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Universal acclaim- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 69
  2. Negative: 3 out of 69

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  1. Dec 12, 2020
    Unbelievable collaboration! MF Doom is the same as himself: his lyrics are funny, intelligent and intelligible. He still respects the universe he created himself in his late albums and projects. DangerMouse also does his part of the work by giving the best production he has. Some samples are legendary and the fact that he can handle and integrate them smoothly is really honorableUnbelievable collaboration! MF Doom is the same as himself: his lyrics are funny, intelligent and intelligible. He still respects the universe he created himself in his late albums and projects. DangerMouse also does his part of the work by giving the best production he has. Some samples are legendary and the fact that he can handle and integrate them smoothly is really honorable (especially in 'Mad Nice' and 'Basket Case' tracks). We can hear the efforts made by DangerMouse to produce tracks that are both original and not so far from MF Doom's universe and style. Songs are short enough to not get used to it easily. Featurings are as unexpected as awesome, particularly for Talib Kweli and CeeLo Green. The 'Metalface Edition' add some truly decent content with seven songs including interludes. This edition contains more songs I like than the actual classic album version.
    Despite its quality and its critical reception it sadly seems to be once again a collaborative album that will remain a one shot just like the Madvillain one.
  2. Feb 20, 2020
    DangerDoom takes some of the best aspects of Doom and fixes some of his less ear-pleasing sounds. With a different production style than most of his solo work and collaborations, this album gives listeners who want to appreciate the lyrical genius of MF Doom but want his bars to be played over more soothing and relaxed beats a great introduction to him. The album still suffers from one ofDangerDoom takes some of the best aspects of Doom and fixes some of his less ear-pleasing sounds. With a different production style than most of his solo work and collaborations, this album gives listeners who want to appreciate the lyrical genius of MF Doom but want his bars to be played over more soothing and relaxed beats a great introduction to him. The album still suffers from one of the drawbacks of Doom, in that unless you are passionately listening and paying attention to the detail his flow can often just be a distraction that passes you by, but the slight changes in the style he adopts on this album makes that easier to stomach. This album, of course, exceeds the industry standards of many fans but compared to Madvillainy or MM...FOOD is not quite up to the standards that Doom fans may expect. The album also does not score as high because apart from 1 or 2 tracks, the album does not create any especially memorable songs. Overall still a great Doom project, that improves on some of his weaknesses but also fumbles some of his strengths.
    Favorite Song: Crosshairs
    Least Favorite Song: Space Hos
  3. Dec 12, 2010
    This album is a counter culture work of genius which borrows popular elements from the mainstream Gorillaz LP and subverts them in what can only be described as one of the most original hip-hop albums of all time. MF Doom is legendary like a modern day Shakespeare who growls and spits with vigour and distaste. Expertly crafted with compressed beats and samples that no one would have theThis album is a counter culture work of genius which borrows popular elements from the mainstream Gorillaz LP and subverts them in what can only be described as one of the most original hip-hop albums of all time. MF Doom is legendary like a modern day Shakespeare who growls and spits with vigour and distaste. Expertly crafted with compressed beats and samples that no one would have the balls to use, it is clear that DangerMouse is a voice for a movement of new school producers who cannot be pigeonholed or defined by genre. The only logical step is for them to create their own. Every track is similar in style and to the duo's credit each attempt is an improvement in quality and leaves you with a satisfied listening experience. Expand
  4. DillonG
    Jun 19, 2006
    danger doom rocks the hip-hop scene with their intelligent use of comical rhymes, comic book and cartoon characters, and danger mouse is great at mixing beats and at producing. their best guest appearances were obviously Talib Kweli and Ghostface. (cee-lo was alright.) it was abstract and surreal, but it could've integrated more social commentary and been more straight-forward at danger doom rocks the hip-hop scene with their intelligent use of comical rhymes, comic book and cartoon characters, and danger mouse is great at mixing beats and at producing. their best guest appearances were obviously Talib Kweli and Ghostface. (cee-lo was alright.) it was abstract and surreal, but it could've integrated more social commentary and been more straight-forward at times....other than that, very solid first album, and hopefully many more to come. Expand
  5. pelicaine
    Mar 7, 2006
    First and foremost, this CD shows a textbook example on how skits should be done. They are funny and don't interrupt the flow of the abun one bit. That being said, this is a great release. DOOM's rhymes are always fun to listen to lyrically and structurally, though at points I wish that DOOM would have stepped up his rhyming. DangerMouse's beats are on point all the way First and foremost, this CD shows a textbook example on how skits should be done. They are funny and don't interrupt the flow of the abun one bit. That being said, this is a great release. DOOM's rhymes are always fun to listen to lyrically and structurally, though at points I wish that DOOM would have stepped up his rhyming. DangerMouse's beats are on point all the way through. This album does a great job of introducing [adult swim] fans to a new flavor of hip-hop. What a refreshing release that deserves to be in the collection of a hip-hop head that loves creative rhyme schemes (DOOM rhymes whole bars with each other. Put that on your dictionary and suck it.) and some head-nodding beats, go cop it. Expand
  6. turbod
    Jan 26, 2006
    entire album is pure genius, from start to finish.... lyrics, beats, skits... perfect. played this everyday for weeks now, always brings me up, everyone loves it. more cohesive than mf's other works. tho i highly reccomend madvillany....slightly on the darker side.
  7. DanT
    Jan 13, 2006
    Possibly the dopest hip-hop release of 2005
  8. MCDish
    Dec 14, 2005
    This album is solid, MF Doom got weird, innate ability to come up with lyrics, and Dj Danger Mouse produces the beats well. Rock solid. However, y'all got to worry if this is for real, or if it's gonna be just a trend.
