• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Mar 25, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Mar 31, 2022
    The fragmentation of characters, the dislocation and purposefully disruptive sense of a core musical identity on Warm Chris make this a collection of disparate songs rather than a body of work – for some this will be a boon, for others problematic.
  2. Mar 30, 2022
    Like its three predecessors, Warm Chris blazes its own trail, and following along can sometimes feel like grasping at the last vestiges of a late morning dream. It's both compelling and confounding, like Harding herself.
  3. Mar 28, 2022
    Minor quibble aside, Warm Chris is a fantastic record full of color, humor and wonder.
  4. 90
    Never before has one of her albums been so vulnerable and reserved. ... This album drips with drama, humor, and naturalness, making Warm Chris a sincere take on life.
  5. Mar 28, 2022
    The music of Aldous Harding is beautiful on the surface, but becomes even more wonderful when given a chance, and when it’s as good a first listen as Warm Chris is, finding time to dive back in is a rather simple task. Warm Chris is the first great album of the coming summer.
  6. Mar 28, 2022
    Clearly Harding is still having fun, and while it can make for a somewhat jarring listening experience, her playfulness adds depth to this charming record.
  7. Mar 25, 2022
    “Warm Chris” is an offbeat, infectious and ultimately liberating invitation to stop making sense.
  8. Mar 25, 2022
    It’s slightly less immediate than Designer, but more diverse; and it never once feels derivative of any other artist or Harding herself. Even if taken strictly as a vocal exercise, Warm Chris is a triumph, and another key to unraveling her enigma.
  9. Mar 25, 2022
    Warm Chris thrives in that new flexibility, using Harding’s expanded sound to consider the implications of professional and interpersonal performance in turns across its 10 tracks.
  10. Mar 25, 2022
    The sound of Warm Chris is sparse and oblique, and trying to anchor yourself in Harding’s lyrics can feel like organizing a narrative from the shape of passing clouds. But that’s also where its brilliance lies, what makes this some of Harding’s best songwriting yet.
  11. 80
    It’s delightfully weird.
  12. Mar 24, 2022
    Warm Chris is a marvel to behold and a joy to listen to in spite of it being shot through with tell-tale signs of brokenness and burst bubbles.
  13. Mar 23, 2022
    Where ‘Designer’ had shade, ‘Warm Chris’ offers light. It still feels bizarre, like stepping inside a doll’s house or a hall of mirrors, but it’s less garish, and ushers back in some of the vulnerability of ‘Party’.
  14. 80
    Once given the time and attention it demands, ‘Warm Chris’ is the kind of album that will eventually take root somewhere deep. Its complexities mean that each listen holds new revelations, the record growing richer and richer over time.
  15. Mar 22, 2022
    The variety in the instrumentation is only met by the variety in her voice; going through registers, accents and even characters, 'Warm Chris' is an album covering the complex and enigmatic voices of a supremely singular talent.
  16. Mar 22, 2022
    Warm Chris is neither refined nor contained: it wanders and wonders, affirming the sheer joy of curiosity.
  17. Mojo
    Mar 21, 2022
    On first listen, warm Chris is les obviously immediate than Designer, though the songs don't take long t worm their way into the mind. [Apr 2022, p.78]
  18. Uncut
    Mar 21, 2022
    Harding goes wherever her voice takes her, and like fellow apostate traditionalist Richard Dawson, she is comfortable picking for shiny scraps of melody on the hard shoulder. As a consequence, these songs command close attention but – like the messy universe around them – do not necessarily beg to be decoded. [Apr 2022, p.18]
  19. Mar 21, 2022
    Harding continues to exercise her versatility and restraint, delivering an album that invites close attention and rewards it with understated surprises.
  20. Mar 21, 2022
    Ultimately, like the Henry Moore sculptures she mentions near the album’s end, Harding’s songs can be as mundanely lifelike from afar as they are strangely alien up close.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Mar 25, 2022
    Love the new Aldous Harding record. She has a way of making small sounds and sparse instrumentation sound very exciting. Not as easilyLove the new Aldous Harding record. She has a way of making small sounds and sparse instrumentation sound very exciting. Not as easily listenable as 2019s Designer or even Party, but it’s weirdness, abstract, & free-thinking nature gives the album an impressionably subtle quality. From the hushed vocals on “Warm Chris” to the sleazy, winding rhythm of “Leathery Whip”, Aldous has released another enigmatic record. Well done! Full Review »
  2. Mar 25, 2022
    Incredible! Aldous does it again! She has such an ear for melody and her songwriting is never anything less than enchanting.
  3. Apr 4, 2022
    Probably even this new album by Aldous Harding will not find a place in the charts at the end of the year; and also this year unfairly.Probably even this new album by Aldous Harding will not find a place in the charts at the end of the year; and also this year unfairly.
    Inspired and elegant work, with a refined and coherent writing. Voice as usual beautiful and full of emotions.
    Full Review »