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Generally favorable reviews- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 40
  2. Negative: 6 out of 40

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  1. JasonE.
    Sep 2, 2007
    Gorgeous. Brings warmth to the electronic pop genre reminiscint of Madonna's Ray of Light. His influences shine through, but Hayes' greatest accomplishment is getting across a vision that is distinctly his. Celebtratory and heartbreaking in spades, and always inspired.
  2. LaneB.
    Nov 3, 2007
    I will admit Darren Hayes happens to be my favourite music artist today by far, however I will not go so far as to mightily praise his solo debut Spin - as it was rather... okay. Still, it is forgivable and understandable since the album was created to please his record company's taste, and Darren regrettably leashed in his creative juices. This being said, I do not believe I am I will admit Darren Hayes happens to be my favourite music artist today by far, however I will not go so far as to mightily praise his solo debut Spin - as it was rather... okay. Still, it is forgivable and understandable since the album was created to please his record company's taste, and Darren regrettably leashed in his creative juices. This being said, I do not believe I am being terribly biased when I whole heartily give this particular album 10 out of 10. And although many people believe the weak point of the album is over experimentation, I happen to think it's the main attraction - or should be. It's a refreshing change from the recycled garbage that's polluting our radios today. Finally something different, and critics' first reaction is it's "too much." Although even the 3rd listen was somewhat overwhelming, it was always enjoyable. The variety of styles happen to be a bonus on this album - I promise you this, you won't get bored of this one quick. The theme of this album is Darren. Literally, the album is a gathering of all his experiences and emotions. Which makes for some pretty interesting music. His lyrics always possess a lot of substance, they will get you thinking and feeling. Other than that, concerning his writing abilities, I will say no more... since according to pretty much everyone(!), he is a lyrical genius. Now the happiest thing about this CD is attempting to "genre-lize" his material and having very little success at it. Music that's easily described is boring. It's aggravating to see little difference between artists today. Everyone (referring to mainstream music) is making music which has previously been proven successful by another. Darren is the exception. But here is my attempt at describing his music anyway (as vague as it may be). This Delicate thing we've made is not fluffy pop. For those of you who have The Tension and The Spark, it truly is a continuation of that album, although it has evolved to a more upbeat and sanguine impression overall. It's a collaboration of 80's sounds and hard electronic beats, which Darren proves is the perfect marriage. Now here's the icing: his beautiful vocals. If this man cannot be appreciated for making new and intelligent music, can he at least be acknowledged for his voice? And lastly, each track is heavily laced with deep, genuine emotion. Since he's actually experienced the very emotions he sings about, you can hear the sincerity there. Something most artists lack perhaps because they don't write their own music. This album is a must for: Those who appreciate intelligent lyrics (written by the artist), beautiful vocals (also actually sung by the artist) and beats you'll be inclined to shake your bottom to... I guess in short, I could just rate this album 'E for everyone.' Don't sue. Expand
  3. MarvinT
    Aug 30, 2007
    Love it very much
  4. SueS
    Sep 3, 2007
    My favourite album by a long way. I love the variety of styles, the experimentation, the digging into his past. I can relate to much of what Darren has written, and many of the melodies are really catchy which is a bonus!
  5. MikeL.
    Sep 4, 2007
    Darren Hayes is simply brilliant, he has left the commercial success of Savage Garden and has explored the realm of his music in a self spiritual endeavor, I love this ablum beginning to end, This album picks up right where "The Tensin & The Spark" left off....Dark, melodic, rock, techno & a hint of Justin Timberlake....Lyrically masterful & music to back it up!
  6. FranciscoF.
    Oct 4, 2007
    A Cool and nice album with eletronic and pop music that can remember the 80s...
  7. KellyW.
    Aug 29, 2007
    Darren's best album by far. Haunting lyrics and amazing and subtle vocals from this unique artist.
  8. MarvinT.
    Aug 29, 2007
    Love Everything on it, Very Cinematic
  9. BrianS.
    Aug 30, 2007
    I like this CD set a lot! I'm not familiar with his previous work (not that familiar with Savage Garden even) but I like his electronic pop sound a lot and there's not one song I skip while either disc plays. Darren Hayes is a new discovery for me and I love these songs! Time Machine totally rules and Who Would have Thought is perfect pure pop. I gotta stop now so I can start I like this CD set a lot! I'm not familiar with his previous work (not that familiar with Savage Garden even) but I like his electronic pop sound a lot and there's not one song I skip while either disc plays. Darren Hayes is a new discovery for me and I love these songs! Time Machine totally rules and Who Would have Thought is perfect pure pop. I gotta stop now so I can start disc 1. Ciao! Expand
  10. MohitA.
    Sep 1, 2007
    Mindblowing. It is a masterpiece from the best singer in the world.
  11. DavidP.
    Sep 13, 2007
    It Starts off with Fear of Falling then End with Tuning of Violins Amazing Concept. its like your watching a movie without those 3-D glasses.
  12. EricaC
    Oct 13, 2007
    This is an album that grew on me after a few listening. I think he really made a brave decision to release two discs with such highly personal material. It's nice when an singer is able to express their artistic side with their music.
  13. [Anonymous]
    Sep 12, 2007
    Very interesting album, definitely worth hearing if you like Darren Hayes' vocal style
  14. Nov 19, 2012
    Real freaking music. Very heartwarming and cold at times, he can display various emotions with poetic and obscured lyricism to the fullest. One of the greatest artists for a generation.
  15. KEVOB
    Sep 6, 2007
    15 great tracks, why was 'Sing to Me' not put out as the first single, is beyond me. Takes a few listens, a real grower. Some 9 odd dross tracks though.'
  16. AlanB.
    Sep 23, 2007
    I adore this two sided album. Especially this 3 beautiful songs: Sing To Me, Casey and Step Into The Light. And about Bombs Up In My Face, what he was thinking?
  17. GeorgeB.
    Oct 1, 2007
    Fantastic as per normal
  18. HalJ.
    Aug 26, 2007
    Not as good as his last effort, The Tension And The Spark, but still better than pretty much any other pop album out there right now.
  19. Teala
    Aug 29, 2007
    I really like this CD, its definetly different from the last couple. there are a few that are too slow but i really love neverland and setting sun. great cd, id def. reccommend it!
  20. jackies.
    Aug 30, 2007
    well cant understand what it is hes trying to put across as he sings of so many different things in one song so what is he actually writing about his father former relationshipor what i dont think he knows himself
  21. Vin
    Sep 1, 2007
    A handful of fantastic songs but too much pretentious filler - very self-indulgent

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    This might make for nice pregaming music before an evening out clubbing in Ibiza, but for the rest of us, the effects can be a bit savage on the ears. [24 Aug 2007, p.133]
  2. Hayes has hedged his bets, and it shows. Somewhere amongst these 25 tracks is probably a halfway decent album. It's just swamped.
  3. Expecting two brilliant albums in a row is a lot, but when flashes of This Delicate Thing We’ve Made indicate he’s more than up to delivering, you get disappointed when there’s so much well-intentioned but patience-shredding filler between the gems.