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Generally favorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 91
  2. Negative: 12 out of 91

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  1. AlB
    Aug 2, 2003
    A friend of mine tried to turn me on to Fountains Of Wayne a long time ago. I never "got it" - that 80's-ish new wave/pop sound was never much too my liking (save for The Cars), and FOW quickly faded from my musical landscape and was almost forgotten. Sometime later, the same friend lent me Ivy's Apartment Life CD. Stunningly infectious stuff, and thus when Schlesinger's A friend of mine tried to turn me on to Fountains Of Wayne a long time ago. I never "got it" - that 80's-ish new wave/pop sound was never much too my liking (save for The Cars), and FOW quickly faded from my musical landscape and was almost forgotten. Sometime later, the same friend lent me Ivy's Apartment Life CD. Stunningly infectious stuff, and thus when Schlesinger's "other" band released Welcome Interstate Managers, I felt I owed it to him (both my co-worker and Adam) to give the CD a listen. Wow! This is a remarkable record from so many angles... Similar to another artist my friend DID successfully turn me on to - Freedy Johnston - the lyrics are anything but typical sugary-pop throw away lines. Each song feels like a novel unto itself, despite the mere three to four minutes given to tell the story. That, to me, is a sure sign of genius. But without catchy music, those lyrics never stand a chance of catching on. But catch on they do here, because the musicianship is superb. A lot of pop CD's make me feel like I've listened to the same song ten times in a row. Not here. Each song is a world unto itself, and the versatility of the songwriting is impressive, from country to The Cars to 60s-ish fuzzy, chorused guitars and Beatles-esque psychedelia... For whatever reason, the bottom line is this album DID click, and I now "get it" - Fountains Of Wayne is sheer musical genius, and my respect for Adam Schelsinger's skills has grown immensely. Not one hit band, but two? Man... Tell me this guy doesn't have it goin' on! Whatever type of music you prefer, you owe it to yourself to at least give this CD a listen. Not everyone will like it, of course, but for the rest of us, it will most likely make our lists of the top albums of 2003. It is THAT good, without a doubt - light years ahead of the morass the rest of the musical world seems mired in. Refreshing stuff... Expand
  2. ScottW
    Oct 2, 2003
    A pop masterpiece! "Managers" saves our generation from the sludge of spears, Timberlake, Eminem, and any Creed-esque mistake for music that we have driven ourselves into. The lead duo's obvious ear for real music (of any genre) reminds one of Brian wilson, Roger Waters, or even Thom Yorke. If the sound does not please, then surely we have sunk to a new low in modern music.
  3. WillN
    Aug 25, 2003
    can't stop listening to it!
  4. MikeM
    Aug 9, 2003
    How could you not like this? These guys are destined to break through. Bright Future in Sales is hysterical. Great album, turn it up loud - you'll love it.
  5. ScottF.K.
    Sep 5, 2003
    Insanely great songwriting, perfectly executed. Funny, sweet, ironic and edgy. The best pop rock LP in years. A masterpiece.
  6. Jessy(jessica)A
    Jan 7, 2004
    I Like it alot
  7. BrodyK
    May 29, 2004
    This is great!
  8. manu...
    May 7, 2004
    perfect pop.
  9. Dillynd
    Sep 1, 2005
    this is the best cd ever made they rock the party and will rock on forever!ROCK ON
  10. LukeB
    May 27, 2006
    Stacy's Mom 4 eva!
  11. HenreyD
    Jul 4, 2006
  12. tim
    Feb 22, 2007
    Did I say the Shins were bad you idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just on another level that their overrated Shutes Too Narrow. I know more about music than you'll ever know. Blow it out your ass.
