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Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 3 out of 45

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  1. Coniseuer
    Apr 20, 2006
    If this was a debut album nobody would give it less than a "7.," There are a lot worse that are garnering 8+
  2. borgy
    Apr 4, 2006
    The critics probably wont like it again, but that didnt stop Winning Days being a kick ass album, and everyone know's the Vines were the best of the 2002 "The" bands.
  3. youhouuu!!F*kYeah!
    Apr 5, 2006
    that's really GREAT!!!The better garage rock album! but some song are too short.... Atmos has a really fantastic start but it's stopped about 1:10
  4. LindaM
    Apr 5, 2006
    Vision Valley is one of the best Vines albums to date. It is a haunting, expressive album that brings out many emotions like a satisfying therapy session. And Craig is not terminal, Drew B. *rolls eyes*
  5. What?
    Apr 6, 2006
    I'm not sure what Drew B is talking about, but Craig Nicholls was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, which is a neurological disorder similar to Autism - which is certainly not a fatal disorder. It might affect his social skills or other aspects of life, but as far as I have read, this isn't a fatal disease. So, as such, it doesn't really seem necessary to give this album I'm not sure what Drew B is talking about, but Craig Nicholls was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, which is a neurological disorder similar to Autism - which is certainly not a fatal disorder. It might affect his social skills or other aspects of life, but as far as I have read, this isn't a fatal disease. So, as such, it doesn't really seem necessary to give this album high marks for this situation - it just isn't creative, or good, music. Expand
  6. PaperoS
    Apr 9, 2006
    the worst album of the year...............
  7. ChemaP
    Apr 15, 2006
    Well, that's fine... Yes, a little predictable, but good garage anyway.
  8. DiegoD
    Apr 4, 2006
    Great garage rock, powerful and pleasingly noisy, as usual in the sound of the band, but it is predictable and sluggish in several passages of so short trip for the valley
  9. drewB
    Apr 4, 2006
    give the dude a break, he is dieing! let's see you write a song when you're terminal.
  10. Angie
    Apr 4, 2006
    Not as good as HE od WD but its still top of my list. The Vines are back! I absolutly love Spaceship and Vision Valley
  11. AndyH
    Apr 5, 2006
    A superb masterpiece from the best band in the world.
  12. AdamJ
    Apr 5, 2006
    Excellent album. Best rock band going around.
  13. MikaL
    Apr 5, 2006
    It's a definite comeback, when you have the space-rock 'Spaceship' that takes you out of this world, making you forget everything and anything important. 'Candy Daze' sounds upbeat and full of sunshine goodness. 'F*k Yeh' is one of those songs where you can get away singing shamelessly loud and dance to. I'd say it's one of The Vines best works It's a definite comeback, when you have the space-rock 'Spaceship' that takes you out of this world, making you forget everything and anything important. 'Candy Daze' sounds upbeat and full of sunshine goodness. 'F*k Yeh' is one of those songs where you can get away singing shamelessly loud and dance to. I'd say it's one of The Vines best works that they have came up with and yes, with the poppy 'Don't Listen To The Radio', don't listen to Pitchfork as they really can't understand what a thing 'boredom' really is and compare The Vines to the other rock and roll legends who possibly dies of a drug overdosing. The Vines are legends, you just need to give them a fair chance. Start if with the simple songs, and when you're ready, turn up the speakers! Expand
  14. ErwinK
    Apr 5, 2006
    Solid, punchy, leaves you itching for more. The Vines are back. Never has a band been propelled to such hype, and then torn to shreds a couple of years later. The always wankerish Pitchfork seems to be too busy reviewing albums based on cultural references and algorithms in their own Cool-o-meter. Give the guys a break.... Nicholls is crazy, but he suffers from Aspergers. I think Solid, punchy, leaves you itching for more. The Vines are back. Never has a band been propelled to such hype, and then torn to shreds a couple of years later. The always wankerish Pitchfork seems to be too busy reviewing albums based on cultural references and algorithms in their own Cool-o-meter. Give the guys a break.... Nicholls is crazy, but he suffers from Aspergers. I think it's cool that they managed a third album after all THE COMPLETE CRAP self-inflicted and otherwise, they have gone through. Expand
  15. ED209
    Apr 7, 2006
    To be honest...I never stopped liking this band. I thought "Winning Days" was a great record, even though it was substantially inferior to the debut. This LP proves, once again, what a great, unassuming little band they are...a little over a half-hour of tight, gritty RAWK MUSIC. No posturing, no fluff, just riffs and harmonies...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
  16. SuzieP
    May 27, 2006
    the vines vision valley is one of the best album ever i bought the other 2 albums and there just as good!
