• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Feb 3, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Feb 1, 2017
    Sure, they're not breaking the mold, but with After the Party, they manage to toe the line between subtlety and vigor, aging into their next phase with another solid release.
  2. Alternative Press
    Feb 1, 2017
    After the Party stacks up with the Menzingers' best material. [Mar 2017, p.82]
  3. Feb 3, 2017
    They blast their way through what will be one of the best punk records you’ll hear this year, and their best album to date.
  4. Feb 2, 2017
    While nostalgia does play a prominent role in ‘After The Party’, the record manages to avoid getting bogged down in it thanks to its ability to keep one eye looking forward.
  5. Feb 2, 2017
    Bursting with new inspiration and direction, After the Party is the triumphant sound of a songwriting duo reaping the rewards of those sacrifices, a group of friends on an unstoppable streak of home runs.
  6. Feb 1, 2017
    Hearing it now, After the Party is delightfully bittersweet. Years on, when time has continued to pass and age has continued to set in, it'll be devastating.
  7. Kerrang!
    Feb 1, 2017
    [An] excitable, artistically emphatic album. [28 Jan 2017, p.51]
  8. Feb 8, 2017
    After the Party might actually be too well-designed for jukeboxes, as the relentless, face-to-the-glass production results in the sad cowpoke shuffle of “Black Mass” and the Meatloaf-inspired “The Bars” clocking in at about the same volume as everything else, denying a dynamic range that’s needed on a record that lives up to its title by sticking around one or two songs longer than it probably should.
  9. Feb 2, 2017
    What is left is a superlative set of authentic punk songs that stand as their finest achievement to date.
  10. 80
    The big hooks, crunchy guitars and foot-stomping jams will surely have fans erupting at live shows for these songs, because the album's such a rich, full novel, musically and lyrically which we all can, or will end up, relating to.
  11. Jul 11, 2017
    Unrelenting, uncompromising, and infinitely catchy, After the Party is a statement album that proves The Menzingers are the best in the business.
  12. Feb 3, 2017
    After The Party is resurgent by rediscovering everything that’s exciting about The Menzingers’ esotericism, and it’s fresh through galvanising this logical step in their thematic journey with a goodie-bag of gratifying surprises.
  13. 90
    After The Party showcases the band at their boldest and brightest yet.
  14. 80
    The passing of time has altered Mr. Barnett’s songwriting for the better. What once arrived in raw splashes of energy has been thickened, complicated and smoothed.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Dec 31, 2018
    From the first moment I heard Lookers in late 2016, I knew that this album was going to be special. I LOVE this little Scranton, PA band soFrom the first moment I heard Lookers in late 2016, I knew that this album was going to be special. I LOVE this little Scranton, PA band so damn much (shout out to The Office fans). Forewarning - I get really excited/sweaty listening to this album, so much so that at the last second I moved it from 6th to 4th. I tried to dial back the words on this review, but it was a challenge.

    Discovering them 6 years ago may have been one of the better things to happen to me. While their previous record, Rented World (2014), wasn’t as strong as its predecessors, I will stick my neck out and say that After the Party comes VERY close to the level of delicious that was On The Impossible Past (2012). And that level of deliciousness is a SPICY MEAT-A-BALL.

    The Menzingers have a trademark punk-rock-&-roll sound that I’m addicted to, and on this record it’s as if they (somehow) upgraded it to be a little peppier. Every track is so goddamn catchy it’s hard not to give this record back to back listens. They’ve also worked out a way to capture the story or feeling of life in the 1950′s without either losing a modern sound or actually talking about the 1950′s. When I say “rock and roll” the opening track, Tellin’ Lies, sounds like something the house band at a bowling alley would play to kick off a swingin’ night of pin smashing - but it’s about working out what the heck to do when your 20′s are over. It happens again in Lookers, Charlie’s Army, Black Mass and Bad Catholics - all beyond comprehension at how excellent they are.

    Lyrically, the Zingers have always been very talented at telling you a story and they keep the blade sharp with some brilliant material here. I suggest you listen very closely as I found quite a lot of the content relatable, quirky, satisfying or oddly distressing. The album cover definitely portrays a man who’s just been on the emotional roller coaster behind him right after he stepped off the Ferris wheel of **** yeah.

    Best Tracks: Tellin’ Lies - Lookers - Charlie’s Army - Bad Catholics - After The Party
    2017 Listens: 400+
    Full Review »
  2. Sep 3, 2017
    Great album about your 'younger' years being over. Lyrically and melodically a worthy record. Loved it from start to finish and can't wait toGreat album about your 'younger' years being over. Lyrically and melodically a worthy record. Loved it from start to finish and can't wait to see what these guys do next! Full Review »
  3. May 16, 2017
    The only thing that The Menzingers got consistently right on this album were strong melodic lines, and the overall song structures andThe only thing that The Menzingers got consistently right on this album were strong melodic lines, and the overall song structures and presentations were too clean and careful for their goals, catering only to refined pop-punk lovers. My Score: 117/180 (Good) = 6.5/10 Full Review »