  13. mit
    Mar 24, 2007
    Well thank you for the compliment Richard Roeper but I don't even remember when Shit's Poo Squaro came out. That's how forgettable the record was. Why is I always turn into the asshole when all I wanted was to compliment how good this record was. Of course I'm no Rodney Bingenheimer or even a Nic Hartcort when it comes to music. But I do know anyone who passes up a Well thank you for the compliment Richard Roeper but I don't even remember when Shit's Poo Squaro came out. That's how forgettable the record was. Why is I always turn into the asshole when all I wanted was to compliment how good this record was. Of course I'm no Rodney Bingenheimer or even a Nic Hartcort when it comes to music. But I do know anyone who passes up a great album like this and Franz Ferdinand for a mediorce records like Flutes Blue Arrow is out of their cotton picken mind. Expand
  14. BStabile
    Nov 13, 2003
    These versatile, talented, able musicians have produced a collection that my little boy (3 and a half) and I can't wait to hear whenever we're in the car. He calls Little Red Light "Oh no" and "Stacy's Mom" "Stacy's Mommy". Being a 48-year old fan of rock'n roll, I hear echos of Simon & Garfunkel, Smithereens, Beatles, Kinks. This is one that will have the These versatile, talented, able musicians have produced a collection that my little boy (3 and a half) and I can't wait to hear whenever we're in the car. He calls Little Red Light "Oh no" and "Stacy's Mom" "Stacy's Mommy". Being a 48-year old fan of rock'n roll, I hear echos of Simon & Garfunkel, Smithereens, Beatles, Kinks. This is one that will have the longevity of "Can't Buy a Thrill". Expand
  15. DaveP
    Aug 22, 2003
    A great piece of powe pop extraordinaire. If you loved Ben Folds' "Rockin The Suburbs", "Welcome Interstate Managers" is a fantastic companion piece.
  16. ryanf
    Mar 23, 2004
    you should all listen to it
  17. Sharons
    Nov 29, 2005
    Loved the album. It's great fun, each and every song.
  18. RicoA.
    Aug 12, 2005
    The best album of the year, and their personal best. Different musical styles on each song, all catchey and all infused with wit & knowledge.
  19. JoeyJoJoShabadoo
    Mar 10, 2007
    Did I say anything about the Shins being bad? They're just not on the same level as this album. At least I don't pull stupid comments out my arse. This album is sensational.
  20. ButtLicket
    Jun 23, 2003
  21. BillH
    Jul 21, 2003
    Terrible title - wonderful music. Amazing lyrics - amazing music. Three hours till they play Stacy's Mom on Letterman and I am so excited for them. These guys deserve mass adulation and if Stacy's Mom doesn't do the trick what could. That song has the catchiest chorus I have EVER heard. This is their best CD, which considering that their previous one was darn close to Terrible title - wonderful music. Amazing lyrics - amazing music. Three hours till they play Stacy's Mom on Letterman and I am so excited for them. These guys deserve mass adulation and if Stacy's Mom doesn't do the trick what could. That song has the catchiest chorus I have EVER heard. This is their best CD, which considering that their previous one was darn close to perfect is quite a statement. Bill Expand
  22. SkipB
    Sep 22, 2003
    Fantastic collection of power pop. This is a disc full of hits that are extremely infectious with more hooks than your Dad's tackle box. Great writing, melodic harmonies, you'll find yourself singing along with a smile. It turned me on to their earlier work that also contains some real gems. They deliver in person as well giving a knock-out performance that leaves your head reeling.
  23. bobbym
    Sep 22, 2003
    I like it yes !
  24. vikkip
    Mar 16, 2004
    This is the best CD i eva purchased anyone who says otherwise obviously doesn't have any taste in music!
  25. Sep 24, 2010
    Great! This is one of the best albums of the last decade. If you don't own it buy it now. Every song is well written and performed. It says a lot for an album when you know the next song is really good, but you can't hit the skip button because the one playing is just as good.
  26. timE
    Jan 13, 2005
    the Shins who? Don't believe the hype about that overrated band. This is the record that lives up to the hype and more. Get it fast! Get it now!
  27. MusicMaven
    Jun 19, 2003
    I've been a fan of FoW since the beginning, and I'm amused at the critical flip-flopping. The debut was well-received, their 2nd album was trashed, and now they're great again. The truth is they haven't changed a whole lot. Maybe they have gotten a bit more laid back with all the ballads. But they can still write catchy rock songs. "Stacy's Mom", in particular, is I've been a fan of FoW since the beginning, and I'm amused at the critical flip-flopping. The debut was well-received, their 2nd album was trashed, and now they're great again. The truth is they haven't changed a whole lot. Maybe they have gotten a bit more laid back with all the ballads. But they can still write catchy rock songs. "Stacy's Mom", in particular, is on par with any of the Cars' greatest hits. If you like any of their previous work or power-pop in general, you must pick this up. Expand
  28. JerryB
    Jun 19, 2003
    This is simply the best pop record of the year. It's more consistent than their previous two releases and it simply must be picked up by anyone slaves away in a corporate office park and longs for something more.
