by NF
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Universal acclaim- based on 254 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 26 out of 254
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  1. Aug 22, 2019
    70 minutes of autofellatio and flavorless self-pity where the """hype""" tracks fail by virtue of NF tripping over his own inflated ego. While NF may be a technically skilled rapper - and make no mistake, the flows are genuinely good on songs like "The Search" - his writing rings as pissy, his voice is insufferable (especially considering the lack of guest appearances across a twenty-song70 minutes of autofellatio and flavorless self-pity where the """hype""" tracks fail by virtue of NF tripping over his own inflated ego. While NF may be a technically skilled rapper - and make no mistake, the flows are genuinely good on songs like "The Search" - his writing rings as pissy, his voice is insufferable (especially considering the lack of guest appearances across a twenty-song album that runs over an hour), and the content loses any spark halfway through. The worst track by far is "Returns", four minutes of spiritual-lyrical-miracle-individual rapping that reads like a school shooter's manifesto. Sheer pretentiousness swarms the bleak, monotonous movie trailer beats as NF claims to be the face of 'real music', a term that reeks of elitism – and elitism not deserved if the one-note beats, obnoxious writing, and flat-out terrible hooks are any indicator. This is one of the worst albums of the decade, only a minor improvement over his last release due to one decent track at the very beginning. If you want introspection, listen to KIDS SEE GHOSTS, or Flower Boy, or GREY Area, or so many others. Just because you have edgy aesthetics cribbed from Denzel Curry and some symphonic beats doesn't make you any deeper than a wading pool. Expand
  2. Aug 29, 2019
    Trash and boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnngggg
  3. Sep 13, 2019
    Unbearably melodramatic, the beats are almost as melodramatic as NF is. I don't really see the hype about him being "deep" or a "lyricist". He touches on a lot of mature themes in his music but explores them with the shallow and childish outlook of a Hopsin. NF definitely has talent but the potency of lyrics loose touch due to the melodramatic sludge he fills his songs with. To makeUnbearably melodramatic, the beats are almost as melodramatic as NF is. I don't really see the hype about him being "deep" or a "lyricist". He touches on a lot of mature themes in his music but explores them with the shallow and childish outlook of a Hopsin. NF definitely has talent but the potency of lyrics loose touch due to the melodramatic sludge he fills his songs with. To make better music first he needs to get a BETTER PRODUCER, if his beats were better this album would move from a 1 to a 3 or 4. The second thing he needs to do is lose this childish demeanor he has in his lyrics. He gets a 1 on the search due to the fact that I have to recognize his raw talent, however everything else is unbearably bad, one of the worst rap records of the decade. Expand
  4. Aug 31, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I can find anything in this record. No offfense. Need to throw ur style to trash Cuz that place looks exactly for this album. Expand
  5. Sep 1, 2019
    Yes, it is lyrically good in some parts but all I see is a boring vent playlist, just overloading with the same topic, same style (which is a sing/rap/sing/rap), it just doesn’t seem listening when it just makes you feel uncomfortable.

    Only thing that is said to be “positive” of this track is that it’s “relatable”, what?
  6. Sep 26, 2019
    The nadir of Christian rap, already bolstered by the fact Christian rap already is a nadir.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Oct 15, 2019
    There are more nuanced (and enjoyable) approaches to records focused on depression. Elzhi’s “Lead Poison” is still the one I’d recommend first but NF impresses on “The Search”. ... By stripping that away, his barrage of words – married with the booming, cinematic production (credited as NF and Tommee Profitt) – is surprisingly digestible.
  2. Aug 16, 2019
    NF also shares Eminem’s shrillness and distorted sense of volume, rapping like he’s putting on the world’s loudest Punch and Judy show. He spends much of The Search darting in and out of an overbearing rappity-rap snarl-yell that can cut right through you if you don’t relate to his roiling anger.
  3. Aug 16, 2019
    He is a genuinely engaging artist who raps with impressive intensity and clarity, if not nuance. He confronts his incurable sadness head-on, and it’s easy to identify with his mental health struggles. But for an album about depression, The Search contains a noticeable lack of tension and interior texture.