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Universal acclaim- based on 907 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 80 out of 907

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  1. JamesM.
    Sep 1, 2007
    Just can't stand his voice and the wannabee working class attitude.
  2. AllanG
    Feb 28, 2006
    Ruuuubish. It's all hype hype hype. As obnoxious as Oasis, but at least Oasis could write a few classic songs. This is pure redundant turgid music. Makes Jet seem like the Beatles. Music reviewers should stay off the coke, because I can't believe the reviews this band is getting.
  3. tristant
    Mar 17, 2007
    Every couple of years the british press and media like to hype a new amazing britishband. So this time its the Arctic Monkeys. Well, dont believe the hype!!! If you find music with absolutely no depth, imagination and generally lacking in talent youll like the arctic monkeys. If however you want depth, melody, writings skills and half decent vocals, youll hate them!!! So dont be a like a Every couple of years the british press and media like to hype a new amazing britishband. So this time its the Arctic Monkeys. Well, dont believe the hype!!! If you find music with absolutely no depth, imagination and generally lacking in talent youll like the arctic monkeys. If however you want depth, melody, writings skills and half decent vocals, youll hate them!!! So dont be a like a bunch of sheep, have a mind of your own. Arctic monkeys are for spotty teenagers who havnt quite yet understood what good music is. In other words they are british press overhyped shit who probably wont be around in a year. Very forgettable!!!!! Expand
  4. JimK
    Apr 8, 2007
    All youth culture and no music, Oasis could write melodies and had taste. England apologises for this music
  5. JoeD
    Feb 21, 2006
    Incredibly overrated. Listened to it once over and wouldn't go threw that again. I dont understand the big deal. Sounds like everything else. Some critics dont have a clue.
  6. DrewK
    Feb 21, 2006
    Damn...this album sucks shit. Terrible. How could anyone in their right mind give this a fucking "10"? I want my $15 back!!!
  7. Jess
    Mar 2, 2006
    What a bucket of hype this is. Come on people , seriously, think for yourselves and don't let the NME tell you what is what.
  8. GaborA
    Feb 21, 2006
    Uninspired talent free rubbish. Naturally its topping charts.
  9. oliez
    Feb 22, 2006
    What a rubbish, boring piece of shit. Anyone giving a rating over 4 probably hasn't even listened to it.
  10. SamX
    Mar 31, 2006
    Everyone at school was ranting about the Arctic Monkeys and this album. So, I ventured out and bought 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not'. Frankly, I was disgusted. What do people pass off as music these days? They bring nothing new to the genre, which is being soured by these bands which fill our heads with mind-numbing '70s style wallpaper lyrics... Everyone at school was ranting about the Arctic Monkeys and this album. So, I ventured out and bought 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not'. Frankly, I was disgusted. What do people pass off as music these days? They bring nothing new to the genre, which is being soured by these bands which fill our heads with mind-numbing '70s style wallpaper lyrics... They've been hyped unto Heaven, which raised my expectations, how wrong I was. Even the name of the album is shallow and a cliche. And 'Ann', I personally listen to The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd. Listening to this album now, I recommend that you let music stand the test of time. If people are still listening to the Arctic Monkeys in 10, or even 5 years time, I'll eat my hat. Expand
  11. AaronL
    Mar 23, 2007
    I only give them one, because they are from my hometown os sheffield. This is an uninspired mess of an album. The lead singer cant even sing for gods sake! I dont know where this hype gets generated. I gave this album a huge chance but it is just not worth the money.
  12. EricL
    Dec 17, 2006
    We get it. You go to a club. Every song is absolute filth. The music is not only lackluster but sloppy, the lyrics uninspired. And this is what the Brits think is the 5th best Brit album of all time. Pathetic.
  13. wilhelmf
    Jan 30, 2006
    the most overrated band of the last 50 years. they've got a catchy single and a lot of boring songs, but nme needs a new idol every year.