  29. FabrizioL
    Jun 23, 2003
    I'm sorry for my bad english...don't you think that AMG four and half stars are not a "poor" 60?!
  30. Stacy
    Jul 2, 2003
    Im not really commenting on the CD... I just wanted to tell a true story... My name is Stacy. For a few years I have been close friends with this guy, who has always had a "crush" on my mom. Recently a friend of ours hears "Stacy's Mom" on the radio and made us listen to it. We were laughing SO hard, we were crying. I am NOT shi*ing you... I played it today for my mom, and she Im not really commenting on the CD... I just wanted to tell a true story... My name is Stacy. For a few years I have been close friends with this guy, who has always had a "crush" on my mom. Recently a friend of ours hears "Stacy's Mom" on the radio and made us listen to it. We were laughing SO hard, we were crying. I am NOT shi*ing you... I played it today for my mom, and she offered to be in the video ;) Thanks for a great song!!! Expand
  31. BrianM
    Jun 21, 2003
    This is FOW's best album to date. Extremely catchy, polished pop-rock.
  32. williamc
    Jul 20, 2003
    wonderful lyrics.... they gave a great interview on npr
  33. RachelG
    Jul 7, 2003
    Infectious - as all others that came before. The best thing you can do at a desk job is listen to FOW singing about how lame that job you're doing is.
  34. TheCritic
    Jul 10, 2006
    tim E, you obviously know nothing of rock music or anything of the sort, to say that the Shins are bad. You know where to shove that comment...
  35. ChrisS
    Dec 1, 2003
    Hey, at least it's round. I mean if they made a square one who the hell could play it?
  36. PeterS
    Jun 16, 2003
    Fine record
  37. AdamS.
    Feb 25, 2004
    Aside from that stupid country song, this CD is my favorite all time.
  38. ChadS
    Apr 14, 2007
    After watching "Music and Lyrics", it dawned on me that I somehow skipped "Welcome Interstate Managers". Why? Because I was unemployed in 2003. "Stacy's Mom" brilliantly recalls The Cars' "Just What I Needed" and then finds its own bliss. "Hackensack" is equally catchy and unbelievably sad.
  39. Jun 1, 2012
    Still laugh like a drain every time I hear this! And in Hackensack they've written one of the great plaintive songs of impossible yearning. Wonderful stuff! Off to check out their other releases.
  40. Apr 26, 2012
    Wow this is a great album. "Mexican Wine" is a great opening tune, other notable songs include "Hey Julie" "Stacy's Mom" "Hackensack" "Bright Future In Sales". The songwriting here is brilliant. Catchy tunes and nothing too light and fluffy. It's really a damn shame this band didn't get more popular in the airwaves. A true gem.
  41. PaulW
    Nov 6, 2003
    As a person bought up on a diet of Brit Pop/Rock (Genesis, Peter Gabriel/Human League), American Pop/Rock (Bruce Hornsby/Huey Lewis/Springsteen/Brian Wilson) the "Fountains of Wayne" in "Welcome Interstate Managers" cover all these bases at once!!! Totally infectious lyrics, incredible harmonies and skilled musicianship make for a wonderful album. As a keyboard player in a Gold Coast As a person bought up on a diet of Brit Pop/Rock (Genesis, Peter Gabriel/Human League), American Pop/Rock (Bruce Hornsby/Huey Lewis/Springsteen/Brian Wilson) the "Fountains of Wayne" in "Welcome Interstate Managers" cover all these bases at once!!! Totally infectious lyrics, incredible harmonies and skilled musicianship make for a wonderful album. As a keyboard player in a Gold Coast (Australia) 7 piece band we already covering "Stacy's Mom" (with or without the towel on). I played "Stacey's Mom" to the band members and they said "lets do it". In summary, great album. Hopefully it wont be three more years for another. Paul Whelan Keyboard Player "Three Quarter Jack" Gold Coast Australia Expand
  42. grahamjd
    Nov 5, 2003
    the difinitive sound of the summer. one of the best kept secrets in the entire music industry. a shame as they are one of the most rewarding bands in the history of bands who write the greatest, most catchiest songs.
  43. JamesL
    Jul 3, 2003
    The cd's very fun......not too edgy or too challenging....but when in the mood for some good pop, definitely fits the bill. I haven't read any mention of the song's my personal favorite.
