
Mixed or average reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
  1. Some sleepy stuff hurts his cause, but his best songs... combine vivid, polished tracks with solid tunes that pack a sneaky emotional weight.
  2. It’s more work to listen to than any previous Rjd2 album; listening is a constant quest for the remarkable within the unremarkable.
  3. For all its comparative brave departures and originality, The Third Hand just isn’t particularly engaging.
  4. A disappointment, maybe, but that’s to be expected – and shouldn’t we prefer that he want to give us something new?
  5. For better or worse, RJD2’s talent is beat-making. While it’s easy to applaud him for following his dreams, we can’t give him extra marks for his output.
  6. 60
    An instrument-juggling, one-man-band approach that recalls the romantic, psychedelic pop of the Zombies and the textured electronics of Radiohead.
  7. Vibe
    He sings with a quavering, unconvincing tremor, and his lyrics are often awkward and bland. [Apr 2007, p.130]
  8. This is the sound of a fighter punching below his weight.
  9. Billboard
    The melodies aren't always there, and the restrained production makes for an occasionally nagging sense of meandering. [3 Mar 2007]
  10. Spin
    Longer on nuance than hook. [Mar 2007, p.98]
  11. One man's pop is another man's weirdness. And weird, The Third Hand certainly is.
  12. [Rjd2] has moved away from sample-based instrumental hip-hop, throwing in gently psychedelic Beatles-y songcraft and live instruments to achieve a jack-of-all-trades sound that, while perfectly pleasant, is done better by Beck.
  13. RJD2 has made an record that simply doesn’t play to his strengths.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 22
  2. Negative: 7 out of 22
  1. GradyL
    Apr 23, 2007
    Finally someone with enough balls to come out of the closet and finally produce a new sound. The beats are still RJD2's unequaled sounds Finally someone with enough balls to come out of the closet and finally produce a new sound. The beats are still RJD2's unequaled sounds but he does add pop to it. Yea he's new to this so the songwriting is lacking a lot. But if you like listening to each album for what it is, this is an album worth checking out. If you're looking for someone who sounds exactly the same each time go listen to something else. Full Review »
  2. EricC
    Apr 9, 2007
    pretty bad.
  3. YJ
    Mar 25, 2007
    And yet another Brilliant underground Hip-hop star producer who decides that he has enough talent to become a pop songster, turning his back And yet another Brilliant underground Hip-hop star producer who decides that he has enough talent to become a pop songster, turning his back to his previous work: Results: Uninspired songwriting, bad singing, and terribly boring pop songs. It is amazing how sych a brilliant producer can be so deaf to his own shortcomings. Luckily, other brilliant artists like Amon Tobin and Aphex Twin haven't decided to go pop and still stick to what they do best.. let's keep our fingers crossed. Full Review »