
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jun 16, 2017
    All of these sounds may not surprise, but they're comforting in their familiarity, particularly because Sweet's execution as a writer and producer remains precise.
  2. 70
    Like most double albums, this one could do with some judicious editing. It’s a logical reason to bring in an outside ear which, with multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter Sweet credited as producer, engineer and mixer, hasn’t happened here. Regardless, Sweet fans who are a bit of a cult at this stage, will rejoice with this reflective new music.
  3. Jun 16, 2017
    Once again, Matthew Sweet’s influences come through clearly--a little Big Star here, a lot of T. Rex there, a dash of Fleetwood Mac everywhere--while the music remains distinctively and charmingly his own.
  4. Uncut
    Jun 16, 2017
    There are stormy rockers and stately, fevered ballads. "Music For Love," meanwhile, condenses Sweet's philosophies into one joyous singalong. [Aug 2017, p.38]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 29, 2017
    As a longtime fan of Sweet's work and a backer of this current project, I cannot be happier to have 29 new songs to dive into (17 on theAs a longtime fan of Sweet's work and a backer of this current project, I cannot be happier to have 29 new songs to dive into (17 on the proper album, 12 b-sides)...that said, having this many quality songs takes quite some time to process and I am still working on it.

    Overall, it is shaping up to be an excellent album -- or two. Tracks 1-4 seem like they could be detached from tracks 5-7, and the last two songs both are good album closers. A mental division of both the main album and 12 B-sides seems to be part of my process for absorption...but I am not complaining;it is a fan's dream to have this much new material.

    What is clear so far is that Tomorrow Forever has the feel of Altered Beast with song lengths similar to 100% Fun and production which harkens back to the slickness of Girlfriend. Right now, I am most drawn in by the second half of songs such as "you knew me" "haunted" "country girl" "nobody knows" and "hello" where the vocal melodies and guitar flourishes create the mood I most enjoy in Sweet's work. I do like the straight ahead rock of "trick" "pretty please" and "off the farm" as well.

    This is just the beginning of a long process of enjoyment of a lot of great music.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 17, 2017
    This is such a hard album to score out of 10. The 17 tracks on the album were evidently culled from about 38 Sweet worked on for the set. AllThis is such a hard album to score out of 10. The 17 tracks on the album were evidently culled from about 38 Sweet worked on for the set. All I can say {as a fan} is maybe he should have dropped a fair few more.

    There are some great tracks on the record but still way too much filler.
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 21, 2017
    I wasn't sure how to this album initially. Some of the songs felt like demos, and I thought there was a LOT of filler. Now, after about 10I wasn't sure how to this album initially. Some of the songs felt like demos, and I thought there was a LOT of filler. Now, after about 10 spins, I've warmed considerably to the album. So much so that I think this is Sweet's best work since the early 2000s. There are definitely a few tracks that should've been cut, but overall it's a really strong album. Lots of melodies are lurking under the surface and reward multiple listens. Full Review »