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Universal acclaim- based on 132 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 8 out of 132

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  1. Sep 3, 2011
    The perfect album, and by far the magnum opus of The Flaming Lips. The Soft Bulletin is a departure from The Flaming Lips' earlier work, which was mostly lo-fi noise rock. The Soft Bulletin's songs are generally slow and soft, and explore various themes, such as love and devotion (The Spiderbite Song, for instance, is as far as I can tell about one's platonic love for another). The lyricsThe perfect album, and by far the magnum opus of The Flaming Lips. The Soft Bulletin is a departure from The Flaming Lips' earlier work, which was mostly lo-fi noise rock. The Soft Bulletin's songs are generally slow and soft, and explore various themes, such as love and devotion (The Spiderbite Song, for instance, is as far as I can tell about one's platonic love for another). The lyrics are clever and meaningful, and not superficial at all. In fact, I would say the overarching theme of the album is love. All in all its a beautiful album, and a must-listen-to. Expand
  2. Sep 7, 2010
    Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots may have been a bit more out there and mabe even more creative, but the Soft Bulletin is by no means a lesser album. A beautiful record that just keeps getting better.
  3. SamS
    Oct 26, 2007
    Much loved by people whose judgment I respect. But it doesn't quite do it for me. I came to it after Yoshimi -- which I love in the extreme -- and this sounds flabby and maudlin by comparison.
  4. DeanD
    Aug 4, 2006
    Great music, but the vocals.....AWFUL! I have never ever heard a singer so out of tune, reaching for notes which are obviously out of his range. He needs vocal lessons real bad!
  5. BenjaminBunny
    Jun 8, 2004
    And the survey says....? CLASSIC.
  6. TomW
    Sep 6, 2004
    The actual music on this is great, if an aquired taste: it is quite melacholy and more than a bit hippy, in a cute way. The mixing though -- while probably intentional, I don't like it. The drums cymbals are *way* too harsh and overdriven. I guess that's just noise pop, but I kinda wished this music had a slicker sound, like the followup Yoshimi...
  7. TheJesus
    Aug 10, 2006
    Pretty, good, but rarely better than "pretty good". In my opinion the songs are good and the production is fantastic, making the songs better...a very contemporary album. I won't call it a ten because it's definitely not for everybody. Though it is a better album than Yoshimi, it's too complex to achieve the universal appeal of songs like "Fight Test" or "Yoshimi...Pt. 1" Pretty, good, but rarely better than "pretty good". In my opinion the songs are good and the production is fantastic, making the songs better...a very contemporary album. I won't call it a ten because it's definitely not for everybody. Though it is a better album than Yoshimi, it's too complex to achieve the universal appeal of songs like "Fight Test" or "Yoshimi...Pt. 1" You should buy both. Expand
  8. JørgenT.
    Jan 10, 2008
    This is the best and most breathtakingly beautiful pop album of the nineties, period.
  9. TomP.
    Mar 10, 2008
    Honestly, after hearing (and loving) Yohimi Battles the Pink Robots I was somewhat dissappointed with this album. Don't get me wrong, it's still great, but I just thought it severely paled in comparisson. For one, it's pretty front loaded. (The Spark That Bled being in my opinion the cd's best.) and after What Is the Light? the tracks just seem to grow old, listening Honestly, after hearing (and loving) Yohimi Battles the Pink Robots I was somewhat dissappointed with this album. Don't get me wrong, it's still great, but I just thought it severely paled in comparisson. For one, it's pretty front loaded. (The Spark That Bled being in my opinion the cd's best.) and after What Is the Light? the tracks just seem to grow old, listening to his voice send out the same emotions one song after another, still good, just sorta boring. And for one final thing, did we really need a waitin' for a Superman remix? The orginal wasn't that good in the first place...But with all my complaints, after comparing it to the kind of garbage the average person listens to now, it's a masterpiece. So i give it an even 8. Ah well. Expand
  10. Dan
    Apr 23, 2005
    Not many albums can suck you in and control your emotions like the Soft Bulliton. Don't over look this album for not being as immediately accessible as any other release by the Flaming Lips.
  11. SeanD
    Dec 27, 2006
    When I think of the word "psychedelic" this is where my mind goes. I don't think I've heard sounds like this anywhere else in my life, and I may never hear them anyplace ever again. Hands down my favorite record. On a side note, "Feeling Yourself Disintegrate" breaks my heart every time I hear it. One of the most achingly beautiful songs (ever?)
