• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Oct 6, 2014
    It's a good thing she dug through her back pages and finished these songs, as she's wound up with one of her strongest albums.
  2. 88
    Whatever the arrangement, though, Nicks’ voice--that signature drone that’s gotten only more appealingly imperious with age--defines the music here. Her singing dominates as easily now as it ever did.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 17, 2014
    As a project and as a reminder of a hugely talented lyricist this is a treat. [Nov 2014, p.96]
  4. Oct 6, 2014
    24 Karat Gold is Stevie at her Nicks-iest: a gold dust woman, caught mid-twirl.
  5. Oct 16, 2014
    For as much as her acolytes wish they could twirl in chiffon scarves and platforms, few remain as ageless or beyond the clock as Nicks; in that gap ripples the nostalgia that stains these songs.
  6. Under The Radar
    Dec 19, 2014
    The result is the best sounding and most consistent collection of solo Nicks since her '80s peak. [Dec 2014, p.90]
  7. Oct 15, 2014
    Not all the material is top-shelf, and her voice is starting to show its mileage. But Nicks uses it to her advantage.
  8. Uncut
    Oct 6, 2014
    As befits a compilation of songs that weren't up to scratch the first time around, 24 Karat Gold contains a few tinpot tracks that even the Nashville boys couldn't fix. Most, too, spill over the five-minute mark. But as fresh testament from one rock's great survivors, it makes for a fascinating listen. [Nov 2014, p.82]
  9. Nov 25, 2014
    While it’s thoughtful of Nicks to dig deep into her unreleased catalog, the middle third of the album drags on a little too much as the middle five songs can, and should have, all been cut down by a minute each.
  10. Mojo
    Nov 6, 2014
    Though Blue Water is sunk by its stilted piano arpeggios, Lady, the record's other piano ballad, has real substance. [Nov 2014, p.100]
  11. Oct 10, 2014
    Unfortunately, 24 Karat is stuffed with too many stately piano-and-guitar ballads that return to the same theme of bygone romance.
  12. Oct 9, 2014
    Nothing on 24 Karat Gold comes close to classic Fleetwood Mac songs, but long-term fans will delight in hearing decently recorded versions of tracks that they may otherwise only have heard as scratchy demos.
  13. We get pure Stevie--needier than some might find comfortable, but also unexpectedly wise. It’s too much for the casual listener but catnip for the devoted.
  14. Q Magazine
    Oct 6, 2014
    24 Karat Gold appeals because it's a new Stevie Nicks album that sounds just like an old Stevie Nicks album. The downside is that the modern-day Stevie faces some stiff competition from her younger self. [Nov 2014 p.110]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 24
  2. Negative: 4 out of 24
  1. Oct 7, 2014
    Her voice has not sounded this good since the early 80s. The songwriting, music and production are incredible. The songs have a flow on thisHer voice has not sounded this good since the early 80s. The songwriting, music and production are incredible. The songs have a flow on this album that makes it difficult to imagine hearing them individually. Easily her best since Bella Donna. Full Review »
  2. Oct 7, 2014
    This album rivals Bella Donna or her work with Fleetwood Mac. Several of the songs on this album reach the heights of the best tracks thatThis album rivals Bella Donna or her work with Fleetwood Mac. Several of the songs on this album reach the heights of the best tracks that Nicks has ever put out, including the nicely witchy vibe of the title track, a country hit single in wait "Blue Water", "Lady" (an intimate song that is like a piano version of "Landslide"), and "Mabel Normand", a risky tour de force of a song about drug abuse. Full Review »
  3. Oct 7, 2014
    strictly for hardcore stevie fans. its a pretty long album, with some great tracks like Mabel Normand and the title track, but there are somestrictly for hardcore stevie fans. its a pretty long album, with some great tracks like Mabel Normand and the title track, but there are some misses that should have stayed on the cutting room floor. Full Review »