• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Jan 31, 2020
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  1. Jan 31, 2020
    I really, really in love of this album, I'm not a fan but I love this, the songs so very, very amazing
  2. Jan 31, 2020
    I think it's an excellent debut album. It expresses exactly what many of us can feel in a difficult time, from a loving failure, to the loss of an important person. His music also teaches us to be brave, and get ahead despite the "walls" that life puts us. Good lyrics and rhythm.
  3. Jan 31, 2020
    Such a really good album all the songs are in other level, Louis is a great songwriter and I don't have words to describe how much I love this album. Thaks Louis for this masterpiece.
  4. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. All the songs sound like the f*cking paradise, is amazing. Stream art, stan talent, stan Louis Tomlinson Expand
  5. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was listening to the album and I found it very good, I was impressed by how the lyrics are very honest and not vulgar, this is the kind of music that we needed, more apart the instruments that were used are perfect with the songs, on my part I give it a 10 Expand
  6. Jan 31, 2020
    Tiene buenas lyrics cada una de las canciones, además que le pone un toque particular la voz del artista.
  7. Jan 31, 2020
    I absolutely loved it, very enchanting real and raw album!! The sound in this album is something no one else is doing we should definitely bring back the pop rock punk rock sound back!!!! I can’t believe It’s his debut album and his music already is so good, the lyrics are amazing and thoughtful I just can’t wait to see what else Louis comes up with in the future.
  8. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is fantastic, the lyrics are so good. He really is a great songwriter♡ Expand
  9. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Just amazing! You can feel how much this songs mean for him! I cried listening to all the album, amazing !!!!! Expand
  10. Jan 31, 2020
    The album as a whole is incredible! So well done, the background music is catchy but not like you would expect them to and the lyrics just touch you in a way you can't describe. Gonna be streaming it today for sure
  11. Jan 31, 2020
    It's a wonderful album, it shows how worked it is. It transmits so many feelings to you and you can relate. Also the sound is great, certainly something I would hear without getting tired.
  12. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis, I'm so **** proud of you my baby, you're the best, my one and only, I love you with all my heart and oul my soul, LT1 is here, the king is hereeee
  13. Jan 31, 2020
    The album is amazing! Every single lyric written with so much pure soul! Every song coming straight from the heart! This album is honestly one of the besT I’ve heard in a long time. Louis Tomlinson gave us what we wanted and more, each song just leaves you greatly impacted and wanting more and more.
  14. Jan 31, 2020
    4 long years waiting for the debut album of Louis Tomlinson, and I dare to say that they were totally worth it. Walls is a tremendous work of art, just listen to how liberated it feels to be able to sing the way you like it. It represents a great process and growth both in your career and in yourself. I loved it.
  15. Feb 2, 2020
    The depth, vulnerability and honesty I've heard in the lyrics of this album are of a calibre I haven't experiene in a long long time ! You can cleary see where he gets his inspiration from and also how original is the twist he puts into them. Hope people can start apretiating him more outside of what he used to be part of
  16. Jan 31, 2020
    This boy has a great ability to write, his lyrics manage to get through you and are accompanied by a sound that makes me feel nostalgic in a good way. An amazing album worth listening to
  17. Jan 31, 2020
    Such a beautiful album, the lyrics, his vocals, everything. No other album can top this one.
  18. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Louis' new music has an indie-pop vibe that has catchy tunes while giving you a calming feel rather than the more hyped up pop songs thats commonly played on the radio. The lyrics also feel very honest and real and relatable, making you feel alot when you listen to thw album. Defo give it a chance and take a listen ! Expand
  19. Jan 31, 2020
    Esse álbum tá maravilhoso! Dá para perceber o quanto ele foi honesto nas letras. Minhas favoritas são fearless e only the brave.
  20. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The lyrics are so deep and sentimental, they give you chills all over your body. Just simply perfect. Expand
  21. Jan 31, 2020
    Es un álbum que con cualquier canción puedes encontrar algo bueno en ti o en las personas ,superación,aceptación de todo un poco y eso es genial que un artista te comprenda o represente
  22. Jan 31, 2020
    This album has so much truth and feeling. This is incredible, a mix of Indie and Pop, also sad and Happy. I think that Louis Tomlinson deserves this and Walls deserves #1 on the world charts! This boy impressd me, it's an excellent debut album, congrats.
  23. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This may be the best album so far from all the members of that band. Louis Tomlinson always has a knack for making you feel in a certain way and the lyrics didn’t disappoint me at all. Especially in Defenceless when he is so raw and passionate about letting his guard down. Expand
  24. Jan 31, 2020
    Amazingly, this debut album for a heartbroken man is wonderful. He had undergone so much obstacles but he still made it.
  25. Jan 31, 2020
    This is certainly the best album I have heard in a long time, Louis Tomlinson manages to bring an innovation in his songs and the feeling he wants to convey can be felt in each composition.
  26. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. You deserve all the love honey, and deserves more than this. I love u, éste álbum es fantástico, las personas deberían admirar esta masterpiece. Expand
  27. Jan 31, 2020
    The lyrics and the music make me feel like the bands of 10 years ago, it's a good album.
  28. Jan 31, 2020
    Didn’t think a past 1D member would release an album like this. Looks like he is mixing up pop and oasis kind of vibe which i loved very much. Walls and Only The Brave won me over.
  29. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amei o álbum do Louis está tudo muito lindo, as músicas são perfeitas e eu amei Defenceless com toda minha alma ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Expand
  30. Jan 31, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece. All songs are very deep and full of emotions that tell a story behind the lyrics. The songs have a melody very enjoyable that makes you want to relax and lay down thinking about your life and your own feelings. This album is a incredible example of overcoming and faith.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 5, 2020
    Try as he may, Tomlinson has not quite progressed from featured voice to solo artist. For all the major changes in his life, his music seems to be stuck in place. You can take the boy out of the boyband, but not the boyband out of the boy.
  2. Jan 31, 2020
    Solo debuts with this much expectation are incredible challenges. While “Walls” isn’t a craven ripoff or an attempt to recapture One Direction highs, it’s not yet clear exactly who Tomlinson is without them.
  3. Jan 30, 2020
    Even if the songs on Walls aren't the most distinct or memorable, they come from a place of authenticity that's genuinely heartwarming and enjoyable. Like any other settled adult, he's perfectly content to stick to the reliable and Walls winds up being the most mature and natural of the ex-1D bunch.