• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2014
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 381 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 381
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  1. Jun 28, 2014
    GREAT ALBUM.........some songs could have had more work....but the culmination of all the songs produces a dynamic pop album . Songs like ONE,I'M A MESS AND TINERIFE SEA, show his rather talented vocal ability whilst he also shows his talent with the guitar strings
  2. Nov 9, 2014
    I have not written a review since the beginning of the year, since not many new releases have inspired me, until this one. After one listen of the entire cd, I was hooked. The depth of the lyrics, the rhythms and melodies all touch the soul. While most of the tracks are folk inspired, Ed seamlessly transitions between folk, dance, r&b, and hip hop and rap. This is by far my favorite cdI have not written a review since the beginning of the year, since not many new releases have inspired me, until this one. After one listen of the entire cd, I was hooked. The depth of the lyrics, the rhythms and melodies all touch the soul. While most of the tracks are folk inspired, Ed seamlessly transitions between folk, dance, r&b, and hip hop and rap. This is by far my favorite cd of the year. I would not be surprised if it will be nominated for, and probably win, many awards this year. Expand
  3. Jun 27, 2014
    It's just more of the same... But less. The album has a focus in the lyrics, not so much in the production. It makes 'X' a little less than '+'. They could be do it better.
  4. Sep 8, 2014
    Such an amazing album full of great songs. Ed is proving more and more how amazing and talented he is. I´m obsessed with "Shirtsleeves" and "Even my dad does sometimes", the lyrics are really good.
  5. Jan 6, 2015
    Multiply is one album you can hear thousands of times without having to skip some music, because all aparesentam an amazing and good content to listen. It really is a wonderful album
  6. Jun 27, 2015
    It is the perfect album, as a huge Ed sheeran fun. Very emotional, meaningful lyrics, i mean, it is just perfect, all songs in the album are great. this is included Thinking out loud which is very famous
  7. Jan 17, 2016
    For his sophomore album, Ed Sheeran released a diverse and incredible album ranging from strong ballads in Afire Love and Thinking Out Loud to urban hits like Sing and Don't. Every last song in Multiply is a big success.
  8. Mar 5, 2017
    The album is great, Ed's voice is great, the lyrics are beautiful and so are the songs. I think this is better then + and it blew me away......................................................
  9. Apr 11, 2017
    Ed's songwriting skills and voice are great ( and he's just sooo young). I discovered this album thanks to the song " Sing" which is amazing, but, after listening to the whole thing, I can't decide which song is my favourite one.
  10. Aug 8, 2017
    His 2nd best album (behind Divide). "Thinking Out Loud" & "Photograph" are truly masterpieces. You can listen just every song on this album. There is also catchy songs like "Sing" and "Don't"
  11. Oct 9, 2017
    This album was a massive improvement over the already-good debut album +. While acoustic ballads like One, I’m a Mess and Tenerife Sea are still here (all of which are very good), Sheeran expands his sounds, including hip-hop, R&B and even a Justin Timberlake-esque club song. There is not a single weak spot on the album, even the deluxe version doesn’t contain a bad song. HighlightsThis album was a massive improvement over the already-good debut album +. While acoustic ballads like One, I’m a Mess and Tenerife Sea are still here (all of which are very good), Sheeran expands his sounds, including hip-hop, R&B and even a Justin Timberlake-esque club song. There is not a single weak spot on the album, even the deluxe version doesn’t contain a bad song. Highlights include Don’t, Nina, Bloodstream, Afire Love and the timeless instant-classic Photograph. If you haven’t given this album a listen yet, you have been missing out on one of the best albums of the decade. Expand
  12. Jul 12, 2019
    This is for such best album Ed could have done in his carrier, every song has its own special rhythm and lyrics.
  13. gii
    Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfeito e não choca, melhor álbum do ed e só minha opinião importa. artista de vdd faz assim mores Expand
  14. Aug 31, 2020
    'Multiply 'X'' Another great album by Ed Sheeran and deserved to win a Grammy for Song of the year for 'Thinking Out Loud. Plenty of catchy tunes, along with the usual deep cuts
  15. Aug 30, 2020
    One of his best works, really glad Ed has done something new and different after his debut album
  16. Sep 22, 2020
    Álbum da carreira sim, ed entregou tudo que um artista teve ter ! MEMORÁVEL!, as letras são lindas e a melodia inesquecível.
  17. Aug 13, 2021
    My favorite Ed Sheeran album! Think Out Loud, I See Fire, Photograph, Sing and Nina are a must!
  18. Apr 2, 2022
    X could be Ed Sheeran's best album with good and loving songs that don't get corny, excellent work Ed
  19. May 6, 2023
    His best album, nothing is ever gonna top this album, nothing.
    While the stories told in the album and the lyrics are very reminiscing of + at the same time the production takes it to a next level. This album proved that Ed could easily slip into pop and come on top. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, starting slow with One but quickly changing the pace with I'm a Mess, Sing and Don't.
    His best album, nothing is ever gonna top this album, nothing.
    While the stories told in the album and the lyrics are very reminiscing of + at the same time the production takes it to a next level. This album proved that Ed could easily slip into pop and come on top. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, starting slow with One but quickly changing the pace with I'm a Mess, Sing and Don't. Funnily enough I think the hits from this album are the weaker songs in the track list (maybe I'm a bit influenced by people playing it all the time that I've grown out of loving these songs), that's how good it is.

