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Universal acclaim- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 68
  2. Negative: 1 out of 68
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  1. May 29, 2022
    Just Song after song after great song!! He has such a lovely aggressive sound, and that really comes out on this wonderful record, Why me? Why not. Everything about it is so tasteful, the themes, the cover art, the lyrics, and music all come together and coalesce into this brilliant, ear dazzling marvel.
  2. May 13, 2022
    His best solo stuff to date. A great mix of stompers and ballads and includes his best solo song, Once.
  3. Nov 1, 2019
    A great 90s style rock album, with sincere and intelligent lyrics as well as heavy hitting rock instrumentals, Gallagher doesn't stretch far from his strengths and delivers an album to satisfy precisely what fans of his style of music hope for from him and too endless quality in all aspects.
  4. Jan 8, 2020
    As a result - I am satisfied, the album has been downloaded, entered into the playlist and will certainly listen. It remains to put on a leather jacket, sit on a motorcycle and - a fair wind in company with "Why Me? Why Not." from Liam Gallagher! (the mood is just that)
  5. Oct 27, 2019
    In my opinion, as a whole, the quality of this album isn't as high as Liam's first album. I definitely prefer the lyrics on this album, to the production. Some of the lyrics are great, but I think the production is slightly lazy at times. A decent effort, but slightly disappointed.
  6. Oct 15, 2019
    Maddeningly simplistic from a musical standpoint and a little too overly reliant on the Oasis-lite formula established on "As You Were", the album is nonetheless rendered an enjoyable, if inessential, listen through the strength of Gallagher's vocal performance and the impact left by fleeting experimentation with folk and pop punk throughout.
  7. Oct 6, 2019
    LG's press release for this was along the lines of if you like singers and songs who do exactly was it says on the tin, meat and veg rock n roll, then you'll like this. While straight up and the antithesis of his older brother, Liam Gallagher is doing himself a disservice. 2017's "As You Were" was a pleasant surprise in terms of the quality of songs on it and it marked a triumphant returnLG's press release for this was along the lines of if you like singers and songs who do exactly was it says on the tin, meat and veg rock n roll, then you'll like this. While straight up and the antithesis of his older brother, Liam Gallagher is doing himself a disservice. 2017's "As You Were" was a pleasant surprise in terms of the quality of songs on it and it marked a triumphant return to the spotlight. The follow up, coming just 2 years later builds on the momentum of "As You Were" with Gallagher teaming up with the same co-writers. While the singles lifted from "Why Me Why Not" are not as instant, once you give the listen a few albums those songs come into their own. This is a superior album to "As You Were", more ambitious songwriting, more risks and more confident delivery. LG is a self professed disciple of Lennon and you can hear nods to Lennon's early solo stuff all over this (particularly the title track). There are probably too many songs built around the "Dear Prudence" descending chord progression on the album but this is hero worship of The Stones and The Beatles done very well indeed. While "As You Were" had a few forgettable numbers and was frontloaded with most of the best stuff on side one, "Why Me Why Not" is more consistent, carries no passengers and just goes further in every way. Gallagher and his team have repeated the trick and improved it. Fair play on that. Expand
  8. Oct 4, 2019
    Our kid is killing his big brother nowadays. Hard to believe but Liam carries the torch of Oasis far better than the brother knocking around with Bono and churning out disco. Classic Brit rock returns with Shockwave, from the first strum the tune swaggers into a great chorus with it's nod to T-Rex's Metal Guru. From here on, if you pined for more Oasis-like tunes your going to be chuffed.Our kid is killing his big brother nowadays. Hard to believe but Liam carries the torch of Oasis far better than the brother knocking around with Bono and churning out disco. Classic Brit rock returns with Shockwave, from the first strum the tune swaggers into a great chorus with it's nod to T-Rex's Metal Guru. From here on, if you pined for more Oasis-like tunes your going to be chuffed. Does he need Noel? Maybe, but not for his songwriting any longer. Expand
  9. Sep 28, 2019
    Um ótimo álbum e com Liam mostrando que ainda consegue manter aquela voz de 20 anos atrás que o fez famoso. Ótimas faixas e bem "rock n' roll".
