
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Alternative Press
    Their take on Delta blues and twisted folk is continually spot-on, going down equally well with a bad breakup or a cold beer with pals. [Nov 2007, p.172]
  2. Sure, Two Gallants might take a good four tracks to get going, but the five that follow are outstanding--alive, almost.
  3. 66
    While they’re as adept as any duo at infusing world-weary melancholy into every bar, they’re not really raising the bar with this one.
  4. Perhaps more so than any other band out there today, the pair channel the spirit of the wandering troubadour in all of his dusty, down and out glory.
  5. Mojo
    Two Gallants make good on their promise with this third LP. [Oct 2007, p.94]
  6. It's tempting to write Stephens off as self-obsessed (which, in all fairness, places him in a long line of beloved singer-songwriters, from Bob Dylan on), but nonetheless, there are some compelling melodies here and more than enough commitment.
  7. If you can get past the lyrics, the album is a decent listen.
  8. Two Gallants, the band's second for Saddle Creek and third overall, shows significant artistic growth.
  9. Q Magazine
    While the limitations of their two-man line-up means that the music never takes flight in quite the same way, the austere likes of 'Fly Low Carrion Crow' still leaves an indelible mark. [Oct 2007, p.106]
  10. Spin
    Recalling the stridency of Soul Asylum without the rock ferocity, Two Gallants are a minor annoyance. [Oct 2007, p.112]
  11. So far--on two full-lengths and a pair of EPs--the results have been underwhelming. That trend continues on this homonymous disc.
  12. Uncut
    A gleefully malevolent testament to the cathartic joys of furious, poison-flecked songwriting. [Oct 2007, p.113]

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