    It's hard to mention my favorite songs because I would just list the majority of the songs so I will just mention that a key song for me from this album is Bloodstream.
  20. Jun 8, 2023
    This album contain very simple lyrics and very deep music synchronisation .
  21. Jun 23, 2014
    This album is wonderfull,Ed Sheeran is amazing and really **** good.

  22. Oct 11, 2014
    Who knew that Ed Sheeran can sing R&B?And can be so amazing!Actually I hated Ed's music before,this album really changed my mind,and who knew Ed can rap like that?Love "sing" "don't" "I see fire" "The man" and some more songs that are so amazing,wish he can do more this kinda album
  23. Sep 23, 2016
    I love this album more than +
    X is so sold and much variable ..Soul ballad ,Rap and Pop .I like it especially Thinking out loud and Tenerife sea.
    Ed is great songwriter who is good at melody and songwrting
  24. Nov 17, 2017
    Such an amazing album full of great songs. Ed is proving more and more how amazing and talented he is. I´m obsessed with "Shirtsleeves" and "Even my dad does sometimes", the lyrics are really good.
  25. Apr 6, 2020
    x by Ed Sheeran: 8.26

    One: 0.75 I’m a Mess: 1 Sing: 1 :) Don’t: 1 :) Nina: 1 :) Photograph: 1 :) Bloodstream: 1 Tenerife Sea: 1 Runaway: 1 :) The Man: 0.5 Thinking Out Loud: 1 Afire Love: 1 :) Take It Back: 1 :) Shirtsleeves: 1 Even My Dad Does Sometimes: 0.75 I See Fire: 0.75 All of the Stars: 1 :) English Rose: 1 Touch and Go: 1 :) New York: 1 Make It Rain: 0.5
    x by Ed Sheeran: 8.26

    One: 0.75
    I’m a Mess: 1
    Sing: 1 :)
    Don’t: 1 :)
    Nina: 1 :)
    Photograph: 1 :)
    Bloodstream: 1
    Tenerife Sea: 1
    Runaway: 1 :)
    The Man: 0.5
    Thinking Out Loud: 1
    Afire Love: 1 :)
    Take It Back: 1 :)
    Shirtsleeves: 1
    Even My Dad Does Sometimes: 0.75
    I See Fire: 0.75
    All of the Stars: 1 :)
    English Rose: 1
    Touch and Go: 1 :)
    New York: 1
    Make It Rain: 0.5
    Lay It All on Me: 0.75

