• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2014
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37
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  1. Apr 11, 2017
    SOHN delivers a pulsating and unique sound delivered through minimalism and words that are as emotional as they are intimidating. Every song has something loud to say, and the album as a whole makes it scream.
  2. May 15, 2014
    English electronic musician SOHN may not be instantly making a large name for himself with Tremors. Nonetheless, this impressive debut is delightfully refreshing, comfortably accessible, and irrefutably unique at a time in the year where music isn’t really knocking us off our feet. Tremors is brimming with fresh and innovative sounds and compositions, tied together with a consistentEnglish electronic musician SOHN may not be instantly making a large name for himself with Tremors. Nonetheless, this impressive debut is delightfully refreshing, comfortably accessible, and irrefutably unique at a time in the year where music isn’t really knocking us off our feet. Tremors is brimming with fresh and innovative sounds and compositions, tied together with a consistent aesthetic theme that allows the album to always flow coherently. However, despite possessing many complex and clever arrangements and layers, Tremors doesn’t always come across as dynamic as one would hope. SOHN, in his meticulousness regarding energy and atmosphere, casually ignores melody and structure at times, resulting in a very pleasant but easily forgettable experience. So while you may enjoy listening to the album in the car ride home, don’t expect to find yourself still moving to the album’s rhythm and lip-syncing the lyrics an hour later (save for a couple of standout tracks). In the long run, Tremors never surpasses amazing, but it gets pretty darn close most of the time. I hope to see SOHN producing some exciting hits in the coming years.

    FINAL SCORE: 85 (great ----------o---------- almost perfect)
  3. Apr 16, 2014
    This debut effort from SOHN shows a wealth of promise, as well as solidifies his status as one of the best singer/producers to come out in the last couple of years. Sure, his sound is deeply indebted to those of The Weeknd and James Blake, but his permutation of contemporary pop and moody electronica is a winning one. Songs like "Ransom Notes" and "Lessons" carry with them a deep emotionalThis debut effort from SOHN shows a wealth of promise, as well as solidifies his status as one of the best singer/producers to come out in the last couple of years. Sure, his sound is deeply indebted to those of The Weeknd and James Blake, but his permutation of contemporary pop and moody electronica is a winning one. Songs like "Ransom Notes" and "Lessons" carry with them a deep emotional weight that other electronic singer-songwriters have failed to capture in the last couple of years. Here's the thick and thin of it: "Tremors" is what Kiss Land should have been and what "Overgrown" would be if it was slightly worse. It's a great album, deserving of your admiration or, at least, your attention. Expand
  4. Apr 11, 2014
    Very much worth the listen and a promising debut. Taylor brings a lot to the table here and pulls from a wide array of influences, yet it is hard to pin his sound to one characterization or make a direct comparison. His voice and sense of rhythm are quite unique and enough to carry most of the tracks by themselves, and although Tremors finds itself as a motif of the same elements at times,Very much worth the listen and a promising debut. Taylor brings a lot to the table here and pulls from a wide array of influences, yet it is hard to pin his sound to one characterization or make a direct comparison. His voice and sense of rhythm are quite unique and enough to carry most of the tracks by themselves, and although Tremors finds itself as a motif of the same elements at times, it presents enough change throughout to keep the record from ever growing stale. At just 40 minutes Tremors will grab the attention of fans of many genres and get them to play it out to the end, especially those with a taste for The Weeknd, James Blake or Lana Del Rey. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Nov 6, 2014
    Tremors ultimately flourishes as a dazzling set of pop tracks.
  2. Apr 30, 2014
    As a first attempt, Tremors is stirring, maybe, but not earth moving, unfortunately.
  3. Apr 25, 2014
    Tremors finds time to be adventurous with its feet firmly planted on the ground; it moves maturely.