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Universal acclaim- based on 100 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 100
  2. Negative: 6 out of 100
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  1. Mar 1, 2019
    I absolutely love this album! It has great acoustic riffs in it, it has a gorgeous vocal line and it just blew me away!
  2. Mar 1, 2019
    amazing album i really love it i tried to write another review but i think it got deleted. 10/10 album, it has a great visual and amazing vocal lines
  3. Mar 1, 2019
    Hozier, well known for deep, soulful music, brings it back with Wasteland, Baby! Most loving and lovely songs produced in this decade. Critics are cowards for not recognizing the soft and sweet beauty of being consumed by the earth with your darling.
  4. Mar 4, 2019
    As someone who loved his debut album, this album exceeded and surpassed the debut record in my opinion! This album really does show how bold and confident and experimental he's gotten, without taking away the "hozier" feel and lyrical depth. Loved the use of the organ and choir sounds.. a really beautiful and emotional album.
  5. Mar 5, 2019
    Why this album only has a 65 score is beyond me. This album is phenomenon. Hozier did what he had to do, and he showed the other girls what they shoulda did
  6. May 27, 2019
    Great album that taps emotion and creates atmosphere. Give it some time to draw you in - the best music is not always accessible on the first listen.
  7. Aug 19, 2023
    I thought that the debut album would be impossible to superseede but I was wrong because Wasteland, baby! is just as mesmerizingly beautiful, if maybe slightly more gentle and sensual. It adds to a flawless discography of trascending music and breathtaking vocals.
  8. Mar 8, 2019
    Unlike with the first album, where I immediately loved every song on it and the special edition, there's one song that I skip on 'Wasteland Baby!' Though, my favourite songs on this album I think are stronger than those I love on the original. It's so refreshing to hear something like this album especially when some music today seem to mimic each other, with albums usually consisting ofUnlike with the first album, where I immediately loved every song on it and the special edition, there's one song that I skip on 'Wasteland Baby!' Though, my favourite songs on this album I think are stronger than those I love on the original. It's so refreshing to hear something like this album especially when some music today seem to mimic each other, with albums usually consisting of bland filler and one or two hit singles. I really appreciate this album. Expand
  9. Apr 9, 2021
    I think this is a good album, which does drift away from the sound of his self titled album, yet i find this less gospel/folk sound to be a bit more enjoyable. This album carries more energy than his first, and there is more diversity with the songs. songs like Movement and Nina Cried Power hit incredibly hard, while songs like Talk and Wasteland Baby are calmer, but still deliver thatI think this is a good album, which does drift away from the sound of his self titled album, yet i find this less gospel/folk sound to be a bit more enjoyable. This album carries more energy than his first, and there is more diversity with the songs. songs like Movement and Nina Cried Power hit incredibly hard, while songs like Talk and Wasteland Baby are calmer, but still deliver that same incredible feeling that you get from listening to Hozier. Expand
  10. Apr 7, 2021
    Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier: 7.66

    Nina Cried Power: 1 :) Almost (Sweet Music): 1 Movement: 1 :) No Plan: 1 :) Nobody: 1 To Noise Making (Sing): 0.5 As It Was: 0.5 Shrike: 0.75 Talk: 1 :) Be: 1 :) Dinner & Diatribes: 1 :) Would That I: 0.75 Sunlight: 0.75 Wasteland, Baby!: 1 12.25/14 = .875 -> 7.66 Before a friend recommended Wasteland, Baby! to me, I hadn’t heard of
    Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier: 7.66

    Nina Cried Power: 1 :)
    Almost (Sweet Music): 1
    Movement: 1 :)
    No Plan: 1 :)
    Nobody: 1
    To Noise Making (Sing): 0.5
    As It Was: 0.5
    Shrike: 0.75
    Talk: 1 :)
    Be: 1 :)
    Dinner & Diatribes: 1 :)
    Would That I: 0.75
    Sunlight: 0.75
    Wasteland, Baby!: 1

