
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Alternative Press
    An album that's for neither hardcore hip-hop fans nor punk rockers, but for everyone. [Nov 2005, p.224]
  2. Billboard
    [Atmosphere] has never sounded as pointed and focused as it does here on its fifth album. [8 Oct 2005]
  3. Blender
    The struggles to get over energize [Slug] far more than the perks of minor celebrity. [Nov 2005, p.131]
  4. But despite the hit-and-miss subject matter you can’t ever get mad. [Slug]consistently does a fantastic job with his (underrated) delivery, which has improved drastically over the last three records.
  5. It's not as good as Ugly, but it's not as bad as Travels, and it's a welcome step in the right direction.
  6. Like Blackalicious' recent The Craft, it displays a real hard-earned competency, something a decade of recording together will get you. But the lyrics lack transcendence or resonance.
  7. You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having is proof that even in the world of indie hip-hop, you don't need to make a statement album to make a solid album.
  8. At this point in his career, Slug seems fully aware of his own routine, and he’s either embracing it with a cheeky self-confidence (read: he’s getting boring) or he’s run out of interesting things to say but still feels like he’s somehow controversial in his honesty.
  9. The first overwhelmingly happy Atmosphere record.
  10. Spin
    At times, it seems like mid-level fame yields too many tour-based gripes for Slug. [Nov 2005, p.103]
  11. Slug hasn't grown a whole lot.... Still, his lyricism and delivery are generally smart and entertaining, and Ant's production goes even further toward making You Can't Imagine... a thoroughly enjoyable record.
  12. The result may be, in a manner of speaking, the most consistent Atmosphere album to date. That is, You Can’t Imagine is consistently okay.
  13. This all could have been a drag in the hands of a rapper with less self-awareness or sense of humor, or without access to the deft production skills of Atmosphere beatmaster Ant.
  14. Unfortunately, the focal point of the album is not on the music, but instead on Slug's lyrics, which have matured at a much slower pace than Ant's slick production.
  15. Urb
    Both a return to form and a major step forward. [Dec 2005, p.94]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Jun 10, 2013
    I felt like the weaker part of this album was it's production. It's not that the production was bad, but Ant doesn't help Slug in any wayI felt like the weaker part of this album was it's production. It's not that the production was bad, but Ant doesn't help Slug in any way throughout this album. I believe if the Alchemist would have produced for Slug or if Eminem had rapped on Ant's beats this album would've been less dull. Also this is basically general hip-hop that the dull 00's had to offer. For Atmosphere altogether my favorite release was When Life Gives You Lemons in 08 Full Review »
  2. Mar
    May 31, 2006
    I don't normally like rap, but I made an exeption for a few and I make an exception here. Smart lyrics, great warm sound, anger and I don't normally like rap, but I made an exeption for a few and I make an exception here. Smart lyrics, great warm sound, anger and emotion. Love. Full Review »
  3. RichardM
    Apr 26, 2006
    One of the most exciting albums, Ive been a listener since I hard the bad dub album that my step sis had. Since the show that I saw last One of the most exciting albums, Ive been a listener since I hard the bad dub album that my step sis had. Since the show that I saw last night. There is so much energy going through and where he plays. Its pure genius how he get everything going. No matter what happens to ant and slug, il be right behind them. Full Review »