  17. joris
    May 31, 2006
    I just can't believe the critics, what do they have against the Vines?? Ok, there last album wasnt that good, but vision valley is definitely worth checking out. Plenty of awesome tunes here, check out the amzing Vision Valley, Gross Out, Candy Daze and Spaceship.
  18. SaraG
    Sep 17, 2006
    Yeah a 10. Because its one of the best album in this years. And because, The Vines still do it perfect. In a cool album
  19. KK
    Apr 11, 2006
    Certainly not perfect, but not as bas as some reviewers/haters above say.To them the Vines are an awful poseur rock act, on contary to their crappy 'indie' beliefs (did somebody hear the word "pitchfork"?), rating this album low just by keeping in mind Nicholl's erratic behaviour at past times, as well because this album pales in comparison to some great Certainly not perfect, but not as bas as some reviewers/haters above say.To them the Vines are an awful poseur rock act, on contary to their crappy 'indie' beliefs (did somebody hear the word "pitchfork"?), rating this album low just by keeping in mind Nicholl's erratic behaviour at past times, as well because this album pales in comparison to some great indie-arter-than-thou violin music, rightey? Expand
  20. Matt
    Apr 11, 2006
    Garage rock without much punch. The best song is a ballad - "Take Me Back."
  21. J.B.
    Apr 17, 2006
    This was perhaps the worst album I have bought.
  22. JoeC
    Apr 18, 2006
    great comeback
  23. Ab
    Apr 22, 2006
    Its great album
  24. DelroyFunk
    Apr 26, 2006
    decent enough album some good tunes, some bad
  25. ChrisC
    Apr 4, 2006
    Great album. Spaceship is the bombdiggity.
  26. steveb
    May 16, 2006
    i listen to a lot of good music, and, while snobs always disparage the vines, there's something about their sound that i just can't get enough of. this album not only rocks, but resonates with me emotionally. i've probably listened to it thirty times already.
  27. SarahH
    May 8, 2006
    Vision Valley is absolutely worth a listen. (Over and over again.) Thie Vines have returned with a masterpiece, which showcases yet again Craig Nicholls ingenious talents. I don't see what could be said badly about this album, other than those who simply choose to compare The Vines to successful 90's rock bands. In regards to this album sounding too much like their previous, I Vision Valley is absolutely worth a listen. (Over and over again.) Thie Vines have returned with a masterpiece, which showcases yet again Craig Nicholls ingenious talents. I don't see what could be said badly about this album, other than those who simply choose to compare The Vines to successful 90's rock bands. In regards to this album sounding too much like their previous, I don't entirely agree. I feel a change, as obviously the band has gone through some changes in the past couple years, yet I also like the fact that it does go back to some of their original sounds. After all, that's what we liked them for in the first place. ;) Expand
  28. Mary_Jane83
    Jun 23, 2006
    Vision Valley is a wonderfull album, we see that they still have a pure talent !! I still love them and f you do not know them, if you figured out a way to listen to Vision Valley you won't be dissapointed ;) that's for sure guys !!
  29. ChrisW
    Jun 25, 2006
    I like most of the tracks, but what is up with the the slow songs? Holy Provolone going on there!
  30. Jahar
    Jun 29, 2006
    I've loved this band ever since I first heard them. This album is pretty typical of the same sound they've always had and that's fine by me. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I just don't understand why you would limit one of your best songs to one minute long??

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. Possibly the best 31 garage-rock minutes you'll hear this year.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    [Nicholls'] feral, melodic garage punk is refreshing. [7 Apr 2006, p.60]
  3. One wishes they would spend a little more time plowing through the album while kicking amps and knocking over mic stands rather than changing things up.