• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2015

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 1 out of 4
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  1. Kerrang!
    Sep 28, 2015
    "Misfits" is a bit of a bland closer musically, but it's a sentiment that fits the album--and Shinedown--perfectly. [26 Sep 2015, p.51]
  2. Sep 28, 2015
    While the occasional foray into the shallower end of the mainstream may divide some listeners, there's enough here to keep longtime followers satiated (and probably a little curious/nervous as to what the future holds) until the next ride.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27
  1. Oct 7, 2015
    sheesh if people give such negative rating at least they should have balls to say out loud what's their problem.

    The only "bad" thing about
    sheesh if people give such negative rating at least they should have balls to say out loud what's their problem.

    The only "bad" thing about this album is that some fans hoped Brent will go back to "mysterious" songs full of "feeling" from the period he was on drugs. Well I for one don't like Sound of Madness. There are 3, maybe 4 songs of that album I still ocassionally listen. Leave a Whisper and Us And Them were better, but I liked Amaryllis the best.

    Shinedown didn't do what everyone expected and did it their way. And the result is great. :) I'm not sure what people mean when they say there's no emotion in the songs - perhaps they're deaf?

    The only song I don't like much is State of My Head, and I agree with the previous reviewer - less choruses would be more, in this case. But other songs are great, and it's hard to pick one favourite betewen Black Cadillac, Outcast, Asking For It, Cut the Cord or Dangerous. :)
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  2. Oct 17, 2016
    Shinedown came on to my radar with Sound of Madness in 2008. Its one of my favorite records ever and it was really the album that got the bandShinedown came on to my radar with Sound of Madness in 2008. Its one of my favorite records ever and it was really the album that got the band more attention on the radio and commercial success. Amaryllis may have been considered a step down for some fans as the group did take their sound into a different direction I found the album to be very consistent and I've probably listened to it nearly as many times as Sound of Madness.

    A Threat to Survival is another effort to change the bands sound again. There is a lot more synth involved in this album and the sound is a lot more produced. The tracks has a good balance of hard rock and there are certainly some songs that will be quickly adopted by their fans like Cut the Cord, Outcast, It All Adds Up and the opening song Asking For It. I even got some enjoyment out of the more polished songs like State of My Head, How Did You Love, Black Cadillac and Misfits. However the other 3 songs on the album take a bit of a dive in regards to quality and unfortunately they are all clumped together one right after the other. The album does end strong with two good songs in Black Cadillac and Misfits but its a bit of a boring ride to get there with Dangerous Oblivion and Thick as Thieves blocking the way.

    Overall I think Threat to Survival is a good album, its just not going to please everybody and Shinedown continues to evolve as a band and go different directions with their sound and not all fans are going to support all the songs on this record but I think there are some memorable moments.
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  3. Sep 23, 2016
    Undoubtably, they've lost some of their pure sound from Sound of Madness and Threat To Survival nearly strays on more than one occasion intoUndoubtably, they've lost some of their pure sound from Sound of Madness and Threat To Survival nearly strays on more than one occasion into sounding almost pop-rock, however there are a few catchy tunes - and Cut The Cord is a throwback to their past work - which is good to hear from the,. We've seen better fifth albums... Then again we've seen far, far worse.
    Verdict: B
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