
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Apr 3, 2020
    A record of many highs.
  2. Apr 21, 2020
    Viscerals takes their abject menace to the next level its predecessor King of Cowards threatened.
  3. 80
    There’s a healthy sense of experimentation, peaking with wondrous prog-metal epic Halloween Bolson.
  4. Q Magazine
    Apr 7, 2020
    It's potent stuff. Visceral is an understatement. [Jun 2020, p.103]
  5. Apr 7, 2020
    Expands Pigs’ palette further.
  6. Apr 6, 2020
    A record that improves on their second effort, placing them in a strong position to break through even further.
  7. Uncut
    Apr 2, 2020
    The album's finest moments come on "Crazy In Blood," when Pigs... manage simultaneously to crunch and swing with rousing effect. [May 2020, p.32]
  8. Apr 2, 2020
    They’ve gone from mammoth, side-long pseudo-jams to relatively bite-sized chunks without sacrificing any of the fury they’ve harboured from the beginning.
  9. 75
    It isn’t often that metal is as direct and exhilarating as it is on Viscerals, and despite a series of songs concerned with the more unsavoury facets of life, there is a furious energy at the heart of the record it’s hard not to get swept up in.
  10. Apr 6, 2020
    There is nothing out and out original on Viscerals, and in many ways that is the appeal. If you like down tuned sludge/doom then you’ll find plenty here to get your teeth into.
  11. Apr 6, 2020
    If you're looking for a soundtrack to the end of the world, which isn't necessarily out of the question in 2020, Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs are here for you, and Viscerals allows you to stare angrily into the abyss in grand style.
  12. Apr 2, 2020
    On 2018's King of Cowards they proved they were a truly forward-thinking doom act, and on Viscerals they've proved it wasn't a fluke. They just need to shed a few more layers before they are ready to assume their final form.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 2 out of 10
  1. Jun 11, 2020
    ( 77/100 )

    Esta banda de Noice Punk y Hard-Core Rock entre Garage, Grunge y Metal tiene suficiente energía para hacer gritar y cantar a sus
    ( 77/100 )

    Esta banda de Noice Punk y Hard-Core Rock entre Garage, Grunge y Metal tiene suficiente energía para hacer gritar y cantar a sus instrumentos por mucho tiempo. La banda es relativamente nueva en la industria, pero su esfuerzo y energía definitivamente hace un poderoso eco en los oídos de la gente con demandas pesadas y con ganas de golpear y saltar hasta sangrar. Aunque desde el asiento la extensión de las canciones puede ser algo redundantes, también se puede apreciar la calidad de experiencias que la banda presenta en sus conciertos. Probablemente ese sea el problema, "Viscerals" solo se puede disfrutar si te encanta estos géneros, si las bocinas están gritando y con un golpe en la cara.
    This band of Noice-Punk and Hard Core Rock between Garage, Grunge and Metal have enough energy to make their instruments scream and sing for a long time. The band is relatively new, but their effort and energy definitively make a powerful eco in the ears of people with heavy demands and willing to jump and hit until there is blood. Even if from the seat the extension of the songs feels redundant, it can be appreciated the quality of experiences that the band presents in their concerts. Probably that's the problem. "Viscerals" can only be enjoyed if you love this genre, if the speakers are screaming and with a punch in the face.
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