• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Apr 19, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 86 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 86
  2. Negative: 5 out of 86
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  1. Aug 14, 2011
    WOW. This and bon iver are the most interesting albums of the year so far, diverse, wildly creative and energetic, a bit like a lovely brew of dirty projectors, talking heads and vampire weekend... a nice brew indeed... but still with loads of originality.
  2. Jul 12, 2011
    "Like an LCD Soundsystem with a more african-orientated style, or a Vampire Weekend with a greater urgency" - That is hilarious. This album is great.
  3. Jun 23, 2011
    Indie album of the teenies so far. Fresh and punky opener "My Country" compels you to sit through the rest of the album in one sitting- and how you are rewarded when you do. From the eerily addictive siren vocals on Gangsta to the soulful and poppy Powa this record is a truly original work. Though I cannot stress enough how much improved it is by seeing Tune-Yards live, pots and pans andIndie album of the teenies so far. Fresh and punky opener "My Country" compels you to sit through the rest of the album in one sitting- and how you are rewarded when you do. From the eerily addictive siren vocals on Gangsta to the soulful and poppy Powa this record is a truly original work. Though I cannot stress enough how much improved it is by seeing Tune-Yards live, pots and pans and sexy live vocal loops of Merrils almost other-worldy voice soon force one to realise that there is some genius at work in the creation of these songs. Dublin rocked for Merrill and she absolutely loved us! Expand
  4. Jun 22, 2012
    Its an exploration of sound and atmosphere told confidently through percussion loops, an electric ukelele, a brass section and a voice so powerful it will knock your socks off. Merrill Garbus takes you on a personal journey that only she could tell the way she does. I fell in love with this record at first listen and seeing her live will make you fall in love with her style and talent. OneIts an exploration of sound and atmosphere told confidently through percussion loops, an electric ukelele, a brass section and a voice so powerful it will knock your socks off. Merrill Garbus takes you on a personal journey that only she could tell the way she does. I fell in love with this record at first listen and seeing her live will make you fall in love with her style and talent. One of the top albums of 2011 and a staple of individuality and confidence in a music scene dominated by an obsessive environment of who can try the hardest to be most abstract. With influences ranging from hip hop, R&B, Hawaiian music and African sounds, this is an original and captivating work told through the distinctive voice of a beautiful soul. Expand
  5. Jun 2, 2011
    One of the best new albums of the year. I was hooked from the opening track all the way through on the first listen and immediately hit the local record store to have them order it for me. This is pop music without any restraint, but with a ton of creativity. There aren't many musicians out there so clearly singing with such refreshing abandon.
  6. Apr 24, 2011
    Like an LCD Soundsystem with a more african-orientated style, or a Vampire Weekend with a greater urgency, less subtle use of instruments and bigger vocals, Merrill Garbus has crafted a very fun, upbeat and surprisingly accessible indie pop record. One of my favourites thus far this year. I'm looking forward playing this on the beach this summer.
  7. Jun 21, 2011
    Surprisingly good, brilliantly weird, and just outrageous! tUnE-yArDs has created one of the better albums of 2011. This is one album that everyone should check out. The best on the album are: "Es-So", "Gangsta", "Bizness", and "Doorstep".
  8. Jun 20, 2011
    One of the best new albums of the year so far. Discussed recently on "All Songs Considered". Strong songs just keep coming on this album...just when you think you must have heard the best one that couldn't be topped, here comes another one. Production value improved over 2009 "Bird-brains" (hand-held recording device)...so the extreme lo-fi doesn't distract from incredible energy andOne of the best new albums of the year so far. Discussed recently on "All Songs Considered". Strong songs just keep coming on this album...just when you think you must have heard the best one that couldn't be topped, here comes another one. Production value improved over 2009 "Bird-brains" (hand-held recording device)...so the extreme lo-fi doesn't distract from incredible energy and diverse sounds. "Bizness" also has a very interesting video also. 9.2/10 Expand
  9. Jan 19, 2012
    tUnE-yArDs is probably the most original musical project I've seen in the past 5 years. Merril's innovative use of looping helps her music mesh so well, the addition of Nate Brenner on bass really puts the music on another level, oh and did I mention Merril Garbus' great voice? A solid 9 from me, not only for the amazingly original instrumentation, but for the songwriting, as she choosestUnE-yArDs is probably the most original musical project I've seen in the past 5 years. Merril's innovative use of looping helps her music mesh so well, the addition of Nate Brenner on bass really puts the music on another level, oh and did I mention Merril Garbus' great voice? A solid 9 from me, not only for the amazingly original instrumentation, but for the songwriting, as she chooses to use some songs for social commentary/criticism as well. Expand
  10. Apr 26, 2011
    Prior to W H O K I L L, I was rather unfamiliar with tUnE-yArDs (That's a pain to write out), and became curious after seeing the music video for Bizness. Now, Bizness is the best part of the album, a phenomenal song, and the catchiest song I've heard in a long time. However, Bizness is the only part of the album that stuck out. Her vocals are interesting and vibrant, which helps, but aPrior to W H O K I L L, I was rather unfamiliar with tUnE-yArDs (That's a pain to write out), and became curious after seeing the music video for Bizness. Now, Bizness is the best part of the album, a phenomenal song, and the catchiest song I've heard in a long time. However, Bizness is the only part of the album that stuck out. Her vocals are interesting and vibrant, which helps, but a lot of the songs sounded the same. Not that there's a problem with that, when listening to the album as a whole, it's nice. But the tracks by themselves sound boring by themselves when played with the rest of my collection (Aside from the previously mentioned Bizness. Still, it's a good album, with nice lyrics and great vocals in the mix. Expand
  11. Jun 11, 2012
    It's pretty experimental stuff but it's a very enjoyable record. A lot of people will know Gangsta off this. It's a good trailer for the record - gives a good idea of what the rest of it sounds like. It's a record full of good ideas, most of them pulled off successfully
  12. Feb 26, 2022
    Very referential but wholly unique. It's an enthralling protest record that moves with a furious arguably appropriated afro rhythm. Spotted with hooky jams with unexpected twists and peaks. This is definitely worth more than one listen.

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 34
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 34
  3. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. Jun 29, 2011
    On the follow-up to her 2009 breakthrough album, "Bird-Brains," Merrill Garbus (aka Tune-Yards) again creates a clamorous assemblage of warm, overdriven kitchen-sink instrumentation, field hollering, layered stacks of processed vocals and a sonic smorgasbord culled from the world cafe-only more so.
  2. Mojo
    Jun 21, 2011
    Genre-hopping in style with one-woman band Merrill Garbus. [July 2011, p. 114]
  3. May 25, 2011
    w h o k i l l may be strange on first pass, but only by its uniqueness, a music whose microgenre would disappear in a whiff were Ms. Garbus to have never stumbled upon it within her.