
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Mar 8, 2021
    The end result is an album that passes by without any significant misfires, and at least a handful of headshots. It's probably a stretch to say that he's met the potential signified by the queue of people within the industry that have recognised his talent and reached out to him, but TYRON's best cuts provide further unequivocal evidence that there is something special about Tyron Frampton.
  2. Mar 2, 2021
    He’s successfully bridged the gap from local to international with this album and when everyone can go on tour again I think he’ll have a ready made audience well outside of the United Kingdom.
  3. Feb 16, 2021
    In directing his anger inward, slowthai loses some of the urgency and incisiveness that made his debut so compelling, along with the contrast that made that album’s vulnerable moments so striking. But he’s undoubtedly honed his craft, sounding slicker as he retreats from placard rap to the journaling process that got him started in the first place.
  4. Feb 16, 2021
    In the end, despite the rowdy noise of the album's first seven tracks, it's the gentler songs on the second half that genuinely highlight Slowthai's voice. He has responded to the global pandemic with an album that not only acknowledges but revels in the complexity and, yes, the ugliness of human relationships. But in response, he's made some beautiful music.
  5. Feb 12, 2021
    The result is both illuminating and one-dimensional in equal measure. ... Despite a handful of missed landings, Tyron still admirably inspires the kind of mosh-pit energy that feels nearly romantic in an era of closed venues and social distancing.
  6. Feb 12, 2021
    TYRON feels like a necessary release for the controversial rapper. Even though he’s placed himself as the centre of attention this time around, there is still plenty of societal commentary to be gleaned from his autobiographical missives – and it’s no less urgent or energising.
  7. Feb 12, 2021
    TYRON is a move away from the raw production style, too, as the beats and other instrumentals here are much more refined and polished. Lyrically, he turns away from the harsh political themes and statements of his debut to topics of much more personal significance to Ty, while not forgetting the part of him that is ‘the contemporary rapper’. Even with this more personal approach, slowthai truly embodies the idea that punk is not dead.
  8. Feb 12, 2021
    On TYRON, slowthai doesn’t make grand statements or platitudes like a politician. He simply offers his own story of perseverance, hand extended and Mona Lisa smile brimming.
  9. Feb 12, 2021
    The first half of the record, complete with some of the catchiest work he’s made so far, also stands in stark contrast to the warmer vulnerability on side two.
  10. Feb 11, 2021
    While slowthai has always been praised for his honesty, he reveals more of himself on Tyron than before, and it's equally as compelling as the sharp social commentary of his debut.
  11. Feb 11, 2021
    The puffier-chested side of his persona is still perfectly enjoyable, but when he packs away his bluster for the second half of the record, he creates something truly memorable.
  12. Feb 10, 2021
    TYRON is an exciting follow-up project whose bifurcated structure encapsulates the duality of slowthai’s effervescent rap persona and the evolving interiority of Tyron Frampton.
  13. Feb 10, 2021
    What the album lacks in political incisiveness, it gains in the nuance of its twin perspectives. Having told the story of his country, slowthai is ready to tackle his own.
  14. 100
    On ‘TYRON’, Slowthai roars.
  15. Mojo
    Feb 8, 2021
    Tyron unpacks its creator's complex character, flaws bravely to the fore. [Mar 2021, p.88]
  16. Uncut
    Feb 8, 2021
    It's when Slowthai turns the lens inward on the soulful "NHS" and loved-up "Feel Away" - featuring James Blake and Mount Kimbie - that he proves himself something of an original. [Mar 2021, p.37]
  17. Feb 8, 2021
    It’s a multi-faceted and mature second album from an artist that a lot of people wrongly assumed could only work in one narrow lane.
  18. Feb 8, 2021
    On TYRON, slowthai sounds more together and present than ever.
  19. 80
    It’s good – but could have been great.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 56
  2. Negative: 2 out of 56
  1. Sep 10, 2021
    Breathtaking effort! I won't lie, I did consider giving it a ten out of ten. Slowthai here on 'TYRON' hesitated between producing bangers orBreathtaking effort! I won't lie, I did consider giving it a ten out of ten. Slowthai here on 'TYRON' hesitated between producing bangers or introspective songs and chose to do both. Fortunately he decided to showcase bangers first and his reflections next instead of doing it the other way around. If you don't know slowthai, just know that he is the type of guy who impressively manages to capitalize on his British accent, origins and patois.

    The album starts without any introduction nor precautions but with the most fire, fast-paced and energetic songs I've heard in a while. The tracklist and the sequence of songs is terrific: slowhtai just lets enough silence to allow you to realize what you are actually experiencing but always comes back to the charge with more infectious, stimulating and rough bars and beats. I just couldn't have enough of it and got these four first songs on repeat one after the other, again and again. I don't really need to write about 'MAZZA' since it counts as the most beloved tracks for many on this record. A$AP Rocky hits amazingly on it. The track 'WOT' sounds like an unfinished maquette but I guess it is better that way than if he desperately tried to make it last longer. 'PLAY WITH FIRE' closes this first part with an outro that sounds just like a Jaden Smith's work. This leads us to the second part of 'TYRON'.

    This disc shows off more structured, emotional and longer songs paved with more featured artists. I can't deny too the fact that I've been very disappointed by Denzel Curry's apparition since we all know him for his powerful bar and his particular energy (why who slowthai put it in the second part ?). The (very) few samples (on 'i tried' and 'feel away') are interesting and bring a bit more depth to slowthai's approach. Kenny Beats offers us a marvelous production on 'focus': and it is a great pleasure to encounter him in such a record. James Blake's performance is a miracle. It perfectly fits with the atmosphere set by the production, it is beautiful as it often is with this incredible man. The very end of the album strikes as hard as its beginning but the last moves are so sudden...

    In the end 'TYRON' is hell of a record. Many powerful and deep positive characteristics but unfortunately some minor flaws. The biggest one remaining that... Well, all these tracks (and especially on side one) feel so disjointed. It is really hard to believe that slowthai remained focused on a particular subject when he crafted this. Certainly, if slowthai had placed more emphasis on mixing emotions throughout their tracks rather than presenting an album with two separate sides, he would have received a ten from my humble opinion. About the production though, there is not much to improve. Can't wait new material from him.
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 2, 2021
    Banger after banger. The first half includes some very good tracks but some disappointing ones. But by the time you get to the second halfBanger after banger. The first half includes some very good tracks but some disappointing ones. But by the time you get to the second half with songs such as 'Feel Away' you have to just admire this album. I think the second half itself is a 10. Full Review »
  3. Mar 1, 2021
    This album outdid my expectations of it. I was a huge fan of the two disc style, the second half being the better one. 'i tried', 'nhs' andThis album outdid my expectations of it. I was a huge fan of the two disc style, the second half being the better one. 'i tried', 'nhs' and 'feel away' were some standouts as well as 'VEX' in the first half. I think he's only going to get better as he progresses, I also love his political commentary to go along with his eye for good music. Full Review »