• Record Label: UMe
  • Release Date: Sep 2, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 44
  2. Negative: 2 out of 44
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  1. Sep 2, 2022
    Megadeth is one of the biggest bands out there today. Megadeth's story is pretty funny. In 1982, Dave Mustaine was kicked out of the band because he did some pretty crazy things while under the influence of alcohol. Dave started Megadeth to get revenge on Metallica, but Megadeth didn't get as much fanfare as Metallica. I will tell you that Megadeth is quite deteriorating which is quiteMegadeth is one of the biggest bands out there today. Megadeth's story is pretty funny. In 1982, Dave Mustaine was kicked out of the band because he did some pretty crazy things while under the influence of alcohol. Dave started Megadeth to get revenge on Metallica, but Megadeth didn't get as much fanfare as Metallica. I will tell you that Megadeth is quite deteriorating which is quite disappointing after Youthanasia which tried to be the black album, every Megadeth album became quite terrible and not Thrash which is quite disappointing. Dystopia was an album that brought back the speed that was only slower unfortunately but The Sick, The Dying... And The Dead! He is quite fast. Now for The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! There were many problems and here are the problems: number one problem for Dave was cancer I think in May 2020 he recovered from cancer.
    Problem number two is a sexual problem. Unfortunately, a rape video was reportedly circulated, which caused Dave to kick David out of the band.
    Problem number three, which is the problem lately, there is no base. They tried to bring Jason, the second base of Metallica, but his wife did not agree. But there was a rumor that Steve, the former base of the band Sadus and currently in Testament, will be in the band in the end after six months he was in the final recordings of the album Sick, The Dying... And The Dead!. The album was delayed many times because of the recordings but now it is out. Whether Megadeth released a good album or the reviews say that they are probably right, let's see. The first three songs are very good, they are fast and remind me of Megadeth's 80s, but Dogs Of Chernobyl is a ballad, from what I read, it is also quite slow and disappointing, and Sacrifice is nothing, but better than Dogs Of Chernobyl. Killing Time has two parts, however, which is quite idiotic for the first part Called Psychopathy and the second part called Killing Time. Killing Time a pretty good song it's excellent but pretty weak unfortunately the next song is a song I don't like but the next 3 songs do save the album in the end the album is pretty weak but it's better than the previous one final score 85 out of 100 the album should be faster according to my opinion
  2. Sep 2, 2022
    While TSTDATD is a great follow-up to 2016's Dystopia, the bonus tracks included in the Deluxe Edition are totally unnecessary. The covers of The Dead Kennedy's "Police Truck" and Sammy Hagar's "This Planet's on Fire (Burn in Hell)" are the worst covers Megadeth has recorded. Why Mustaine would choose such ill-fitting covers on an otherwise excellent record is perplexing.
  3. Sep 4, 2022
    Simply great. A sprawling collection of all the Megadeth eras into one album. Kiko and dirk keep the album sounding fresh and young for a band that has been around for nearly 4 decades. Mustaines voice sounds better then it has in recent albums. A must listen and must have for Megadeth and metal fans.
  4. Sep 8, 2022
    The Sick, The Dying...And The Dead marks the new chapter of Megadeth and a good one indeed. After a return to form with Dystopia, expectations were high for the next 'Deth album and the boys delivered. The powerfull, flashy riffs from Dave and Kiko combined with the thundering bass of Steve DiGorgio and powerful drumming of Dirk Verbeuren creates for an exciting album full of familiarityThe Sick, The Dying...And The Dead marks the new chapter of Megadeth and a good one indeed. After a return to form with Dystopia, expectations were high for the next 'Deth album and the boys delivered. The powerfull, flashy riffs from Dave and Kiko combined with the thundering bass of Steve DiGorgio and powerful drumming of Dirk Verbeuren creates for an exciting album full of familiarity and surprises! Expand
  5. Sep 3, 2022
    If the album is trying to be awful, then it's doing in really bad. The fact that Megadeth did something even heavier than "Dystopia" is unbelievable. Some songs are fast and energetic, some are slower and darker, but every one of them has their part in making the album as great as it is. Everything is spot on: vocals, drums, guitars and music. Listening to the album for the first time IIf the album is trying to be awful, then it's doing in really bad. The fact that Megadeth did something even heavier than "Dystopia" is unbelievable. Some songs are fast and energetic, some are slower and darker, but every one of them has their part in making the album as great as it is. Everything is spot on: vocals, drums, guitars and music. Listening to the album for the first time I couldn't believe how it's even possible to rock so much. Expand
  6. Sep 3, 2022
    Some riffs in here are really different but cool, like the main ones from Night Stalkers and We’ll be back, overall it's almost a no-filler, one of the best of this year for sure.
  7. Sep 2, 2022
    I always feel like I'm listening to Dystopia all the time I've been listening, but Dystopia was better. There are a few similar riffs here. The slower and calmer parts of the songs add variety. The songs that seemed to me something really new: The Sick, The Dying... And The Dead!, Dogs of Chernobyl, Soldier On!, Mission on Mars. I think that the album isn't bad, it has good songs, butI always feel like I'm listening to Dystopia all the time I've been listening, but Dystopia was better. There are a few similar riffs here. The slower and calmer parts of the songs add variety. The songs that seemed to me something really new: The Sick, The Dying... And The Dead!, Dogs of Chernobyl, Soldier On!, Mission on Mars. I think that the album isn't bad, it has good songs, but for me sometimes it seems to be something that I have already heard. Expand
  8. Sep 2, 2022
    After listening to their 3 released singles these past few months, and listening to the entire CD this morning, this is a killer CD.