  14. MartinW
    Jan 29, 2006
    As Johnny says above: "This CD is boring and just rips off oasis" ... who ripped off The Beatles and everybody else! Warning: "Don't Believe The Hype" (as somebody else once said). We'll see how well The Monkeys fare in a few years' time. Will they go the same way as Hear'Say (the previous best-selling debut album) or The Stone Roses (arguably the BEST debut album). As Johnny says above: "This CD is boring and just rips off oasis" ... who ripped off The Beatles and everybody else! Warning: "Don't Believe The Hype" (as somebody else once said). We'll see how well The Monkeys fare in a few years' time. Will they go the same way as Hear'Say (the previous best-selling debut album) or The Stone Roses (arguably the BEST debut album). Either way, I hope they disband soon, then we can have the next round of "Best-Group-Since-The-Beatles". [I was panicking that I was going to have to give this 1/10. Mighty relieved there was a '0'!] Expand
  15. RobR
    Feb 2, 2006
    "Style" over substance wins again. Hype hype hype, and nothing else. Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian, Editors, Bloc Party et al - get over yourselves, all of you.
  16. silvergellar
    Feb 23, 2006
    Awful. Just plain awful. All been done before with Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine and Pop Will Eat Itself, both who are fantastic. Arctic Monkeys are niot gonna save Bristish music, they are gonna finish it off!! No more!!
  17. ak
    Apr 10, 2006
    They suck lol
  18. NiallP
    Mar 21, 2007
    These gus are amazingly overhyped!! There is nothing inspired or beautiful about this. A barage of noise and commercial garbage. Stay clear if you are a fan of indie.
  19. TiagoR.
    Oct 19, 2007
    Bad really bad.
  20. Victoria
    Nov 15, 2006
  21. KeithW
    Feb 12, 2006
    This isn't painful to the ears, but it is bland. The hype here earns this release a zero because it steals time from listeners that could be spent listening to superior album.
  22. mckludge
    Feb 13, 2006
    The Greatest Album in the History of Humanity. Period. No question about it. You will *never* hear anything better ii your lifetime!!! Go and buy it now!!!!! No score can truly do it justice. Therefore I'm giving it a 0. Ok?
  23. GarfieldC
    Feb 17, 2006
    Really awful. Concrete proof that the NME no longer has a clue. Buy this and you are a total dork.
  24. TylerD
    Feb 23, 2006
    Horribly pretentious album
  25. EarlV
    Feb 9, 2006
    Horrid cack. The hype surrounding this high school level band of jerks would be funny if it wasn't so sad and desperate. One of the greatest bands ever? Sure, and The Knack were the new Beatles, too. A year or so from now you won't be able to find anyone who admits they ever liked these chumps. Proof that rock music in the 00s is in sad shape indeed.
  26. TomH
    Mar 20, 2006
    A band that does nothing new and fills us once more with shallow meaningless lyrics about getting drunk. They even try to be different by devizing an unfeasibly long album name.
    Apr 14, 2006
  28. JDWilliams
    Apr 26, 2006
    Horrible overhyped shit!
  29. Victoria
    May 14, 2006
  30. GraceLC
    Sep 6, 2006
    Arctic Monkeys? Mo' like the Average Monkeys! Seriously, though. These guys are a bunch of stale Jam rip-offs. Also: "Remember folks, these are the same people that brought us the Spice Girls." ... and Gang of Four, the Fall, the Associates, Joy Division, Jesus and Mary Chain, PiL, The Jam, The Who, Led Zeppelin, the Buzzcocks, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and the Futureheads, Arctic Monkeys? Mo' like the Average Monkeys! Seriously, though. These guys are a bunch of stale Jam rip-offs. Also: "Remember folks, these are the same people that brought us the Spice Girls." ... and Gang of Four, the Fall, the Associates, Joy Division, Jesus and Mary Chain, PiL, The Jam, The Who, Led Zeppelin, the Buzzcocks, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and the Futureheads, along with MANY other excellent bands. You were saying? Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. It’s exciting stuff, simple yet deadly effective.
  2. Such is the depth and quality of Turner's songwriting, it plays like a best of.
  3. It's not a totally perfect record, for which we should be thankful - remember what happened to The Stone Roses after they'd released their flawless debut? - but it is an excellent first album, and gives notice that Alex Turner is already one of this country's best lyricists.