  10. Sep 25, 2019
    Brilliant second album, Some absolute monstrous tunes on here, which sit in with some really beautiful psychedelic moments. Liam's voice is sounding the best it has for years. Liam is sounding, punchy, in your face, full of swagger. Just like the rockstar we know and love. Standout tracks Why me Why Not, Gone, Invisible Sun, Meadow alongside stunning singles Once, One Of Us, Shockwave andBrilliant second album, Some absolute monstrous tunes on here, which sit in with some really beautiful psychedelic moments. Liam's voice is sounding the best it has for years. Liam is sounding, punchy, in your face, full of swagger. Just like the rockstar we know and love. Standout tracks Why me Why Not, Gone, Invisible Sun, Meadow alongside stunning singles Once, One Of Us, Shockwave and The stomper The River, This album will not disappoint. Get on it!! Expand
  11. Sep 25, 2019
    Great 2nd solo album by Liam Gallagher and a successful follow up to his excellent debut "As You Were". A cohesive and mature piece of work, with Liam doing what he knows best, delivering great catchy rock n roll tunes to sing your heart out.
  12. Sep 22, 2019
    Great follow up album to "As you were". Lyrics are better and more maturely written, but songs still speak to the listener. However, it feels like largest effort was put into first 6 songs. Certainly there will be room for improvement on the next album.
  13. Sep 21, 2019
    It’s not perfect but it’s pretty Good! Everything rock music should be and Oasis could still be
  14. Sep 21, 2019
    Refreshing come back of the greatest rock n roll star of our era. Better songs than As You Were, and in some way is more expreimental and cohesive album. Loving it
  15. Sep 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Brilliant album from Liam!
    Awesome! It’s so refreshing to hear a decent rock album and Liam can deliver one!
  16. Sep 20, 2019
    Great album! The Best album solo of liam gallagher! Remember The Best moments of Oasis.
  17. Sep 20, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An amazing album, I love the guitars and pianos solos, great references from the 60s and 70s rock n roll Expand
  18. Sep 20, 2019
    Great album. Executed the rock n roll Liam sound well. Great vocals and lyrics. Production is clean
  19. Sep 20, 2019
    Liam has allowed not to miss Oasis too much with her songs, and that's a lot.
  20. Sep 20, 2019
    Classic! Dispute in any awards the album of the year! 10/10. Back once again triumphant and glorious!
  21. Sep 20, 2019
    Some really great, tuneful, catch af songs here. Would be a 9/10 if it weren't for a few average tracks. Great stuff
  22. Sep 20, 2019
    Great album. I think this will suit a lot of people. Oasis die hard fans, or juste britpop fans. The album has some flaws (halo is pretty bad). Gone closes perfectlty the album.

    Best tunes after first listen:

    Why me why not
    One of us
  23. Sep 20, 2019
    This is above average album I suppose, although I think Liam fired all the bullets in the first 5 tunes, rest sounds somehow weaker - it is in opposite to his previous album, which was full of great songs from beginning to the end without any weak moments. All in all, it’s damn good album and I’m sure I’ll listen to it for a very long time.
  24. Sep 20, 2019
    Brilliant follow up to As You Were.
    Disappointed that Halo made the cut and Misunderstood was left to be a “Bonus Track”
    Now That I’ve found You is a real highlight, as is Gone.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Oct 15, 2019
    For all the vein-bulging intensity--which reaches heroic levels on standout The River--you're left with the sense that Gallagher remains a great singer short on top notch material. [Nov 2019, p.81]
  2. Sep 27, 2019
    Why Me? Why Not. largely succeeds when Gallagher allows himself to dig deep into his past and get a bit personal.
  3. Sep 24, 2019
    Nothing on the album sounds exactly like Oasis—it’s all too controlled and studio-sculpted—but not a song here would’ve been imaginable without the Gallaghers’ enthusiastic embrace of classic rock tropes.