User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 114 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 114
  2. Negative: 10 out of 114

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  1. borgy
    May 26, 2009
    Already being underated by critics, but what do critics know? They can't even enjoy anything for what it is without dissecting it to the most irrelevant miniscule detail. This album has a glam rock edge similar to Mechanical Animals without the concept, instead the focus is Mr. Mansons personal demons. It's great and Twiggys return is instantly noticeable when listening to the Already being underated by critics, but what do critics know? They can't even enjoy anything for what it is without dissecting it to the most irrelevant miniscule detail. This album has a glam rock edge similar to Mechanical Animals without the concept, instead the focus is Mr. Mansons personal demons. It's great and Twiggys return is instantly noticeable when listening to the avant garde sounds weaving throughout tracks on the album. The album cover to me accurately sums up how the music sounds and feels. Very enjoyable and honest album. He stayed true to himself instead of rehashing the past like everybody wants him too. Expand
  2. LuciferJ
    May 31, 2009
    Awesome album...the band has reinvented album since holy wood...vast diversity.
  3. JoeS
    May 27, 2009
    I feel reluctant giving the album a 10, and I only wish I could give it a 9.5. The only reason I believe that is because of Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon. Such a horrible song, seriously Brian. You deserve to be called Brian on this one. It's just flat out horrible. Somehow, the remix makes it seem like a HAPPY song from the deluxe version. I mean, you've got to be kidding I feel reluctant giving the album a 10, and I only wish I could give it a 9.5. The only reason I believe that is because of Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon. Such a horrible song, seriously Brian. You deserve to be called Brian on this one. It's just flat out horrible. Somehow, the remix makes it seem like a HAPPY song from the deluxe version. I mean, you've got to be kidding me, right? "First you try to fuck it, then you try to eat it"? It is possibly the lowlight of your career, and I find it shameful that it is meant to be your "single". Anyhow, the rest of the album is absolutely spectacular, which is why I would give it such a high rating. Many critics and public reviewers all over the Internet have been bashing the living hell out of this record because it isn't Grotesque, Mechanical, or Holywood. Manson has moved on from that era, I believe. He has always said that he just reinterprets his world through his music, and I believe that is what he is doing here, and even through 'Eat Me, Drink Me'. They are fantastic pieces, but just not traditional Manson. People should understand that and respect that and enjoy it. For God's sake, it's a new MM record! Be happy for once. Rant over. FINAL SCORE: 9.5 (fuck you AGMG) Expand
  4. RonnieS
    May 31, 2009
    Critics once again miss the spot. This by far manson at his best. A well balanced album I think it is the best album since Mechanical Animals but in a way better. This album is a complete 180 from Eat Me Drink Me I don't know how anyone could compare the two.
  5. KatrinaS.
    Jul 6, 2009
    This album incorporates all of Manson's complex and diverse talents. In my opinion, this is the best album Manson has released in years.
  6. BrandonT.
    Sep 14, 2009
    This album is one of the best. but you people are so negative about it. you alll fail.
  7. PabloV
    May 29, 2009
    Great Album for true fans.
  8. Aug 6, 2013
    Excelente! Um Album Romântico De MM Mas Claro Que Não Falta Rock E Metal.
    Top The High End Of Low
    1-We're From America
    2-Leave A Scar
    3-Unkillable Monster
    4-Blank And White
  9. Mar 20, 2021
    This album is either hit or miss. This album was most experimental album by Marilyn Manson (at that time) and it brings us new sound. While the sound is mostly good, lyrics are mixed bag. Some lyrics are good, and some are just word play and "meh". Album have some really good and strong song, while having the worst songs ever by Manson (I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies andThis album is either hit or miss. This album was most experimental album by Marilyn Manson (at that time) and it brings us new sound. While the sound is mostly good, lyrics are mixed bag. Some lyrics are good, and some are just word play and "meh". Album have some really good and strong song, while having the worst songs ever by Manson (I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies and WOW). This album would be much better with 10 songs (or so), and few acoustic bonus songs. with all that said, it's still enjoyable album. Expand
  10. JamalD
    Jun 20, 2009