  9. DiabloP
    Dec 4, 2005
    1. Do you like Rap? 2. Do you like Adult Swim? If you said yes or even said maybe to either of those 2 questions go and by this album. It is awesome. DangerMouse and MF Doom are unstoppable.
  10. WilkesB.
    Dec 1, 2005
    Enjoyable CD, different than anything else I've heard lately. Good beats, funny lyrics. Don't sleep on it.
  11. DankyM
    Nov 27, 2005
    DangerMouse and MF Doom how can you go wrong? ofcousre by throwing in some lame jokes by cartoon characters and unneeded guest apearences by Cee-lo Ghostface (killa) and Talib Kwali in mean i wish i coulda told Doom "dude im buyin the album to hear you not lame-ass talib kwali" but MF Doom redeems himself on "crosshairs"
  12. JorinR
    Nov 26, 2005
    This is the best rap album I have heard in some time. MF Doom's rhymin! is a perfect fit for Danger's hypnotic hypno jams. Shake, you will get a call back!
  13. TimN.
    Nov 9, 2005
    I am a big [AdultSwim] fan, and really enjoyed this. Reminds me a lot of Wu Tang Clan, but the beats and lyrics are better. Both a good 'kickin it' album but also rocks the party. Check it out!
  14. Simon
    Nov 2, 2005
    The Good: The Mask (feat Ghostface) The Bad: Old School (feat. Talib Kweli) The Mediocre: The beats. Overall: Good for a Doom fan, though not really essential listening.
  15. GodS
    Oct 31, 2005
    when i first created MF Doom i didnt expect him to do something so spot on. my favorite record since straight outta compton or as nasty as we wanna be. jesus do us all a favor and go marry satan you crucified punk.
  16. JesusChirst
    Oct 31, 2005
    the worst thing to ever happen to me since being crucified. satan, right on.
  17. SatanL
    Oct 31, 2005
    it sucked ass
  18. ChaseM
    Oct 31, 2005
    Extremely overrated. The Adult Swim drops make this a complete novelty. Doom's performances have a distinct "phoned in" feel to them. Danger Mouse's tracks are hot. Doom has done so much better (see Vaudeville Villain). Let's Hope the Ghostface collab. has him back on track.
  19. jorgev
    Oct 26, 2005
    if you're in on the adult swim stuff, you'll flip over this album. if not, it's still enjoyable
  20. RileyR
    Oct 19, 2005
    hott album
  21. knowledgebone
    Oct 15, 2005
    in the sorry world of hip hop today, the mouse and the mask provides some hope. the beats are tight and doom is doom. if you dont like this cd i guess you can always listen to trina
  22. HectorD
    Oct 14, 2005
    Best Album of the year!!! Definitely the most fun too....
  23. Dennis
    Oct 14, 2005
    Doom at his best with the livlier, creative production of Danger Mouse. More fun than Madvillian...
  24. MaxB
    Oct 14, 2005
    Smooth beats, clever rhymes, hilarious sound bites, and nice samples. For the most part, this is a truly enjoyable listen from beginning to end. If you're not a fan of [adult swim] or the latest Gorillaz album (which was produced by Danger and includes a collaboration with Doom), maybe make this an "8", but if you're a fan of both, like myself, this is obviously a must-have record.
  25. ScottV
    Oct 14, 2005
    Delivers what it promises. DM and Doom work very well together.
  26. Benny
    Oct 13, 2005
    About the 5th best Doom album. Some great tracks, not the greatest replay value. I know this will bring new Doom fans so to all of you Listen to Madvillainy, the best rap album of the century so far!
  27. Mr.E.S.Pony
    Oct 13, 2005
    Since I'm both a fan of the two primaries on the album and of adult swim this was a marriage made in heaven. A sick, twisted heaven where milkshakes run amok on answering machines and balls of ground meat freestyle, where the master of ceremonies wheres a metal mask and the score to it all is arranged by a rodent.
  28. VladA.
    Oct 13, 2005
    Solid like MMFood was solid. But it's no Madvillainy. But we all knew that...
  29. ObaloidF
    Oct 12, 2005
    Though one of this albums two collaborators is a Madvillain alum, this album bears little resemblance to that Tour de Force. This album, a good one by all means, does not achieve the "Wow" factor that Madlib brought to the imaculate duo. Madlib is better suited to providing beats for Doom's two+ minute flows. Dangermouse should stick to extremely out-there projects (The Infamous Grey Though one of this albums two collaborators is a Madvillain alum, this album bears little resemblance to that Tour de Force. This album, a good one by all means, does not achieve the "Wow" factor that Madlib brought to the imaculate duo. Madlib is better suited to providing beats for Doom's two+ minute flows. Dangermouse should stick to extremely out-there projects (The Infamous Grey Album) or his recent procudtion job with the Gorillas. His beats are not as coherent to Doom as they could be, but the album succeeds in being a comedy/rap/other album, whether it wanted to be or not. -QWERTY Expand
  30. MattA
    Oct 12, 2005
    For those of us who have followed the work of MF Doom and Danger Mouse, as well as love and watch religiously adult swim(and more specifiically Aqua Teen Hunger Force), this album is one of the best of the year. The only place where I was maybe just slightly disappointed was Danger's beats-some of them just didn't seem as fleshed out as they could've been-but other than For those of us who have followed the work of MF Doom and Danger Mouse, as well as love and watch religiously adult swim(and more specifiically Aqua Teen Hunger Force), this album is one of the best of the year. The only place where I was maybe just slightly disappointed was Danger's beats-some of them just didn't seem as fleshed out as they could've been-but other than that, the album is flawless. Currently in my top five of the year. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. The best album of the year in the hip-hop underground.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    A hip-hop tour de farce. [14 Oct 2005, p.152]
  3. Anyone intrigued by Doom should adore this album.