    12.25/14 = .875 -> 7.66

    Before a friend recommended Wasteland, Baby! to me, I hadn’t heard of Hozier before. After listening to it though, I can understand why he got as popular as he did after just two releases. I rather enjoyed this album, though it was fairly different from what I was expecting. Lots of acoustic guitar was kinda nice throughout, and I was happy to hear fancy basslines and dirty electric guitar in several tracks. There are a lot of great songs on this album and I am glad I listened to it; it makes me want to listen to Hozier’s first, namesake album. One thing about it that I did notice, however, is that it can feel a little over-long, especially with a few songs at the end. That’s really one of the only problems I had with the work besides a few small issues that vary from song to song. I wish I could give all my notes about each song, but the character limit won't let me. Overall, I thought Hozier’s Wasteland, Baby! was a great album. It was a lot different than what I was expecting, but I was also pleasantly surprised by the country-meets-rock music paired with the quality lyrics. I would definitely recommend this album to fans of both types of music, as Hozier pulls off a hybrid very well. After hearing Wasteland, Baby! in full, I want to go back and listen to Hozier’s debut album, as I have heard that is outstanding as well, and it contains the track that made this singer famous, which I am curious to listen to. This was a great release, and I cannot wait to hear more of Hozier’s stuff! Highlights: Nina Cried Power; Almost; Movement; No Plan; Nobody; Talk; Be; Dinner & Diatribes; and Wasteland, Baby!.
  11. Mar 5, 2019
    An atmospheric and cohesive album, Hozier delivers a strong second album (just his second record) were the simpler acoustic songs (As It Was, Talk, Be) matter the same as the stronger pieces (Nina Cried Powe, To noise Making, Dinner & Diatribes, Sunlight). Although the album could have been shorten a bit by taking off one or two tracks, the album is well-balanced and delivers more thanAn atmospheric and cohesive album, Hozier delivers a strong second album (just his second record) were the simpler acoustic songs (As It Was, Talk, Be) matter the same as the stronger pieces (Nina Cried Powe, To noise Making, Dinner & Diatribes, Sunlight). Although the album could have been shorten a bit by taking off one or two tracks, the album is well-balanced and delivers more than enough, by mentioning subjects such as politics, love, happiness, and the legacy of music. Expand
  12. Jun 25, 2019
    No doubt Hozier will always have "Take Me to Church" as his shadow, as is customary when an artist is very successful with his first album, he is always questioned if that song is annoying and things like that and there is a high expectation of what will be in the next album. Like many of us, we all met Hozier thanks to "Take Me to Church" that personally made me move many things inside meNo doubt Hozier will always have "Take Me to Church" as his shadow, as is customary when an artist is very successful with his first album, he is always questioned if that song is annoying and things like that and there is a high expectation of what will be in the next album. Like many of us, we all met Hozier thanks to "Take Me to Church" that personally made me move many things inside me and more when I saw the video clip, it is a very important song in my life. In this album he returns to play political themes as in his last album, many would think that it is monotonous, repetitive and boring but I do not think, usually the singer-songwriters always keep the same musical line which characterizes them as their voice, the has a great voice is excellent, his previous EP "Nina Cried Power" is pretty good I do not know why I do not add the other 2 songs that were missing. "Movement" and "Nina Cried Power" with Mavis Staples are the best tracks of this album, they maintain that essence of their debut album. It is a very good album almost at the height of its predecessor, with those gospel choirs and the organ that I like so much to hear make a good harmony with your voice. I certainly do not disappoint. Expand
  13. Mar 8, 2019
    The follow up to Hozier's superb debut Self-Titled album. Wasteland, Baby, just doesn't hit the same high's that his debut hit and as a result doesn't have the same memorability or give me the same desire to listen to it when I can just go back to his debut and enjoy everything there instead.

    That's not to say this album doesn't have high's because it 100% does. Especially Nina Cried
    The follow up to Hozier's superb debut Self-Titled album. Wasteland, Baby, just doesn't hit the same high's that his debut hit and as a result doesn't have the same memorability or give me the same desire to listen to it when I can just go back to his debut and enjoy everything there instead.

    That's not to say this album doesn't have high's because it 100% does.
    Especially Nina Cried Power a track released in his same-named EP earlier in 2018.
    Almost (Sweet Music) is another track that helped open the album strongly and had me eager to hear the remainder of the album.
    Be, a very very good song that is very political (to say the least) and one of the most memorable songs on the entire LP undoubtedly.
    Coming towards the end of the album I was quite worried that I was going to be incredibly disappointed as I had been with the middle of the album. Hozier, fortunately, delivers quite a strong finish to the album, aside from the closer. The final single Dinner & Diatribes, Would That I and Sunlight all feature strong vocal performances and good instrumentation and production that seem to carry the album to a strong close. Yet like many of the other tracks on here Wasteland, Baby doesn't do anything different from what I've heard from Hozier before.

    Personally, I would've like to see NFWMB & Moment's Silence on here over some of the other songs that don't push the boat out or do anything that fans of Hozier haven't seen before. This album as a debut could be regarded to be quite good, however when compared to his debut it undoubtedly will live in its shadow, and understandably so.

    Best Tracks: Nina Cried Power, Be, Sunlight

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Mar 6, 2019
    At 14 tracks in roughly an hour, Wasteland, Baby! falls prey to the humdrum, all its power wrung dry.
  2. Mar 5, 2019
    Even though Hozier doesn’t bring anything immensely innovative to the album, Wasteland, Baby! is still a delightful experience that radiates with feeling.
  3. 60
    It’s a lovely sound, but the songwriting veers more towards the serviceable than the inspired.