• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Aug 21, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Mojo
    Oct 7, 2015
    The Making Of is a decent debut. [Nov 2015, p.87]
  2. Uncut
    Aug 27, 2015
    The group's formula is undeniably infectious, with giddy, harmony-enriched interplay outshining occasional lapses into spindly scuzz. [Oct 2015, p.73]
  3. Aug 27, 2015
    There is clearly potential there and The Making Of is a solid first record, but it is just one that is unlikely to live long in the memory.
  4. Q Magazine
    Aug 26, 2015
    Despite a few too many sanitised, lounge-y moments, overall this is an enjoyable first effort. [Oct 2015, p.102]
  5. Aug 24, 2015
    Overall, the swagger and sonic brawn get a bit wearying and it’s a shame they don’t show more of the pop nous that glimmers intermittently here.
  6. 60
    Frustratingly, flashes of the wired energy that got them noticed in the first place are few and far between.
  7. Aug 21, 2015
    Frontman Dominic McGuinness’s reedy voice sounds weaker than this music deserves, but that doesn’t stop the rest of the band from thrusting their way through a swaggering set of songs about love, lust and getting the girl.
  8. Aug 21, 2015
    In the right circumstances, the Bohicas seem perfectly capable of putting it all together, but overall, this debut could use a little more spark and a little less label-purchased leather jacket.
  9. 40
    Ultimately, those adamant that the mid-Noughties garage-rock revival was the most important thing that's ever happened to music might find something to enjoy from The Making Of, but for the rest of us The Bohicas have produced remarkably unremarkable first effort.
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Feb 4, 2016
    The Making Of is good for a debut. Nothing innovative, with some licks that have become all too familiar but a decent effort nonetheless. AThe Making Of is good for a debut. Nothing innovative, with some licks that have become all too familiar but a decent effort nonetheless. A healthy assortment of catchy tunes makes this LP worth a listen, if only for the singles. Full Review »
  2. Sep 30, 2015
    Not bad.