    OK, so in my opinion this album is definitely a grower. Bigtime. When I first heard the songs I wasn't sure what to make of them and it seemed like manson was totally washed up and was just whining about his life. But after delving into the songs some more, it's really nothing like that. Sure it's introspective but it doesnt convey hopeless desperation like parts of the OK, so in my opinion this album is definitely a grower. Bigtime. When I first heard the songs I wasn't sure what to make of them and it seemed like manson was totally washed up and was just whining about his life. But after delving into the songs some more, it's really nothing like that. Sure it's introspective but it doesnt convey hopeless desperation like parts of the last album. Instead it feels more like an optimistic tone, about realizing one's weaknesses and emerging stronger through the experience. This is why I see alot of parallels between this and Antichrist Superstar. I was lucky to have been reading the long hard road out of hell around the time I got this album so it all kinda made sense that way. Anyway, the point is: manson has not lost the subtlety and meanings that made his songs so epic. The album is pretty self-centered, but I think you'll find alot of songs from previous albums are VERY much the same way even if they don't seem like it. (see Kinderfeld) If you just give it a chance you'll find much more meaning than meets the eye, just like with previous manson works. Also, there are some pretty interesting experimental sounds that are really freaky, twiggy coming back did seem to mix things up just enough. Expand
  11. AidanM
    May 29, 2009
    before i bought it i actually feared it might not be very good since he's been in the industry for so long and a lot of long-lasting artists' work tends to become kind of inert after their peak period, but this album is not that at all. it's quality music to the end.
  12. DrRetard
    Jun 1, 2009
    Very good and a bloody good grower too. Actively worth finding and buying. Standout is devour. For me at least!
  13. JohnW
    May 29, 2009
    I'm giving it a nine because it really needs it. It really isn't a bad album, maybe an 8, but the middle is boring. I advise not sitting through it all at once. Take a break and then resume.
  14. InsomniacJunkie
    May 31, 2009
    After a few listens I have to say that it's the best stuff he has done in years. Chemistry between the band was a sorely missed element of Eat Me Drink Me that is very evident on Manson's newest. Definitely check this out!!
  15. JimmyJames
    Jun 4, 2009
    I had lost all confidence in Marilyn Manson after his last release (Eat Me, Drink Me), but the return of Twiggy Ramirez appears to be a contributing factor in Manson's success. This album contains some of Manson's best material in almost a decade.
  16. BorjaM
    May 27, 2009
    Of course it's an averange of 52 if only get the bad reviews, but there are many more, and I'm sure that they are better than these.
  17. [Anonymous]
    May 28, 2009
    Parts of this remind me of early 90's Spooky Kids Manson. Despite Manson occasionally soiling himself lyrically, this album has a very endearing quality to it. The Twiggy influence is astounding. I was not a fan of his last album, but this one is growing on me.
  18. JusinL
    Jun 2, 2009
    Is it me or does this album have 2 or 3 Coma White like tracks? Of course critics are going to diss MM's new albums because they are waiting for the next Anti-Christ or at least Mechanical Animals. This album is almost genius. If it wasn't so repetitive and had less ballads it would be a 10 for sure. Musically tuned and fun to listen to.
  19. DominicW.
    Jun 4, 2009
    Great album with some standout tracks which are going to go down brilliantly live. Haven't enjoyed an album of his this much since Mechanical Animals, which was hugely underrated as well by most critics....speaking of which, when has a critic's review of any album ever been know to 'leave a scar'? Reviews are read and forgotten in seconds - that must really irritate Great album with some standout tracks which are going to go down brilliantly live. Haven't enjoyed an album of his this much since Mechanical Animals, which was hugely underrated as well by most critics....speaking of which, when has a critic's review of any album ever been know to 'leave a scar'? Reviews are read and forgotten in seconds - that must really irritate their writers :) Expand
  20. JeffreyH
    May 29, 2009
    The negative reviews are inevitable with an artist like Manson, with the image often taking the precedent over the artist
  21. Tom
    Jun 23, 2009
    I find the user vs critics rating discrepancy interesting. anyways, this isn't a groundbreaking, important or relevant album in any way. it's not the 90's anymore. but it doesn't really matter because it doesn't really try to be. this album is exactly what i wanted it to be - catchy, fun guilty pleasure goth rock. and i love it.
  22. Nov 10, 2017
    Tem uma das músicas mais fracas da carreira de MM= Wow.