    What an animal of an album, full of awesome riffs and the variety of songs is a breath of fresh, metal air. Love the speed, love the guitar work, the bass, the drums, the singing/growling, with Dogs of Chernobyl standing out as an EPIC **** tune.
  9. Sep 2, 2022
    Just the first 4 tracks already make this the best Thrash album in many, many years.
  10. Sep 2, 2022
    Es un disco variable, tiene canciones rápidas, buenos solos y canciones frescas, las cuales ayudan al álbum que no siempre sea lo mismo!! Uno de los mejores discos por el momento de megadeth
  11. Sep 2, 2022
    Something for all Deth fans, an excellent album but not going to rise to any classic status. A good mix of old school trash metal and the lighter Megadeth that we have heard too many recent records. The playing is of guaranteed quality and Dave's vocals have even improved, which raises the rating of this album as well as Dirk's merciless drumming. Yes, this album knocks the last DethSomething for all Deth fans, an excellent album but not going to rise to any classic status. A good mix of old school trash metal and the lighter Megadeth that we have heard too many recent records. The playing is of guaranteed quality and Dave's vocals have even improved, which raises the rating of this album as well as Dirk's merciless drumming. Yes, this album knocks the last Deth productions underground and is the best album since Endgame. Long live Megadeth 8.5 / 10 Expand
  12. Sep 3, 2022
    Es un álbum asombroso!, lleno de buena rítmica y solos melódicos, con cancions con mucha energía, tiene secciones muy brutales, We'll be back y Life in hell son mis favoritas, los covers están muy bien hechos también, aunque hay unas 3 canciones que no me terminan de llegar pero ojalá eso cambie, grande Megadeth y sus integrantes que son excelentes músicos y merecen mucho respeto yEs un álbum asombroso!, lleno de buena rítmica y solos melódicos, con cancions con mucha energía, tiene secciones muy brutales, We'll be back y Life in hell son mis favoritas, los covers están muy bien hechos también, aunque hay unas 3 canciones que no me terminan de llegar pero ojalá eso cambie, grande Megadeth y sus integrantes que son excelentes músicos y merecen mucho respeto y reconocimiento!. Expand
  13. Sep 4, 2022
    Best stuff they'd put out since this decade! Some tracks are a hit or miss, like Psychopathy, and Junkie, but songs like Mission to Mars, Dogs of Chernobyl, We'll be back, and many more makes this album a solid 9/10. The production on the album and tracks are amazing, the mixing, the everything on this album is amazing. Definitely recommend.
  14. Sep 4, 2022
    Absolutely worthy follow up to 2016's Dystopia. The title track, Life in Hell, Dogs of Chernobyl, Soldier On!, and We'll Be Back are all standout Megadeth tracks of the last decade. Dave's more aged voice fits well and the guitar work is just as great as ever. The Sick, the Dying, and the Dead! would be a solid 10/10, but I personally found Dystopia to be more enjoyable overall.
  15. Sep 5, 2022
    Megadeth coming back with everything, with a super current album on the level of the last one, which for me, is also a great album!
    Super current and powerful, this album will please the band's fans a lot, and heavy metal fans in general will probably like it too.
    of 11 tracks (ignoring the 2 extra ones), it has 6 very good tracks, the others are a little forgettable. 8 for this album!
  16. Sep 6, 2022
    Just listened through all of Megadeth right before this for the first time, and this was the cherry on top
  17. Sep 6, 2022
    This album is amazing! Greatest record Megadeth produced since their heyday in the 90's

