It's a pretty solid album. It's a new sound but it's genuine and has great atmosphere. Reminds me of when The Smashing Pumpkins released Adore.
  2. Jan 11, 2012
    This album follows the "All killer no filler" motto. I can listen to this album straight through with no skipping tracks. Perry's voice sounds stellar and has not gotten worse with age and his lyrics and melodies are very dominant on this album. Dave Navarro lays down the guitar and shines especially in "Underground" and "End to the Lies". His performance is great. Perkins always steps itThis album follows the "All killer no filler" motto. I can listen to this album straight through with no skipping tracks. Perry's voice sounds stellar and has not gotten worse with age and his lyrics and melodies are very dominant on this album. Dave Navarro lays down the guitar and shines especially in "Underground" and "End to the Lies". His performance is great. Perkins always steps it up another level with the drumming and it is no exception on this album. The technology used on this record makes it modern and bring Jane's Addiction towards the future. Expand
  3. Jun 25, 2012
    Metacritic won't include positive reviews by NME, or other publications like USA Today, so I've decide to help balance out the playing field for those of you who base your music listening decisions off...of all things...review scores (yuck). The Great Escape Artist is Jane's for the modern day. They're older, wiser, richer, less adventurous, and happy. This happens in life once youMetacritic won't include positive reviews by NME, or other publications like USA Today, so I've decide to help balance out the playing field for those of you who base your music listening decisions off...of all things...review scores (yuck). The Great Escape Artist is Jane's for the modern day. They're older, wiser, richer, less adventurous, and happy. This happens in life once you succeed. Because of this, their music is not as dangerous or erratic as it once was. However, it is still layered with superb instrumentals and vocals that easily get the job done. It took me until my fourth spin of the album until it clicked, and now I love it. The only song I don't enjoy is "Word Right Out of My Mouth" simply because it is generic and boring; unlike Jane's. Strong cuts include "Underground" which sounds like it's straight out of their 1990 back catalog, "Irresistible Force" which is the most melodic and beautiful track on the album, and "Twisted Tales" as the 2011 Jane's anthem for the kids. Eric Avery may be gone, but Navarro took over handling most musical writing and has emerged victorious. This is exactly how I imagined Jane's of 2011 would be, and certainly not bad for a 52 year-old Perry Farrell. Expand
  4. Oct 20, 2011
    Just picked up the new album. I like it, sounds like good ol' Jane's Addiction. I see reviews of "Same Stuff", but I like my band's to do what made me like them in the first place, not to add a harp player. If u like Jane's Addiction, u will like this album. Solid 9
  5. Oct 27, 2011
    Let's start with what this isn't. It's not Nothing Shocking, it's not Ritual de lo Habitual, It's not Strays. If you want to listen to a Jane's album like those then listen to those albums. It's also not Jane's best album, in fact it probably their fourth best studio album after those mentioned above. So what is it? This is definitely a Jane's Addiction album, it is different to whatLet's start with what this isn't. It's not Nothing Shocking, it's not Ritual de lo Habitual, It's not Strays. If you want to listen to a Jane's album like those then listen to those albums. It's also not Jane's best album, in fact it probably their fourth best studio album after those mentioned above. So what is it? This is definitely a Jane's Addiction album, it is different to what has gone before, an evolution and an experiment in a slightly new more mellow direction but clearly identifiable as Jane's Addiction. Perry, Dave and Steve are still creating unique, interesting and moving music that is better than almost everything else out there. Expand
  6. Oct 18, 2011
    I have been a fan of Jane's for a few years. They got me through my last years of college. Rituio and Nothin's Shocking are absolute masterpieces. Strays has it's own place. There were some great songs on that album, but the album did not feel like a complete thought. TGEA on the other hand is patient, melodic, sleazy, at times harsh and has a great flow from start to finish. TheI have been a fan of Jane's for a few years. They got me through my last years of college. Rituio and Nothin's Shocking are absolute masterpieces. Strays has it's own place. There were some great songs on that album, but the album did not feel like a complete thought. TGEA on the other hand is patient, melodic, sleazy, at times harsh and has a great flow from start to finish. The song structure may not be as daring as they were in the past, but the band members have been saying that they are not trying to recapture their sound. Instead they were aiming to make something entirely new and I think they succeeded. I hope you enjoy this album as much as I do. Expand
  7. Jul 13, 2012
    For die-hard fans only -- of which I am one. I saw Jane's Addiction after smoking a joint with some friends back in November, 1988 when Nothing's Shocking came out. We paid $3 per ticket! They scared me at first (paranoid reaction to how Perry was garbed in "dressed-to-KILL" garb), and the show was a raw punk rock performance with mohawks slam dancing and crowd surfing galore. How can IFor die-hard fans only -- of which I am one. I saw Jane's Addiction after smoking a joint with some friends back in November, 1988 when Nothing's Shocking came out. We paid $3 per ticket! They scared me at first (paranoid reaction to how Perry was garbed in "dressed-to-KILL" garb), and the show was a raw punk rock performance with mohawks slam dancing and crowd surfing galore. How can I turn my back on a group like that. And then when "Ritual..." came out - WOW - what a hard-soft core alternative album. This album satiates my desire for a new Jane's album and I like it very much. I hear the critics and I agree with most of them that this is not their best work, but hey, they're like in their 50s now so give them a break... Just love Jane's Addiction and the culture and the philosophy behind it all !!! Expand
  8. Oct 18, 2011
    Maybe it's because I've never really listened to Jane's Addiction before, but I actually quite enjoy this album. It has some very strong songs, and some moderately interesting songs, but I've been able to listen to it a couple of times and I still enjoy what I'm hearing. I'm assuming that critics expected something different from this album, I had no expectations.
  9. Oct 18, 2011
    I've never been an enormous Jane's fan but I've always liked them. I was looking forward to this album particurlaly because I didn't know which direction they would move in. I thought that the album came out strong with underground and the overall tone of the album was solid and interesting. I definitely liked a some of the other songs but if I was making a Jane's playlist nothing afterI've never been an enormous Jane's fan but I've always liked them. I was looking forward to this album particurlaly because I didn't know which direction they would move in. I thought that the album came out strong with underground and the overall tone of the album was solid and interesting. I definitely liked a some of the other songs but if I was making a Jane's playlist nothing after Underground would have made it. I must tip my cap to the live disk, great treat. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 26
  2. Negative: 2 out of 26
  1. Mojo
    Dec 22, 2011
    Periodically dormant they may be, but it's clearly a tactic that works for Jane's. [Nov 2011, p.93]
  2. Q Magazine
    Dec 15, 2011
    Imagination and maturity abound, energy less so, although it bodes well for the next album. [Dec. 2001 p. 127]
  3. Under The Radar
    Nov 3, 2011
    The Great Escape rarely moves past generic dance-floor thump and sway. [Oct 2011, p.100]