  12. JosephB
    Dec 30, 2006
    The Soft Bulletine is the yin to the Clouds Taste Metallic yang. It pushes pop to its outer limits as well as anything that comes before it.
  13. BannusV
    Mar 12, 2006
    This is an increadible sonically astounding album.
  14. rza
    Mar 27, 2006
    Epic. The gold standard to the modern rock opera of life, love and death.
  15. S.L.O'Robot
    Apr 8, 2006
    Do not believe the hype about "Yoshimi," and that it is somehow a superior record -- utter nonsense, that. While "Yoshimi" may outstrip the entire collected works of most all of your favorite bands, it cannot remotely compare to "Soft Bulletin," which is perhaps the finest album of the last 15 years.
  16. time
    Aug 8, 2006
    I had a question. How can AMG call this the album of the decade and only give it 4.5 stars? Not only that but in their website they end up calling Transmission... their best album. That's odd! Great record though
  17. PaulD
    Jun 2, 2007
    The best record since the White Album, Pet Sounds, Exile, Buddy Holly's Greatest and you get the message. Freakin' beautiful melodies and arrangements, and Wayne's lyrics are the most insanely honest ever written. I liked the Lips beforehand, but this is by far their masterpiece. If this were the 60s, they would be the most popular thing out. too bad the superstars now come The best record since the White Album, Pet Sounds, Exile, Buddy Holly's Greatest and you get the message. Freakin' beautiful melodies and arrangements, and Wayne's lyrics are the most insanely honest ever written. I liked the Lips beforehand, but this is by far their masterpiece. If this were the 60s, they would be the most popular thing out. too bad the superstars now come from a television show. Collapse
  18. TomB.
    Aug 6, 2007
    This album is the reason I believe in love.
  19. JoeT.
    Jan 1, 2010
    I love it.'s gorgeous and radical at the same time.
  20. MikeK.
    Jul 22, 2002
    Stunning, evocative, enigmatic, perfect
  21. johnnypomegranate
    Mar 16, 2003
    what can i say? i never thought music would get any better than björk's homogenic, and then the flaming lips posted the soft bulletin, and i've never been the same since. only a handful of albums can lay claim to being truly life-changing -- this is one of those albums.
  22. BallaghJ
    Jul 12, 2004
    Fantastic listen.
  23. KeilS
    Dec 7, 2005
    A glorious slab of symphonic meditation. Coyne & Co. have created a beautiful, wholly original cross between Brian Wilson's Pet Sounds-era and Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. Even the seemingly throwaway tracks have something to offer. If there is any justice in the fickle landscape of pop culture, The Soft Bulletin will be considered a true classic years from now.
  24. stephenl
    Aug 30, 2005
    easily the best album of the 90s
  25. RobertS
    Mar 21, 2006
  26. RM
    Apr 3, 2006
  27. es
    Jul 11, 2006
    Pretty much the best thing I have ever heard - easily my favorite album of all time.
  28. sidewinder572
    Aug 3, 2007
    Depending on how you look at it this is either the last masterpiece of the 20th century or the first masterpiece of the 21st century. However you look at it this is The Flaming Lips finest hour and at this moment one of the 5 greatest albums I've ever heard.
  29. IShonaman
    Sep 2, 2007
    This is one of the best - most returned to albums I own. To only stand there and here the sound of Wayne's voice and dismiss it - is not embracing the Everyman appeal of Wayne's delivery. You don't need to be technically proficient to express. I find the lyrics to be imaginative, yet anchored in a realism based on reactions to loss and uncertainty. The delivery (vocal & This is one of the best - most returned to albums I own. To only stand there and here the sound of Wayne's voice and dismiss it - is not embracing the Everyman appeal of Wayne's delivery. You don't need to be technically proficient to express. I find the lyrics to be imaginative, yet anchored in a realism based on reactions to loss and uncertainty. The delivery (vocal & instrumentation) only adds to the lyrical themes. Everything here is by design. Expand
  30. Howard
    Sep 14, 2003
    Oh My God is tis cd good or wut! I've never heard anything as good as tis. TIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. 90
    The group's most gorgeously crafted album ever.
  2. Combines Beach Boys harmonies, Pink Floyd-influenced orchestral rock and the lonely-heart vocal style of such '70s icons as Big Star and Neil Young.
  3. A trip into the prettiest altered states the Lips have yet kissed.