• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2005

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. The album seems to be one of her most consistent records and one of her best.
  2. Wildflower moves Sheryl Crow one step closer to Hall of Fame status.
  3. Billboard
    A provocative, richly rewarding set reflecting love and life changes. [1 Oct 2005]
  4. Blender
    Wildflower is assiduously intimate: lushly orchestrated, strictly mid-tempo and abundant with musings about balancing freedom and love. [Oct 2005, p.136]
  5. Los Angeles Times
    It all shows Crow as smart and mature. But the giddy-kid part of her is missed. [25 Sep 2005]
  6. When Wildflower works, it works beautifully.
  7. Crow typically does "melancholy" with panache, so more's the pity that Wildflower often sounds outright dull.
  8. The New York Times
    Along with glimmering guitars, she brings on the strings. She risks turning doubly pompous when she combines cosmic thoughts and big baroque production. Most of the time, Ms. Crow gets away with it. [26 Sep 2005]
  9. Uncut
    Wildflower is more satisfying, less self-consciously searching for radio-friendliness [than C'Mon C'mon]. [Nov 2005, p.100]
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 53
  2. Negative: 18 out of 53
  1. Dec 11, 2019
    This album is very cringe. Just generally average lyrics with a clear artificial energy to it all. Nothing all that excited happens and herThis album is very cringe. Just generally average lyrics with a clear artificial energy to it all. Nothing all that excited happens and her claims of "Where has all the love gone?" seem disingenuous at best. Full Review »
  2. ixata
    Apr 18, 2007
    im sory.. this one is dull.. the songs sound the same from a 'helicopter view' of the album.. fortunately, good is good saves the im sory.. this one is dull.. the songs sound the same from a 'helicopter view' of the album.. fortunately, good is good saves the lbum from being rated 1 by me. Full Review »
  3. cédric26,fromfrance
    Jan 19, 2006
    This album is one of the best albums i ' ve ever listened to . And yet i listen to much music (particularly 60's & 70's music) This album is one of the best albums i ' ve ever listened to . And yet i listen to much music (particularly 60's & 70's music) .What stroke me is the very purity of the sounds and the voice . Thanks Sheryl ! Full Review »