by NF

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Oct 15, 2019
    There are more nuanced (and enjoyable) approaches to records focused on depression. Elzhi’s “Lead Poison” is still the one I’d recommend first but NF impresses on “The Search”. ... By stripping that away, his barrage of words – married with the booming, cinematic production (credited as NF and Tommee Profitt) – is surprisingly digestible.
  2. Aug 16, 2019
    NF also shares Eminem’s shrillness and distorted sense of volume, rapping like he’s putting on the world’s loudest Punch and Judy show. He spends much of The Search darting in and out of an overbearing rappity-rap snarl-yell that can cut right through you if you don’t relate to his roiling anger.
  3. Aug 16, 2019
    He is a genuinely engaging artist who raps with impressive intensity and clarity, if not nuance. He confronts his incurable sadness head-on, and it’s easy to identify with his mental health struggles. But for an album about depression, The Search contains a noticeable lack of tension and interior texture.
  4. Aug 16, 2019
    He’s an objectively strong rapper who makes work with a moral valence — just like Cordae, just like Chance, just like Lamar or Logic or J. Cole. Where NF falls short is that he mostly works in one gear.
  5. Aug 16, 2019
    In both vocal cadence and lyrical content, NF falls somewhere between Eminem and Twenty One Pilots' Tyler Joseph, while channeling the former's rage and the latter's emotive introspection. As such, The Search is a heavy and emotionally exhausting listen, brimming with troubling allusions to suicide and soul-baring pain.
  6. Aug 16, 2019
    His knack for personal lyricism over melodramatic production makes his latest album, The Search, an impactful listening experience and validation for the aforementioned comparison.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 254 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 26 out of 254
  1. Aug 17, 2019
    NF's best album yet, can't stop listening to it and never gets boring. I recommend this album to everyone who has any difficulties in theirNF's best album yet, can't stop listening to it and never gets boring. I recommend this album to everyone who has any difficulties in their life, there's always at least one song you can relate to Full Review »
  2. Aug 17, 2019
    It is his best album till date. The album is cinematic and feels like a movie full of emotions.
  3. Aug 17, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Best album of 2019 Full Review »