    20/22 ~ .909 -> 8.26

    Honestly, I was really impressed by Ed Sheeran’s sophomore album, x. It’s an improvement over + with its more diverse music while still retaining Sheeran’s gift of lyric writing. While this problem is lesser here as it was in his previous work, some of Sheeran’s songs in x still sound a little similar. Further, I like how Sheeran keeps his profanity bleeps musical, but it gets annoying how often he uses the same type of bleep. I almost would have preferred if he kept that language in his song Don’t, since I feel like it would be deserved in that context, as Sheeran feels really angry about lost love and how she treated him poorly. There are so many beautiful songs on Multiply, but the standout to me is Photograph, which could not have been a better song and it is one of my absolute favorites of all time. Ed Sheeran obviously took a lot of time and effort working on x, and it really paid off. I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves great music. Highlights: I’m a Mess, Sing, Don’t, Photograph, Bloodstream, Tenerife Sea, Thinking Out Loud, Afire Love, Shirtsleeves, All of the Stars, English Rose, Touch and Go, and New York.
  26. Feb 15, 2020
    I thing this album is beautiful. The album cover is simple, but good. The album is full of non-stressing songs, such as Photograph. This is my favourite song of the album. I put this album a 9 because I think this album isn't perfect, like more others, but it's nearly a very good album, one of my favourite ones.
  27. Aug 30, 2020
    This is one of those albums that defines a year in music, maybe a decade or a generation even. It’s not even that it was just good music, it’s that everyone knows the songs and we’d probably all be able to say we can tolerate at least one song on the album. The singles were great ; Sing, Photograph and Thinking Out loud, and they’re still played on the radio often even 6 years later. ThisThis is one of those albums that defines a year in music, maybe a decade or a generation even. It’s not even that it was just good music, it’s that everyone knows the songs and we’d probably all be able to say we can tolerate at least one song on the album. The singles were great ; Sing, Photograph and Thinking Out loud, and they’re still played on the radio often even 6 years later. This is in my opinion, one of Ed’s best albums Expand
  28. Jul 6, 2014
    X grows on you more than Ed's previous album, +. If you give it enough time and attention, this is a very rewarding album. It takes + and does exactly what you would expect. Multiplies. Adds more variety, layers, and better production. Ed worked with a lot of producers on this album (Rick Rubin, Pharrell Williams to name a few) but it never feels disjointed. Every song somehow manages toX grows on you more than Ed's previous album, +. If you give it enough time and attention, this is a very rewarding album. It takes + and does exactly what you would expect. Multiplies. Adds more variety, layers, and better production. Ed worked with a lot of producers on this album (Rick Rubin, Pharrell Williams to name a few) but it never feels disjointed. Every song somehow manages to seamlessly flow into the next. If + was a 6, X is definitely an 8. Expand
  29. Jul 11, 2014
    Existem alguns estágios na carreira de um artista musical que, normalmente, precisa-se se respeitado para que a jornada do mesmo seja a melhor possível. Uma delas é a transição do primeiro álbum para o segundo. Há uma ordem já estabelecida que diz que o primeiro álbum deve mostrar o potencial do artista para o futuro. Mesmo que seja um trabalho genial é necessário não tomar cuidado paraExistem alguns estágios na carreira de um artista musical que, normalmente, precisa-se se respeitado para que a jornada do mesmo seja a melhor possível. Uma delas é a transição do primeiro álbum para o segundo. Há uma ordem já estabelecida que diz que o primeiro álbum deve mostrar o potencial do artista para o futuro. Mesmo que seja um trabalho genial é necessário não tomar cuidado para não enganado por um belo embrulho e esquecer que há mais coisas por baixo que devem ser levadas em conta. Essas coisas, então, devem ser mais bem mostradas no álbum seguinte para que o público saiba qual o verdadeiro artista está na sua frente. Então, o segundo álbum é o consolidador (ou não) da carreira de um artista. Claro, há várias exceções, mas, em vários casos acontece assim. O mais recente exemplo é do inglês Ed Sheeran. Para a alegria de Ed, seus fãs e do público em geral, o resultado de X (fala-se multiply, "multiplicação") o resultado é positivo. Melhor: o resultado é extremamente positivo, pois Ed, além de se mostrar um artista mais complexo que seu trabalho anterior, entrega um CD sensacional.

    X funciona espetacularmente em todos os níveis possíveis. Começa pelo fato de que o CD é deliciosamente despretensioso. Ed é um jovem de 23 anos que está à procura de um caminho em sua vida pessoa e devido a isso encontra no caminho obstáculos, comete erros e, as vezes, acerta. Mais do que isso: Ed quer apenas viver sua vida. Encontrar um sentido na sua existência. Como eu, você e todo mundo. Essa humanidade é perceptível em cada composição que compõem X dando ao trabalho uma atmosfera tão tocável e identificável. São as memórias, as vivências, as observações de Ed sobre a vida. Com uma preferência para os assuntos do coração, mas sem esquecer outras facetas e também utilizando em alguns momentos pitadas do humor e a ironia típica britânica, Ed demonstra uma habilidade para narrar as coisas banais com uma doçura única, mas sem perder o foco e cair em lugares comuns. Na verdade, Ed com ajuda de alguns parceiros interessantes se faz um expert em contar de maneira o que é de comum na vida de uma pessoa. Como um verdadeiro cantor/compositor, Ed domina suas canções com perfeição. Porém, nada pode preparar quem ouve todo o álbum para a impressionante presença e versatilidade que ele mostra aqui.

