• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jan 17, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. The Wire
    Mar 3, 2020
    There Is No Year is a mixed bag of disparate musical styles, played out as an intelligently composed accompaniment for Fisher’s complex political rhetoric. [Mar 2020, p.58]
  2. Feb 18, 2020
    If it's a call to arms then it fails to churn the necessary emotional juices to deliver it. What we do have, however, is a serviceable space for venting our contemporary anxieties, which in and of itself can be a healing experience. Ultimately, if you're struggling with the political realities of the day, Algiers are in it together with you, and that alone will be enough for some.
  3. Feb 3, 2020
    Algiers will always be big, bold and unapologetically earnest and while you’d stop short of saying something like they’re a vital band for our times, it’s good to have someone around who cares for them as much as they do.
  4. Jan 30, 2020
    Sitting right at the cross-section between optimism and pessimism, There Is No Year is an enlivening experience, and a mostly successful artistic rendering of a world on fire.
  5. Jan 29, 2020
    If Fisher and co feel wrung out at times it’s not through lack of commitment or creativity. No one said fighting the good fight would be easy and There Is No Year lands enough punches to win at least a TKO decision.
  6. Jan 22, 2020
    A tense, polished, cold affair that never truly explodes into something larger.
  7. Jan 21, 2020
    The poem isn’t great, but the music is as electrifying, unpredictable and chaotic as ever.
  8. Q Magazine
    Jan 17, 2020
    The mood change from insurrection to brooding dystopia makes for a less immediate set of songs, but listen long enough and this is another powerful, affecting set. [Mar 2020, p.114]
  9. Jan 17, 2020
    Frequently thrilling and never boring, There Is No Year reveals subtleties amidst the powerful energy with each play, and in so doing shines a light on Algiers, a band who stride defiantly forth, urgent counterpoints vital for facing down the injustices of our times.
  10. Jan 17, 2020
    Algiers’ audio zines, the last of which invoked the Algerian revolution to explore angst and uncertainty using thickets of drone, show that they are capable of more nuanced writing. But they haven’t yet learned to translate the political into the personal, to turn abstract ideas into matters of the gut.
  11. Jan 16, 2020
    The album blossoms when his delivery matches the tone of the music.
  12. Jan 16, 2020
    When There Is No Year abandons the synthwave influences and embraces Fisher’s clear admiration for Foucault and other critical theorists, it’s easy to remember Algiers’ unique appeal.
  13. Jan 16, 2020
    There Is No Year is one of the most disappointing follow-ups in recent memory. Knowing the group is capable of much more gives hope for a re-energized effort in their future.
  14. Jan 16, 2020
    These tight, explosive songs combine a refined poetic lyric approach in songwriting and arranging that's every bit as urgent as the album's two predecessors, yet it's so emotionally charged, it leaves the listener breathless and exhausted, as well as compelled and excited.
  15. Rolling Stone
    Jan 14, 2020
    Their third album can be a blast. [Jan 2020, p.84]
  16. Mojo
    Jan 14, 2020
    Their fusion of Franklin James Fisher's gospel howl and post-industrial beats has grown into something searing and infernal. [Feb 2020, p.90]
  17. 80
    The band continue to be radical, but rather than being reactionary, ‘There is No Year’ is precise, thoughtful and powerful.
  18. 75
    Algiers really fucking mean every note, and their radical politics soak through each track like petrol through a rag. If they overdo it from time to time, so be it – how nice it is to hear a band giving a little too much of a fuck, rather than not enough.
  19. Uncut
    Jan 14, 2020
    Mostly fine results. [Feb 2020, p.25]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Jul 25, 2020
    "There is no year" is safe and lacks Algiers' revolutionary spirit. There is nothing that bad, just weaker than their previous work.
  2. Mar 24, 2020
    ( 76/100 )

    Un Rock Alternativo que logra dar cierto estilo a su música. A pesar de jugar entre intensidades, el álbum se nivela con cierta
    ( 76/100 )

    Un Rock Alternativo que logra dar cierto estilo a su música. A pesar de jugar entre intensidades, el álbum se nivela con cierta monotonía por no presentar alguna sorpresa o novedad dentro del genero. La producción, a cargo de Ben Greenberg y Randall Dunn, logran, a pesar de todo, crear cierta ambientación y detalle que puede seducir rápidamente a quien escuche.

    An AlternativeRock that achieves to give some style to their music. Even if it plays in between intensities, the album stabilizes with some monotony coming from nos presenting any surprises or originality inside the genera. The production, by Ben Greenberg and Randall Dunn, achieves, despite everything, to create some atmosphere and detail that con quickly seduces to whoever listens.
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 9, 2020
    I don't know man, probably Algiers' least gratifying release. The album has many powerful moments but they're too few and far between. II don't know man, probably Algiers' least gratifying release. The album has many powerful moments but they're too few and far between. I thought the teaser track 'Can the Sub-Bass Speak' was amazing yet it doesn't turn up on the album and only a couple tracks seem to reach that level of creativity and character. Fisher's lyricism remains impeccable and thought provoking but this time the instrumentals don't back them up quite as well. Full Review »