    Outras duas boas, mas quase medianas como **** e I Have Just To Look Up To See Hell.

    Porém É repleto também de excelentes faixas como Devour, Leave A Scar, Blank and White, Wight Spider, Running To The Edge of The World, Into The Fire & ETC.

    Um Bom álbum de Marilyn Manson.
  23. Aug 22, 2018
    I think critically the High End of Low is Marilyn Manson's most underrated record. There are moments which are not ideal and come off as cheesy rather than shocking or thought provoking. The album was written during a form of break down which had Marilyn Manson writing the songs on the walls in his home. Excluding the cheesy tracks from the record, I would say it's among Manson's finest.
  24. AliceCooper'sMum
    Oct 18, 2009
    It's not their best (mechanical animals+holywood) or even worst (portrait of an american family+smells like children)- its simply middle of the road quality, with the music press giving very mixed reviews. the best tracks are "Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon", "Leave a Scar", "Running To The Edge Of The World", and the deliberately OASIS-LIKE (!) - and probably best track - "Into It's not their best (mechanical animals+holywood) or even worst (portrait of an american family+smells like children)- its simply middle of the road quality, with the music press giving very mixed reviews. the best tracks are "Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon", "Leave a Scar", "Running To The Edge Of The World", and the deliberately OASIS-LIKE (!) - and probably best track - "Into the Fire". I dont even like Oasis! The rest of the album (compared to these tracks) feels like its simply all filler material, with some arguably boring production-the vocals could have sounded alot better in many areas, as an example. Better luck next time, Brian! Expand
  25. GholemS
    Sep 8, 2009
    It's alright though not so good as M.A or Hollywood.
  26. BonnieP
    May 27, 2009
    Good Rock (which is a lot to say this days). !5, Four Rusted Horses, Leave A Scar, I want to kill u... there are plenty of well achieved songs for different ears. Passed the glam and the hole previous decoration, the rock still stands out and strikes again.
  27. D
    May 26, 2009
    While it's lacking in the heaviness that was promised, and surprisingly filled with twangy rock guitar, these is actually some of the best songwriting the artist has put out to date... even if it lacks the urgency and vitriol of Antichrist Superstar.
  28. Sep 22, 2010
    Since I (mostly) enjoyed Manson's 2007 album Eat Me, Drink Me I bought The High End of Low on a whim without sampling it beforehand and was not disappointed. While still no where near as good lyrically as Antichrist Superstar The album is mostly enjoyable for the entirety of it's fifteen tracks. Starting off with Devour a track the starts soft and acoustic before building to up toSince I (mostly) enjoyed Manson's 2007 album Eat Me, Drink Me I bought The High End of Low on a whim without sampling it beforehand and was not disappointed. While still no where near as good lyrically as Antichrist Superstar The album is mostly enjoyable for the entirety of it's fifteen tracks. Starting off with Devour a track the starts soft and acoustic before building to up to aggressive gold. From there on the listener is treated to richly layered guitars and even the use of strings (a first for a Manson album). Halfway through your hit with an great acoustic number called Running To The Edge Of The World before continuing on. There are a few tracks that are obviously weaker, namely WOW and We're From America. But after listening to the albums high points like like Four Rusted Horses, Wight Spider, and Leave A Scar they're easier to forgive.

    For those that purchase the deluxe edition your treated to a bonus disc that features acoustic versions of several of the albums better tracks, all of which work exceptionally well. I would imagine that an unplugged tour, while unpopular with most of his fan base, would actually warrant a live cd worth buying.

    If you used to be a Manson fan but haven't picked up an album since Holy Wood you might want to give this one a try. While different from his earlier releases he seems to have found a new musical direction that actually works for him. The High End of Low is an enjoyable album that has rekindled my interest in Marilyn Manson as an artist and just may do the same for you.
  29. KendoJ
    May 27, 2009
    Good. More similar to 'Eat Me, Drink Me' than any of his older work. I was hoping for something more like Mechanical or Grotesque, but still it's a good album in its own right. The Track '15' is the excellent stand-out.
  30. blackieblax
    Jun 3, 2009
    Better than previous album, but i feel like manson's music has reached its peak with MecAnimals and probably Holywook was the last good album.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Perhaps the only interesting thing about Manson's latest record is the couple of anomalies hidden within.
  2. Assuming they haven’t all grown up by now, Manson fans will adore every dark, juvenile flourish. For the rest of us, The High End Of Low serves as a cautionary tale of artistic regression.
  3. Q Magazine
    Manson the man at least seems re-energised here....The same cannot always be said for his band; their limp glam metal consistently threatens to undermine the performance. [Jul 2009, p.127]