    Dono de um tom delicado e suave como seda, o cantor não se apega a isso para fazer as suas performances. Ed mostra uma capacidade impressionante no que tange se adaptar em diversos estilos para melhor interpretada cada canção de X. Ele se coloca na figura de cantor de pop estilo "Michael Jackson" com a mesma facilidade que tem para se modular na figura de cantor indie pop mostrando uma fragilidade emocionante. Então, Ed vira um rapper com um estilo divertido e afiado para depois carregar brilhantemente uma power balada pop sem nenhum momento perder as qualidades de sua voz. Finalmente, mas não menos importantes, as escolhas de Ed para a produção do álbum são acertada no momento que ele decidiu abrir o leque de possibilidades com a adição de novos nomes como Pharrell Williams, Rick Rubin, Jeff Bhasker e Emile Haynie dando para a sua sonoridade um colorido mais vibrante e bem mais substância do que apenas trabalhar com Jake Gosling (produtor do anterior +), mas que também aqui tem seu nome credito em algumas músicas. Não que essas mudanças mudaram o estilo pop indie com base de violão e influências de R&B, folk e rock que Ed mostrou anteriormente, mas com a ajuda deles a sonoridade ficou mais refinada e intensa. O resultado final é um álbum inspirado e bastante coeso que ajuda a mostrar claramente quem é Ed Sheeran. Entre vários momentos marcantes em X é necessário destacar que o melhor momento é a emocionante Photograph, uma balada capaz de tirar lágrimas verdadeiras. Não menos sensacionais estão One, o single Sing, as com uma orientação mais voltada para o rap The Man e Take It Back, Thinking Out Loud que lembra muito as canções de John Mayer e, por fim, a bonita Afire Love. Ed Sheeran tem como o resultado de X, não apenas um dos melhores álbuns de 2014, mas o começo definitivo de uma carreira que vai ainda dar frutos ainda mais impressionantes.
  30. Jun 24, 2014
    The one word that can sum up the whole record is "Brilliance". With "x", Ed Sheeran experiments musically, while not straying a lot from his comfort zone and the formula he used on his previous record, "+". From the first lyric until the last one, Sheeran performs so flawlessly you can literally feel his pain, agony, happiness, love, or confusion. Here's a track-by-track review:
    1. One:
    The one word that can sum up the whole record is "Brilliance". With "x", Ed Sheeran experiments musically, while not straying a lot from his comfort zone and the formula he used on his previous record, "+". From the first lyric until the last one, Sheeran performs so flawlessly you can literally feel his pain, agony, happiness, love, or confusion. Here's a track-by-track review:
    1. One: No other track could have kicked off the album so beautifully, with Sheeran desperately asking a former lover to "always be a friend". My personnel favourite.(10/10)
    2. I'm a Mess: Great track with some great guitar riffs, and the last minute and a half will blow you away with Sheeran repeating "For how long I loved my lover?". A huge concert-bomb, this track is.(10/10)
    3. Sing: The lead single off of the record and the Pharell-driven Timberlak"ish" track is easily a stand-out, specially due to Sheeran's flawless falsetto.(10/10)
    4. Don't: A blue-eyed pop/hip-hop hit about a cheating flame. Obviously, a huge future-single choice. This track says "Rick Rubin" all over it.(10/10)
    5. Nina: A track about Sheeran and his former lover "watching DVD and smoking illegal weed", but finally he asks her to leave cause he'll never stop touring. Good one, but not the best one. (8/10)
    6. Photograph: There are no words to describe this, as many said, Snow Patrol-meets-Taylor Swift ballad. Just like Ed said it would, this track is gonna "change the path of his career". I would give it an 11 if i could. (10/10)
    7. Bloodstream: A bit clichéd, but the song is saved by 3 elements: Ed's soulful vocally-beautiful performance, Ed's perfectly executed guitar-riffs, and the obvious imprint of Rick Rubin on it. (9/10)
    8. Tenerife Sea: I'd be a liar if I said this track is not a great love weeding-ready song. One of those songs that says what every girl wants to hear. (9/10)
    9. Runaway: If this song doesn't become a huge hit and beautiful stop in concert, then I don't wanna live anymore. Once again, this great Pharrell-Timberlake song also says "ED SHEEEEERAN" all over it. He's not trying too hard, it just comes naturally. (10/10)
    10. The Man: If you missed the Streets you saw on You Need Me, I Don't Need You, well here we go back to his great rap, but about a different concept: heartbreak and the loss of an old flame. Flawlessly-done.(9/10)
    11. Thinking Out Loud: probably the biggest track on the album, along with Photograph. Great performance, great vocals, great instruments, great lyrics, great production. GREAT GREAT GREAT. (10/10)
    12. Afire Love: While his debut single was about a drug-addict prostitute, this one is about Alzheimer's and his grandpa's struggle with it. Yep, this is how much Ed's lyrics are diverse. Great heartbreaking closer.(9/10)
    So that about sums up the whole concept of the Brit's sophomore installment: You're Happy? Listen to it. You're sad and confused? Listen to it. Ed Sheeran just shows us just how far his talent can go. BUY IT PEOPLE!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Jul 28, 2014
    The album is good that’s for sure; Sheeran is too talented to deliver a sub par album. It suffers in terms of consistency.
  2. Charmless kiss-offs (“Don’t”) and sappy sentiments (“People Fall in Love in Mysterious Ways”) dominate otherwise, landing with the thud of the authentically uninspiring.
  3. Jul 1, 2014
    X is a vapid and overly confident album that feels more like regression than progression for Ed Sheeran's indie folk sound.