    The title track, nightstalkers, life in hell, we'll be back, celebutante, soldier on and mission to Mars are all must listen to songs! Dave sounds great!
  18. Sep 7, 2022
    As far as I`m concerned, this is just about the best and overall most enjoyable album atleast since Youthanasia.
    I`ve been listening to it on loop every chance I get since it`s release, and I enjoy every second of it.
    The album as a whole manages to include elements and nods to previous eras of Megadeth, while evolving and refining the sound of this new era of Megadeth, that came with
    As far as I`m concerned, this is just about the best and overall most enjoyable album atleast since Youthanasia.
    I`ve been listening to it on loop every chance I get since it`s release, and I enjoy every second of it.
    The album as a whole manages to include elements and nods to previous eras of Megadeth, while evolving and refining the sound of this new era of Megadeth, that came with Kiko`s arrival.
    For me there are no bad songs, and even my least favourite of the album (sacrifice and killing time) are still good and with pleny of cool riffs and ear candy, they just aren`t quite up to par with the nest of the album.
    In terms of highlights, the 3 singles that we got before release (We`ll be back, Nightstalkers, and soldier on) are obviously great, and proof that Megadeth are back and on full attack, but the true highlights for me were the title track, Dogs of chernobyl, and mission to Mars. The title track is fast paced and has a really cool riff, but is wierdly upbeat sounding for the lyrics, but it works really well.
    Dogs of Chernobyl is a love song /ballad, believe it or not. The 1st half is really melodic with great riffs that convey the vibe really well, and the chorus in particular is really effective, and the 2nd half is really frantic (and graphic in it`s lyrical content), and overall reminds me of rust in peace polaris`ending section. Mission to Mars is also super melodic and catchy, the entire musical composition sounds really beautiful (much like the 1st half of dogs of chernobyl), and the lyrics are super cheesy, but in a fun and completly self-aware way. This also seems to be the most divisive song in the album for it`s nonsensical lyrics, but I would compare it`s goofyness to Sweating Bullets, which is a song I also adore. Megadeth is known of the occasional goofy song, after all.

    Overall this is an amazing album that sounds new and modern, while also sounding just enough like their previous music to remind me of their best moments from each of the previous eras.

    While it`s best moments aren`t up there with Rust in peace or peace sells, and while none of the songs manage to outdo Symphony of Destruction for beautiful simplicity, the album as a whole manages to be constistantly good and enjoyable to a degree that not many albums before have managed. It`s by no means a perfect album, and I do have a couple of issues with it (some wierd and sudden transitions, the choruses of sacrifice and killing time are both bland, psychopathy should have been a made into a full song rather than leading into killing time, Dave should have done more solos, they should have done more dual guitar stuff), it`s really minor issues overall.

    Do i recommend this album for those who only like early Megadeth? Absolutly not! You`d enjoy some of it for sure, but would diskile or hate most of it. This album is most suitable for those who enjoy all eras of Megadeth, and who enjoyed Dystopia, since this is basicly an evolution of that, albeit with many nods and influences from their old stuff as well.
    Where does it sit with me than? As a lover of all eras of Megadeth (including risk, and about half of Super Collider) it`s currently in my top 5 Megadeth albums, for how much I enjoy it overall.
  19. Sep 13, 2022
    it was great really great maybe the best in the past 20 years on megadeth history
  20. Sep 15, 2022
    It’s good. Ignore the boomers tripping. They’re actually just nostalgic for a time when mullets belonged to straight men, not queers from Brooklyn.. and they’ve projected that nostalgia onto this killer record.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Sep 27, 2022
    Was this brand of metal ever designed to be this safe—especially in a climate where the music’s apocalyptic scenarios have come to life? For better or worse, The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead! reveals its charms more the more you ignore that question.
  2. Sep 2, 2022
    It's a tense and impatient record, even by Megadeth's standards, and re-affirms the band's status as completely essential metal deities who are still operating on a level of excellence most of their peers fell from decades ago.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 1, 2022
    Occasionally things are wide of the mark, such as with the ponderous Junkie, but that's mostly an anomaly in a record full of snarky, sneering metal that has the punky energy of a new band on the block. [Sep 2022, p.77]