• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Jan 31, 2020
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  1. Jan 31, 2020
    I am really surprised by this album! I didn't know Louis Tomlinson before, but I can see how sincere and full of history and true emotions the lyrics are. The beats are different from song to song and this makes the album pleasant to listen to and not tiring. Definitely entered my list of favorite albums.
  2. Feb 2, 2020
    O álbum é incrível e muito coeso, você consegue sentir e entender perfeitamente o que quer ser transmitido através de cada composição, e essa é uma das melhores qualidades artísticas do Louis (compor de forma honesta). Além disso, o instrumental combina maravilhosamente bem com as letras, e é um ótimo exemplo do indie pop atual. Eu realmente amei e recomendo que ouçam.
  3. Jan 31, 2020
    Se mostra um grande compositor e com uma voz que transmite os sentimentos que a música passa
  4. Jan 31, 2020
    This album shows how talented he is, the songs are well written and passionate with different sounds.
    He's navigating between pop, and a indie sound.
    Can't wait for more music from this lad.
  5. Jan 31, 2020
    It's an amazing album. Expresses human emotions and makes sense. I think this is the album of the year
  6. Jan 31, 2020
    An amazing album! Beautiful lyrics and amazing vocals, everything we expected. Love it!
  7. Jan 31, 2020
    great album, great songwriter, it all sound so good. he made a masterpiece, always you sounds amazing!
  8. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson did a good job keeping true to himself and not trying to write hits for charts. Sure, a few songs are flawed but there is no way we can ignore he is, in fact, a new artist (on his own). Some lyrics are very deep and personal, Only The Brave is a great tune.
  9. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This man surprised me with his increadible vocals and his honesty. You can feel the mix of emotions that he felt during the process of the album. In two of us he express his pain, however it contains also a positive message; always you has a different vibe that impressed me and it is perfect for live shows that will make the crowd sing as loud as they can while he shows his regreat for letting “the one” go. Louis proved (once again) that he is one of the best writters of this generation giving us lyrics like “It is a church of burn romances and I am too far gone to pray” and “looked you in the eyes, saw that I was lost/ For every question why, you were my because”. In addiction, his voice is so good and he has total control over it what makes possible amazing vocals as in defenceless, fearless and walls.
    This album is increadible and I can not wait to see his future work.
  10. Jan 31, 2020
    Finding artists who are totally sincere in their compositions is rare. Louis Tomlinson with Walls, we give an album full of songs with stories being told from behind. The sound, the way his voice echoes, is surprising. He is a great composer, one of the best of this generation.
  11. Feb 2, 2020
    This is absolutely amazing! I’m thoroughly impressed with his professional growth and with the general vibe of this album
  12. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kill my mind opens the album beautifully, you immediately feel sucked into Louis’ British roots, with his thick thick accent and magician voice singing a typical Brit pop song. On the album he introduces a sound we haven’t heard from him before, Britpop and indie, in songs like kill my mind, walls and only the brave, meanwhile tomlinson still stays loyal to his pop roots with songs like perfect now, don’t let it break your heart and too young. His voice, even though maybe not the strongest Voice coming out of one direction, sounds magical and suck you into the story he’s telling with his music. Songs like fearless, too young and two of us make it heart to not tear up, while I can imagine perfect now will work empowering for his mainly female fanbase. I thought the album was an excellent, guitar driven album. Tomlinson got a new fan and I can’t wait what the future holds, it can only get better from here. Expand
  13. Jan 31, 2020
    louis is an extraordinary singer, his album is exciting and sincere, we see the face of someone who grew up to the sound of "oasis" and several other incredible bands and singers, this was a great step to recognize himself as an artist after the band, he has ability to write the music of the moment if you wanted, but chose what you really love, everyone should prepare, louis surprises andlouis is an extraordinary singer, his album is exciting and sincere, we see the face of someone who grew up to the sound of "oasis" and several other incredible bands and singers, this was a great step to recognize himself as an artist after the band, he has ability to write the music of the moment if you wanted, but chose what you really love, everyone should prepare, louis surprises and will surprise even more as he finds himself in his music.louis is an extraordinary singer, his album is exciting and sincere, we see the face of someone who grew up to the sound of "oasis" and several other incredible bands and singers, this was a great step to recognize himself as an artist after the band, he has ability to write the music of the moment if you wanted, but chose what you really love, everyone should prepare, louis surprises and will surprise even more as he finds himself in his music. Expand
  14. Jan 31, 2020
    É incrível ver a evolução vocal de um álbum solo do Louis, o álbum é espetacular! Letras profundas e pessoais, ritmo contagiante e emocionante. Louis conquistou um espaço especial no meu coração com Walls. Merece muito todo o sucesso do mundo pelo explendido trabalho
  15. Jan 31, 2020
    Cada canción tiene un toque único, expresa algo tan diferente y emocionante que hace amar cada canción al instante.
    Es simplemente uno de los mejores álbum de todos los tiempos, incluso me atrevo a decir que es el mejor trabajo de un ex 1D
    Todos son buenos, pero Walls definitivamente te deja cautivado
  16. Jan 31, 2020
    Es el mejor álbum, definitivamente la honestidad en sus letras es lo mejor de todo.
  17. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is so refreshing to hear. It's like going back into the time when all lyrics were good and not just about the beat. All tracks are phenomenal — lyrics wise and tune wise. This album has no skips. Incredible!
  18. Feb 1, 2020
    Pleasantly surprised! Walls, fearless and only the brave are my favorites for now, love the lyrics and his voice is so unique, loved the album!
