
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Dec 7, 2012
    If Dark Dark Dark are one of many acts who seem to define the realm of vaguely quirky and slightly winsome indie rock of the 21st century, the lean of the performances tends toward the quietly contemplative above all else, however much in a band context.
  2. Oct 5, 2012
    This forgiving, tender album still offers a welcome, optimistic twist on the normally bitter genre of break-up albums.
  3. Oct 11, 2012
    A relationship breakdown between the band's two founders, singer Nona Marie Invie and producer Marshall LaCount, is laid bare, but with dramatic and beautiful consequences.
  4. Mojo
    Oct 26, 2012
    An epic ambition that bolster Nona Marie Levine's lightly burnished vocals. [Nov 2012, p.96]
  5. Oct 2, 2012
    [The] spirited mischief is sorely missed elsewhere on Who Needs Who, as the album settles into a series of soggy, minor-key piano ruminations.
  6. Oct 25, 2012
    Unusual musical flairs pop up all over Who Needs Who... [but] the style never becomes the substance. Likewise, the drama behind the album's making doesn't overwhelm the music.
  7. Dec 3, 2012
    Ultimately, the band sticks to their proven strength and delivers one of the most restrained and delicate songs on the record, providing a compelling ending to an utterly worthwhile journey.
  8. Q Magazine
    Oct 2, 2012
    Like all the best break-up albums, Who Needs Who bleeds heartache from every lyric, but keeps faith in music as the surest form of consolation. [Oct 2012, p.97]
  9. 75
    Art-pop triumph "Tell Me" puts it all over the top as the zenith of Triple D's young career. That's something to be optimistic about.
  10. Oct 2, 2012
    In short, this time, they've nailed it.
  11. Uncut
    Oct 2, 2012
    A scene of glorious, twilit devastation. [Oct 2012, p.75]
  12. Under The Radar
    Nov 30, 2012
    Perfect music for a seedy, smoke-filled nightclub, though likely to put you to sleep just about anywhere else. [Oct/Nov 2012, p.127]

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