Western Stars: Songs from the Film Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

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Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

Summary: The companion album to the Western Stars film featuring a performance of songs from the rock artist's 2019 album of the same name with a full orchestra in an old New Jersey barn.
Record Label: Columbia
Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Contemporary Pop/Rock, Album Rock, Rock & Roll
Credit: Primary Artist Producer Producer Producer Producer
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Track Listings

01 Hitch Hikin’ 08 Sundown
02 The Wayfarer 09 Somewhere North of Nashville
03 Tucson Train 10 Stones
04 Western Stars 11 There Goes My Miracle
05 Sleepy Joe’s Café 12 Hello Sunshine
06 Drive Fast (The Stuntman) 13 Moonlight Motel
07 Chasin’ Wild Horses 14 Rhinestone Cowboy