  44. AndrewT
    Sep 21, 2003
    Reminds me very much of Squeeze. Direct to the point, you do not have to play this one too many times to get it. Makes you wonder who did the "Uncut" review "They're diminished by trying to touch too many bases, often lapsing into sub-Oasis stodge."
  45. MaxM
    Jul 9, 2003
    Each album has had its strengths and this one is equal to its predecessors in every aspect. One of the year's ten best so far!
  46. FilazaferX
    Aug 5, 2003
    This cd is pretty good, but not a masterpiece. Trying to decide if you should buy this cd? I will make it easy with this list of bands. If you like most of them, buy it. If you hate most of them, don't buy it: The Cars, Jimmy Eat World, Weezer, The Rugburns, Rick Springfield (hear song #3), and the Super Furry Animals
  47. ErikH
    Mar 20, 2007
    Tim, it's difficult to believe you really know "more about music" than anyone will ever know when you don't even know the name of the Shins' album ("Chutes Too Narrow"). Also your entire comment came across as an arrogant asshole who lacks the intelligence of a sixth grader. As for this album, while it has quite a few catchy numbers, it is overall not the kind of album Tim, it's difficult to believe you really know "more about music" than anyone will ever know when you don't even know the name of the Shins' album ("Chutes Too Narrow"). Also your entire comment came across as an arrogant asshole who lacks the intelligence of a sixth grader. As for this album, while it has quite a few catchy numbers, it is overall not the kind of album you'll listen to again and again and find yourself returning too. It's an enjoyable but forgettable quickie, similar to Franz Ferdinand. Expand
  48. Snoopy
    Dec 10, 2003
    IT's great but casually overated. If there was a little more excitment i could fall 4 it! Don't trust media comments just cuz they're 10 4 10! listen 2 it yourself b4 u go outta your way get it! it's a great record and original if like different music u gotta get it!
  49. NTHstars
    Jun 21, 2003
    These guys compose perfect feel good, "I Want to Hold Your Hand" Beatles era pop, that treads no new ground. Destined for elevators everywhere. The opening hook to "Stacey's Mom" is a blatant Cars ripoff. Solid but overrated.
  50. grm
    Aug 4, 2003
  51. Robertv
    Jan 16, 2007
    Stacy's mom is an awesome song the rest sucks
  52. Tom
    Jun 12, 2003
    kinda dull, a little too precious for my blood.
  53. DaniloS
    Jul 8, 2003
    In my opinion, blue album's melodies were far more elaborated than those from this album. It seems to me that I'll soon get tired of them, unfortunately. Where is their amazing creativity that made them my favorite band?
  54. PresidentBush
    Jul 9, 2006
    ill be gracious enough to give it a 1 b/c of the catchy song Stacys Mom, and the rest suck
  55. jmc
    Jul 9, 2003
    don't be fooled by the bandwagoning reviewers that make up this metascore. this album is a muddled mess.... bland bland bland. i bought it based on the metascore and the reviews and I will NEVER do that again! have you heard the debut single "stacy's mom?" go read the lyrics. that will keep you away from this record alone. HOW FRIGGIN CORNY!!! this album could do well on hot AC don't be fooled by the bandwagoning reviewers that make up this metascore. this album is a muddled mess.... bland bland bland. i bought it based on the metascore and the reviews and I will NEVER do that again! have you heard the debut single "stacy's mom?" go read the lyrics. that will keep you away from this record alone. HOW FRIGGIN CORNY!!! this album could do well on hot AC with middleground corporate (albeit highly self-aware) frat dude-rock. the best reviewed album of the year? give me a break! maybe for middle aged white men who long for the days of hot MILFs and suburban rebellion. blech. Expand
  56. JohnKerry
    Jan 16, 2007
    You all suck including you fountain and of and wayne you all suck
  57. DavidW
    Nov 8, 2003
    this band and this album suck
  58. thisalbumsucks
    Dec 23, 2003
    THis album sucks arse

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Their tunes have always seemed too facile, but seven years divided by three albums doesn't equal glib, especially with those years deepening their lyricism rather than their cynicism.
  2. Not only their crowning achievement to date but also one of the year's finest albums, period.
  3. The secret to Fountains of Wayne's genius is the ability to infuse personality into a typically personalityless segment of America, making sadness and mundanity both interesting and deceptively fun.