  19. Feb 2, 2020
    I think Louis debut album is solid. The album clearly shows the transition between his 1D days towards his solo work. I like it that the songs are relatable to me - as I also experienced loss of loved one, hardships in relationships (and moving towards breaking down the walls) and loving/missing someone special to me. I believe that this album is going to be a classic because I know I'llI think Louis debut album is solid. The album clearly shows the transition between his 1D days towards his solo work. I like it that the songs are relatable to me - as I also experienced loss of loved one, hardships in relationships (and moving towards breaking down the walls) and loving/missing someone special to me. I believe that this album is going to be a classic because I know I'll still listen to some of the songs even after maybe 10 - 20 years from now - unlike some of the popular songs right now which I know I won't even remember several years later. Thank you Louis Tomlinson for this masterpiece and I look forward to the next 4 albums. Expand
  20. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson demonstrates a good level of maturity and growth in terms of his sound throughout his debut album. Coming from someone who has never been a huge One Direction or Louis Tomlinson fan, I am rather impressed. 'Always You' has a very catchy chorus that has been stuck in my head for a day and the single, 'Walls' consists of a nice melody and a great level of production.Louis Tomlinson demonstrates a good level of maturity and growth in terms of his sound throughout his debut album. Coming from someone who has never been a huge One Direction or Louis Tomlinson fan, I am rather impressed. 'Always You' has a very catchy chorus that has been stuck in my head for a day and the single, 'Walls' consists of a nice melody and a great level of production.
    However, I had somewhat of a 'meh' moment while listening to 'Perfect Now', which has a positive message that applies to many of Tomlinson's fanbase, it simply was not for me.
    A notable element of Louis' music is that his voice is quite distinct, in a very positive manner - his timbre is extremely pleasant.
    Overall, I recommend the album to anyone who has a taste for the realm of alternative-rock-pop!
    Great job.
  21. Jan 31, 2020
    A sentimental álbum with melacholic sounds but with a special feeling of grow definitly a masterpiece
  22. Jan 31, 2020
    this is an album four years in the making and one i think was definitely worth the wait. ive always been drawn to louis as a lyricist and this album really showcases his talent as a wordsmith with lines like 'i've ran out of energy of playing someone i've heard im supposed to be', 'we're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams' and 'oh the lonely shadow dances from thethis is an album four years in the making and one i think was definitely worth the wait. ive always been drawn to louis as a lyricist and this album really showcases his talent as a wordsmith with lines like 'i've ran out of energy of playing someone i've heard im supposed to be', 'we're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams' and 'oh the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave' these in particular really stand out to me for their honesty and poetry. he's finally been given the opportunity to showcase his voice and it is beautiful, standout moments for me are his high notes in 'always you' and the bridge in 'defenceless'. louis has done an incredible job of introducing a new sound to his already dedicated audience without dismissing the sound that we had all initially fallen in love with, this is just a taste of what he can do and it's only going to get better from here. my favorite songs so far are 'only the brave', 'always you', 'defenceless', 'habit' and the title track 'walls' but honestly there isn't a single track i would skip and ive been listening to it non stop all day. Expand
  23. Jan 31, 2020
    El álbum y sonido es excelente, Louis tomlinson es un artista que trae sonidos viejos mezclados con los actuales, me encantó.
  24. Jan 31, 2020
    I was incredibly surprised by Tomlinson's debut. Given his past in One Direction and his previous singles, I was expecting him to go down the pop road - with generic beats and uninspired lyrics. How amazed was I to discover that he was brave enough to follow the path of britpop! The melodies made me nostalgic and his voice is a delight to hear. The lyrics are honest and sometimes painful,I was incredibly surprised by Tomlinson's debut. Given his past in One Direction and his previous singles, I was expecting him to go down the pop road - with generic beats and uninspired lyrics. How amazed was I to discover that he was brave enough to follow the path of britpop! The melodies made me nostalgic and his voice is a delight to hear. The lyrics are honest and sometimes painful, but somehow Tomlinson always manages to end with a hopeful note. Looking forward to what he's going to come up with next! Expand
  25. Feb 1, 2020
    It's an album that everyone should listen to, with songs that reminds me of 80s rock but his style and the song it ends with is beautiful in every way (the vocals, the lyrics and the instrumentation) so I recommend you listen to "walls"
  26. Jan 31, 2020
    An amazing debut album by Louis Tomlinson with wonderful musical arrangements, great singing voice that carries the emotion of the songs, and heartfelt, gorgeous lyrics. I also really enjoyed the well-balanced variety in styles and mix of upbeat and slower songs - you can tell, he is finding his own sound and place in the industry.
    Really great album!
  27. Jan 31, 2020
    Un álbum muy bien hecho, con un sonido muy melódico y entretenido
    Es un album honesto, te explica quién es realmente Louis Tomlison.
  28. Jan 31, 2020
    it is perfect, louis is an amazing songwriter and singer. im so proud of him and this incredible debut album you smashed it louis!
  29. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album shows a different perspective of Louis' life that we didn't expect. Lyrically very well written and musically beatifully putted. Just one of the best albuns of the year and it just started. Expand
  30. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson’s debut album is definitely one for the books; with his raw emotion and vocals anyone listening is sure to get lost in the songs.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 5, 2020
    Try as he may, Tomlinson has not quite progressed from featured voice to solo artist. For all the major changes in his life, his music seems to be stuck in place. You can take the boy out of the boyband, but not the boyband out of the boy.
  2. Jan 31, 2020
    Solo debuts with this much expectation are incredible challenges. While “Walls” isn’t a craven ripoff or an attempt to recapture One Direction highs, it’s not yet clear exactly who Tomlinson is without them.
  3. Jan 30, 2020
    Even if the songs on Walls aren't the most distinct or memorable, they come from a place of authenticity that's genuinely heartwarming and enjoyable. Like any other settled adult, he's perfectly content to stick to the reliable and Walls winds up being the most mature and natural of the ex-1D bunch.